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Just rolling out of bed this morning. I’ve got one day of E2 left and then I’m going to take an extended break for a while that I’m not looking fwd to. Hopefully the extended cleanse will reset the receptors.

[moderator notice - unnecessary quoting removed]

Hi, Stevenator,
Bear with me, please, but - wouldn't Progesterone work to reset and cleanse the receptors?
I thought that was part of the purpose of the female cycle.
And since I'm overloaded right now, I'm not going back through our lovely site here searching for clarifications. ;-)

But IIRC, Progesterone will clear receptors of E and T, both. My thought being, maybe you could get back on track faster, if you wanted.


(26-03-2023, 07:50 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Just rolling out of bed this morning. I’ve got one day of E2 left and then I’m going to take an extended break for a while that I’m not looking fwd to. Hopefully the extended cleanse will reset the receptors.

Looking good.  I'm going on a break to hopefully reset and clean out my system.

THX MT ....

Good Luck with your break. We just made a bunch of tinctures, with Dandelion being one of them. I’m going to test it out to see how well it works, haha. Hopefully I’ll get a boost. Best of Luck to You.

Hi Dianna ....

I’m really unsure about that. It’s probably a question best suited for Lotus .... Haha.

But sadly, I’m not on PG right now and haven’t been for the last 4-5 months. I’m really itching to get back on it, and hopefully will soon.

I do remember Lotus said to take a break from E2 every so often and that would help, and actually last year in March I had to do just that because of a supply issue. I do seem to recall that I did get a bit of a boost.

Thanks, again.

My uneven skirt . . . .

Feeling some changes happening today. Hoping this is a good sign.  Cool

(30-03-2023, 12:07 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Feeling some changes happening today. Hoping this is a good sign.  Cool
Crossing fingers! Your progress is impressive! I would like to be somewhere close to your size and a few others here.

Thanks, and Good Luck, p_r !!

I’m coming up on three years of HRT and I had four years of NBE prior to that. Best advice I can give is to follow the advice of Lotus. That’s what I do, except I thought I had it all figured out in the beginning and I did cut corners. That’s probably why I lack a substantial underboob. But, I’ve been a faithful follower of Lotus for many years. Her science research is undeniable. Thanks, again.


 I think your progress is very inspiring.

 We have both spent about the same amount of time on the same devices...but my growth is far less than yours is.

 Which doesnt matter in any way except maybe low doses are not as effective.

 Anyway...I also am stopping for awhile but not to restset anything but because I know this stuff causes inflammation and after 4 days off I feel lighter and far younger than my years. The aches in my joints are almost gone and I sort of like people again...but maybe thats getting a little carried away.

 I look forward to your progress.


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