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Starting a program


Well I have decided to take the plunge and need some advice.

A little about me. I am 39 6ft1 350lbs. I been heavy set sence my 20s and fairly shure I have had gyne sence then. Not looking to transition, at least for now, just looking to progress the gyne further.
I'm diabetic(never had a problem with low blood sugar) and have knee problems so I figure thease will serve dual-purpose. 
Sofar I have in my cart 
Swonson funegreek 500mg 
Swonson msm 1000mg

So what else should i add? Is Swanson a good brand?

I am thinking with 500mg fg a day. Thinking of doing it at night with the msm? For a out a week to see how I feel. Or should I do the fg in the morning? Would a fg cram applied to the brests be more affective then a capsule? 

My current program is just massaging and almond milk in my cereal lol. I want to add pumping but need to figure out what cup to get. Is there such a thing as to big?

Any other words of advice?

Here are a few of my starting pics for reference.

Hey Ben .... welcome to the forum. BN is a great place to learn about NBE.

The Project-X thread, along with Breast Growing Notes and Anti-Androgens by Lotus are a great place to spend most of your time. There’s so much information in those threads to soak up and learn from. Lotus has devoted an enormous amount of her personal time and shared the information here for our benefit.

One bit of advice I’m going to offer is something every big guy hates to hear and that is you’ve got to lose weight.

I say this as someone who started NBE on the heavy side and promptly ballooned up past 300lbs myself. So coming from one (former) big guy to another, I implore you not to discount this.

This is especially true if you want to be successful with an NBE program. It’s risky right now for you to add phytoestrogens, because anything you take will go straight to your belly.

When's the last time you had any bloodwork done? You really need to speak with a health care professional first before starting NBE.

Losing weight is about the best advice you can get, because anything you take now will likely make you gain more weight.

You’ve already got a ton of estrogen stored in your belly right now as it is. If you take an AA now without a current hormone panel, you risk compromising your bone density, because you don’t know how low your T is currently.

If you inhibit T, you run the risk of making things worse and what little energy you have now, it will be completely wiped out with zero T. I did this myself and that’s exactly what happened to me multiple times. It was horrible.

In order to proceed with NBE, you should commit to losing weight and get a blood test that shows your current hormone levels.

I know comments like this are a gut punch and might seem insulting, but it’s the cold hard facts. I turned up my nose when I started this to the same info presented to me. I ignored it and I just kept getting fatter.

As a diabetic, you probably are familiar that you need to be on a low carb diet. That is imperative. Do you take Metformin? If not you should consider taking Berberine. It’s identical to Metformin. You absolutely must clean out your liver in order to live a healthy life.

I’ll say this, as I started losing weight earlier this year when my vegetable garden kicked into high gear.

For the last 20 years or so I was on a high carb diet. I had no idea how bad this was for me. Routinely I’d consume a big bowl of pasta or rice & beans and top it off with a huge bowl of ice cream with syrup. Then do it all again the next night for years on end. I’d have pitchers of beer every single night. Thank goodness I stopped drinking several years back, but I’d still eat several sandwiches a day and completely ignore the carbohydrate content of all my meals.

But last June when my garden kicked in, I got swamped with vegetables and that’s all I ate for weeks on end. Next thing I noticed, I started losing weight. I told Lotus about this this, and she laughed and said without me knowing it, I had started the Keto diet and shared with me Dr. Eric Berg’s YouTube channel. Let me tell you, Dr. Berg changed my life.

I would highly recommend that you do a deep dive into his videos. He has thousands of them and a search on his page about any diet matter will give several responses. His videos are incredibly informative.

They’re 5-10 minute chalkboard lectures that are easy to understand. The really interesting thing about them is they break down the science behind losing weight in an easy to understand format that is just as easy to implement into your daily life. I can’t stress this enough. It’s EASY to do!

One fun thing about the keto diet and intermittent fasting, is once you get into a groove of removing carbs from your diet, you’re no longer hungry during the day! The spikes and valleys of hunger disappear when you remove carbs from your diet.

Another thing that has helped me lose weight is to stop eating food out of a box because boxed food is processed and loaded with terrible ingredients that are garbage for your system.

Factory Foods today are loaded with High Fructose Corn Syrup, Hidden Sugars and Seed Oils. These things are terrible for us, and all they do in the long run is clog up our liver with fat because excess carbs get converted to fat from excess insulin production.

Start eating only fresh foods from the perimeter of the grocery store and stay away from any prepared foods from the middle aisles.

One thing I was amazed about keto is that when calculating carbs when reading food labels, is to subtract the fiber content from the carbohydrate content to get “net carbs”. One of the goals to a Keto diet is to get your daily carb intake below 25 grams. This can easily be accomplished by taking into account the fiber content of your foods.

For instance, when starring keto I noticed that one of my favorite meals was hamburgers & hot dogs. I looked at the label on the buns and one bun had 25 grams of carbs and zero grams of fiber.

That means that just one bun was my total carbohydrate intake for the day! Insane! To calm your nerves, there are high fiber keto buns available and the high fiber brings the net carbs down to 6 grams. Not bad, but a hell of a lot better than 25!

One thing I do is as I previously mentioned, and that is I grow a lot of my own vegetables. For years I didn’t grow much in the winter, but this year after seeing Doctor Berg recommend a cruciferous diet, I decided to plant a lot of brassicas.

Cruciferous vegetables clean out your liver. When your liver is clogged with fat, it’s almost impossible to lose weight. Plus, they’re loaded with vitamins.

I would recommend you cut out all sugars, and all non natural carbs even avoiding potatoes and all fruits. I’d also recommend you start distance walking yesterday and dive head first into Doctor Berg’s YouTube channel.

I know this might seem harsh, but it’s coming from someone who used to weigh 300 lbs. with the Keto diet, I lost 40 lbs in a few months. Right now I’ve plateaued and I’m trying to lose the rest.

I should walk more than I prescribe, but I’m taking this diet religiously. I also apologize if you’re already familiar with some of this information, but you have to lose weight if you want to grow boobs and not jeopardize your health any further.

I’d also recommend that you start taking Vitamin E - Tocotrienols, Vitamin D3, Milk Thistle (or Tudca). These help to clean out your liver. If you’re not on Metformin, then Berberine is a herb that has identical properties.

The cold hard fact of the matter is that if you’re not willing to start losing weight then theirs nothing that NBE can do for you without making things worse for you.

You’ve GOT to go in complete reverse to lose weight before you start building breasts. Any estrogens you take now will only add to the estrogens you already have stored in your belly, ie; it’ll only make you fatter.

I wish you the best of luck going forward. It’s not as hard to do as you might think. From someone who used to be 300 lbs myself, I’m hopeful that anyone willing to lose weight will do so because it’s not as hard as we think think it is.

Low carb Keto diet, intermittent fasting, exercise is the key. Even if it’s just walking a mile a day.

You can do this, but until you do, any estrogens that you add to your system will go straight to your belly and you’ll only gain more weight.

You can do this. Best of Luck.

Thank you for the reply. I will always prefer a honest truth to any thing else. 
Yes lotus isnthenforum super star. She has all the knowledge and im very thankful she shares it.
i have read the boobie growth notes and bout halfway through the aa thread. Kinda dreading reading through all 400+ pages of project x though lol. To be honest though I been reading this forum party much every free minut I get for the last 3 weeks.

Yes weight loss is becoming a big goal aswell for me. At my highest I was 430 pounds. I am down to 349 now. Growing up I was always head and shoulders taller then the rest of my class. I was 100 pounds in 3rd grade but I wasn't fat just tall and heavy bones I guess. I did one of the body fat % calculations and if I was to tone down to 0%fat I would still weigh 230 ish pounds. That's if I did that with out working out. I seem to grow muscle as fast or faster then I loose weight. For the reccord I started the year with a snug 54 waist and I'm now in a loose 50.

It's interesting that I never put the idea of estrogen causing weight gain together befor you mentioned it. Kinda takes me back to my early 20s just before I started gaining weight. I used to eat garlic by the bulb like candy. I resently learned that garlic is high in estrogen. Kinda think that's why I developed gynecomastia and had very few friends lol. I unfortunately burned all the tast buds that can tast garlic off so I can barly tast it now.

Yes I am/was on metforman.  Have been for about 7 years. I was loosing weight when I got hit with diabetes and after I started taking it I got different side affects then what normal people get. Supposedly it's supposed decrease appetite and help you loose weight aside from increasing cell insulin sensitivity. From what I gather it does this by also increasing T in the system. Unfortunately it had the opsite affect of the first to. I couldn't stop being hungry. I would eat the big meal and still be hungry. Last month I stopped taking it cause I couldn't handle it any more and have been looking for a replacement.  I will give Berberine a look and see what it has/does. 

The thought behind taking FG wasn't strictly for NBE, but more as a anti diabetic as I read it works with insulin well. Was only planning 2mg a day at most. From what I read I would have to take almost 9mg a day to get any real sort of NBE benefit. The funny part is the FG and MSM arrived today after I left for work.

Last blood work was for diabetes and my a1c was around 7.5. Never had hormones checked. My last doc didn't think it was nessary. I have a new natural path I need to book an appointment as I didn't have insurance for a while. Considering my new direction they may ask for the hormone test.

I wasn't planning on inhibit T any more then I allready do with my regular daily activity. I have almond milk with my morning cerial allready so that's really about it.

Inreally wish I would likenthe tast of vegetables. Other then Romain and raw spinach most are hard for me to endure the smell and tast. Especially broccoli and Brussel sprouts. They make me gag and barf at just the smell.
I would like to try keto but I got to shrink my stomach before I try fasting I think. Also need to cut way back on caffeine. 
Yes I knew about the fiber vs carb thing. Another good food for that would be pinto beans. One of my fave. Going to be hard to give up my favorite mexican foods.

As for exercise it's going to be hard to do with a dislodged vertebra in my lumbar and missing a bunch of my miniskus in my right knee. I'm hoping the msm will help with the knee. Also developing ostio arthritis in most of my joints.
I got a calcium citrate + from Costco the other day and it has most of what you were saying. I need to go back and get some vit c to help the msm I think? my last blood test did indicate I was starting toward a fatty liver. How do you take milk thistle? Extract or pill?

So if taking any phytoestrgen is a not good idea atm, would pumping and massaging still be ok? I still would like some guidance on what size cups to get.

I have been massaging quite frequently and most notably while taking very hot showers. I haven't seen much any growth but today I did notice a couple things. For the first time I was really able to feel the disk that every one talks about. Something about a the hot shower really get the blood flowing. The thing is it's not behind the nipple but a 1 inch ish wide ring around the areola and it doesn't continue all the way under the breast either. Also is the hollow area behind the aerola normal?

Thank you Steve for sharing your experience. It really gives some perspective.

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I really don’t know if massage and pumping would help you.

I had meniscus surgery a few years ago. I thought that arthritis was increasing and I was afeared that knee replacement would be required. When starting Keto, dropping Omega 6 GREATLY reduced my inflammation in my joints. Whereas I used to have to take steps one at a time, I can now practically run up stairs.

Give this article a read and talk to your doctor about this because this stuff works. With your BMI, you'd qualify, and most insurances pay for it up to 90 to 95%. As I understand it, the only requirement is BMI being over the threshold of normal.

I’m not sure what else to say at this point other than good luck. I still hope you look into Dr. Berg. He’s helped millions of people including myself.

I hope things work out for you.

Time for an update
First a special thankyou to stevwnator and lotus for all the help. Without their encouragement I wouldn't be on this journey. 

So as of today I am down to a 48 waistline, started at 54, and at 335 pounds, started at 365. Thease numbers are from July this year. My goal is under 300 by July 2023. Sence my initial post I have lost 15 pounds, mostly water. That's almost 2 gallons of water! Lol.

I have switched to a kieto one meal a day life style.  I say life style and not diet because diet is temporary. Most people do a diet for a while then once they reach their goals they go back to the eating when they got fat lol. Right now most of my meals are a salad with fatty protein. Keeps me satiated for the 24 hours just fine. Occasionally I will have a snack before leaving for work. Usally a couple hard boiled eggs Or some baccon.

It seems I am having an allergic reaction to the fg. I got a new bottle and forgot to check the dosage amount. I went from 2 g 2x daily to 4g 2x daily. Ops. It's given me a rash on my arms and some minor headaches. I stopped taking it for now until my rash goes away then try again at a lower dose. To bad it really helped with my blood sugars.

How as far as boobies go not much has changed from what i see in the mirror. from my perspective there has been a little change. They definatly feel fuller.  I noticed some extra in my cleavage area, and the bud seems to be bigger. About the size of a ping-pong ball I would say, maybe a little smaller.

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I know what it means to take a huge step like this and when I say congratulations, I really mean it. Doing what you are is a huge person commitment, and I’m really impressed.

So, congratulations once more, and that salad looks amazing. My mouth literally watered lol!

(08-12-2022, 09:17 AM)BigBoobieBen Wrote:  Time for an update
First a special thankyou to stevwnator and lotus for all the help. Without their encouragement I wouldn't be on this journey. 

So as of today I am down to a 48 waistline, started at 54, and at 335 pounds, started at 365. Thease numbers are from July this year. My goal is under 300 by July 2023. Sence my initial post I have lost 15 pounds, mostly water. That's almost 2 gallons of water! Lol.

I have switched to a kieto one meal a day life style.  I say life style and not diet because diet is temporary. Most people do a diet for a while then once they reach their goals they go back to the eating when they got fat lol. Right now most of my meals are a salad with fatty protein. Keeps me satiated for the 24 hours just fine. Occasionally I will have a snack before leaving for work. Usally a couple hard boiled eggs Or some baccon.

It seems I am having an allergic reaction to the fg. I got a new bottle and forgot to check the dosage amount. I went from 2 g 2x daily to 4g 2x daily. Ops. It's given me a rash on my arms and some minor headaches. I stopped taking it for now until my rash goes away then try again at a lower dose. To bad it really helped with my blood sugars.

How as far as boobies go not much has changed from what i see in the mirror. from my perspective there has been a little change. They definatly feel fuller.  I noticed some extra in my cleavage area, and the bud seems to be bigger. About the size of a ping-pong ball I would say, maybe a little smaller.

i can tell you how to lose allot of weight quickly. Ive done it over 20 years ago, and currently doing it now.
2 meals a day. Porridge for breakfast, and your normal main meal. 
Admitlly first time round i was doing lots of weights and cardio. If you aint sweating, then you are not working hard enough to stress your heart to pump more oxygen.

Decided to take measurements today. When I took them initially my chest was at 55 and bust was at 56. Today chest is at 52.5 and bust is at 55. Granted there's still allot of flab under my arms but it's a start. I can definitely feel the brest tissue now though. Not really growing but more just staying the same while everything else washes away around it lol 

So the other day I was trying to play with the wify boobs. She said no they hurt. I said fine il grow my own. She said ok maybe then I'll get some reprieve. Lol

Lunch today was a spring salad with 3 over easy fried eggs, 6 large black olives, half a avocado and a 3 bones with of pork ribs

Ignor the scratch marks. My cat is a victim of non consensual cuddles.

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Congrats on the progress Ben, you're doing great.  Smile

(14-12-2022, 11:45 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Congrats on the progress Ben, you're doing great.  Smile

Than you so much. It means allot.

Sence  I got you on the line so to speak I have a question

I was reading the breast growing notes and was wondering if you thought if it would be possable to block the formation of dht and promote enough aromatase to convert most free t to E? Maybe promote enough aromatase that a t booster like tonkat Ali could be used? It seems to promote t and down reg shbg. It also seems to bown reg aromatase aswell.

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