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Project X (hrt)

Hi Lotus I'm a first time poster here,

I'm a Transgirl who has been transitioning now for about 2+ years, in that time I've reached 36DD. I'm happy with my size but I would like more  Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue"> . Though my regime is handled by my clinic I was wondering if I had many options to boost my bust and perhaps hips.

Here is my HRT

  • Evorel 100 (Twice Weekly - Mon & Friday 3x100mcg Patches)
  • Decapeptyl SR 11.25mg (Every 3 months) - T Blocker (Queue for Bottom)
  • Cylogest 200mg (Once Daily for 14 days cycle up the bum) {Began at Tanner Stage 3 about}
  • Estradiol 1mg (Daily for 16days cycle)
  • Finasteride 1/4 5mg Daily

As I'm on patches their effectiveness decreases over the few days before I swap them

Vitamin wise I take
  • Vitamin D3 4000 IU (Once Daily)
  • Tablet based MSM (4x2200MG Daily + 80MG Vitamin C) {Been doing this since I started HRT}
  • Omega 3 1000mg (EPA 180mg & DHA 120mg) Daily
  • A simple A-Z

Here are my most recent blood results we can't get progesterone readily tested, as it requires testing within 20mins of the blood being taken in the UK so requires a hospital visit with a onsite lab. With covid restrictions still enabled I'm unable to get that tested at this time.

I hope you can aid me I don't have much of a limit on size beyond a GG/H so a strong regime I can handle and I do have a question have you had any fat redistribution towards the hips that you could consider permanent?

Thank you for what you do here there are so many pages I need to read upon but I thought why not ask Lotus  Blush" alt="Blush" title="Blush">


(06-05-2022, 02:38 PM)HandofFate Wrote:  

I still have not had any growth. I am trying to lose all the weight I gained because it went to my stomach not my chest.

I am struggling with hunger so I take glucomannan every day. I tried using progesterone compounded cream on my chest and inner thighs. It did make them feel fuller, however the bust size never increased. I have been an A cup for years. No matter what I try.

I am currently taking berberine and fenugreek saponins hoping It will do something.

My recent blood test showed my hormone levels are great, yet I had no growth.

Hi HandofFate, 

Fwiw, If the lab tests are accurate and within reference range for mtf's i believe the issue points to some obvious factors. Meaning hrt blood samples taken reflect what's in blood circulation, which indicates (to me) what you're taking isn't the issue, it's your metabolism of hrt meds. Or more to the point what's active in your target tissues…e.g breasts, testes, brain, hypothalamus/pituitary, adipose (fat) tissue, etc. It's not like we can take tissue samples of your breasts to see what hormones are present or deficient. 

So, I see a few explanations:

  1. You have an extremely fast metabolism. Once estrogen diffuses into the cytoplasm and eventually reaches protein expression it can take seconds to minutes for estrogen receptors for DNA to reproduce, in other words what we want to achieve in new breast growth. The above is a crude explanation but essentially you could be excreting most of the supplemental (oral) estradiol out of your body way to fast. For estrogen synthesis there's four non-genomic pathways to which estrogen can synthesize. I've highlighted (in this thread) what I think is the most effective pathway for estrogen receptors. I tie in certain herbals that stimulate these pathways and for the most part people have had some success. Lol, I'm getting off track. 
  2. There's a defective gene in your estrogen receptors that prevents maximum gene expression for breast growth. 
  3. Your current plan is shuttling and storing too much estrogen to the tummy, thighs, ass and hips, this would be great if the results matched with new breast growth. The tummy holds on to diet resistant fat, aka visceral fat. Evidently there's more dht stored in visceral fat, but the more estradiol one takes it continues to supply stored fat to all the wrong places, unless you take control of it. 
Here I would recommend what to do, however, I want to help you figure out a game plan and for that I need your help. 

Take your time and analyze the above three scenarios of information and come up with a game plan on how'd you tackle it, then I'll give my thoughts of a new proposal too. In fact I will use this approach with anyone requiring help, in this way we can have a mutual agreement on which direction to take. Or you can ignore my take on things completely, I'm okay either way.  Smile

Regards, L. 

(20-05-2022, 12:57 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(06-05-2022, 02:38 PM)HandofFate Wrote:  

I still have not had any growth. I am trying to lose all the weight I gained because it went to my stomach not my chest.

I am struggling with hunger so I take glucomannan every day. I tried using progesterone compounded cream on my chest and inner thighs. It did make them feel fuller, however the bust size never increased. I have been an A cup for years. No matter what I try.

I am currently taking berberine and fenugreek saponins hoping It will do something.

My recent blood test showed my hormone levels are great, yet I had no growth.

Hi HandofFate, 

Fwiw, If the lab tests are accurate and within reference range for mtf's i believe the issue points to some obvious factors. Meaning hrt blood samples taken reflect what's in blood circulation, which indicates (to me) what you're taking isn't the issue, it's your metabolism of hrt meds. Or more to the point what's active in your target tissues…e.g breasts, testes, brain, hypothalamus/pituitary, adipose (fat) tissue, etc. It's not like we can take tissue samples of your breasts to see what hormones are present or deficient. 

So, I see a few explanations:

  1. You have an extremely fast metabolism. Once estrogen diffuses into the cytoplasm and eventually reaches protein expression it can take seconds to minutes for estrogen receptors for DNA to reproduce, in other words what we want to achieve in new breast growth. The above is a crude explanation but essentially you could be excreting most of the supplemental (oral) estradiol out of your body way to fast. For estrogen synthesis there's four non-genomic pathways to which estrogen can synthesize. I've highlighted (in this thread) what I think is the most effective pathway for estrogen receptors. I tie in certain herbals that stimulate these pathways and for the most part people have had some success. Lol, I'm getting off track. 
  2. There's a defective gene in your estrogen receptors that prevents maximum gene expression for breast growth. 
  3. Your current plan is shuttling and storing too much estrogen to the tummy, thighs, ass and hips, this would be great if the results matched with new breast growth. The tummy holds on to diet resistant fat, aka visceral fat. Evidently there's more dht stored in visceral fat, but the more estradiol one takes it continues to supply stored fat to all the wrong places, unless you take control of it. 
Here I would recommend what to do, however, I want to help you figure out a game plan and for that I need your help. 

Take your time and analyze the above three scenarios of information and come up with a game plan on how'd you tackle it, then I'll give my thoughts of a new proposal too. In fact I will use this approach with anyone requiring help, in this way we can have a mutual agreement on which direction to take. Or you can ignore my take on things completely, I'm okay either way.  Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

Regards, L. 

I've seen people get several cupsizes without gaining weight so I think it does have to do with estrogen metabolism. Even gaining weight I don't get any growth.

Would being very obese like some members here help slow estrogen metabolism?


Hi Mel85, 

Thanks for sharing your lab results. Your numbers look good. For reference your E2 is @ 346.97 pg/mL and T @ 23.05 ng/dL using standard vs metric system. I also took the liberty of calculating your free percentage which was 1.81%, which is not bad, when looking at getting that percentage above 2%. Raising the free E2 percentage means more biological estradiol to essentially create gene expression (breast growth and feminization). 

Things I'll try for raising my free E2 is having my Vitamin D3 at 10,000 IU, adding magnesium malate at 1500 to 3000mg, get enough protein, cut caffeine (4-6 cups coffee is okay), dump simple carbs and replace with complex carbs, and for myself i limit carb intake to 20 grams per day, that works for me, everyone is different though. Careful with protein, too much protein will spike insulin and trigger T production. One other suggestion is to lower Inflammation, use the search (at the bottom of this page) option to look up info on Inflammation (systemic inflammation too).

36DD at 2+ years is outstanding growth, I suspect you'll get to your goal within the next 1-2 years. If you have lab results for hematocrit and hemoglobin I'd like to see the results please. It's probably safe to say they'll show in the female range, basically these two test results indicate changes to your blood index and how much (or close) to the female range you're becoming girly. Wink And when we're all wondering how my program is progressing along the hemoglobin & hematocrit is one tool to gauge by. However, the fastest way to measure results is what's happening to your penis. In healthy adult males the ratio of T is 85% to 15% in the testes. I've stated when this ratio is shifted to lowering T and letting in more E2 in the testes and penis things drastically change. You'll experience loss of volume to both the penis and testes. The penis has estrogen receptors inside the corpus cavernosum with high concentration around neurovascular bundle, and elsewhere in the scrotum. Needless to say libido takes a major hit, along with fertility. 

My advice is not to start NBE/hrt if you're concerned about fertility. Think about it, do you want the most viable (strongest) swimmers or the 2nd and 3rd string swimmers? By doing nbe/hrt your limiting the most viable sperm, no need to say more except look at freezing those guys. 

 BTW, sorry for the last response Mel85.

Hi Lotus, thank you for replying to me I just want to say what an amazing read this thread has been for me. It is very in-depth analysis on pretty much everything. As a transgirl coming from a approach that desires to blend the two somewhat I'd love to incorporate a lot of what I'm learning over time. Though I'm just under 50 pages in this is really amazing!

Those bloods are honestly 3 months old now, just last week I had my new ones done, my blocker had started to wear off a little earlier than normal as it tends to clump at the bottom of the vial and you don't get it all out. The previous bloods were done the day after swapping them so this is one day later than usual so you can see the effect of the patches half-lifes

Ah ok I can make that change now each individual capsule is 4000 IU so I'll try doubling that to 8000 IU and see where I get. I've also found a good deal on 180 capsules of magnesium malate rated 2000mg so I'll get my hands on that as soon as possible.

I'm already doing a low carb diet (not keto) just getting rid of the excess since I'm a Type 2 Diabetic. I don't drink coffee just tea and only a single one a day before noon Tongue. I'll def look into inflammation I do suffer with Serrorboric Dermatitis but that's unrelated I expect.

Thank you I'm pretty proud of them and adore them to the point they have names (From my Perspective Left is Sandra Right is Laura). I think I have some older results that might contain those but that's usually when its in line with my diabetic annual test but here is what little I have.

I'll be honest I never had much to begin with, I was sterile even before starting HRT. There has been a suspect of genetic intersex but the price of the test is pretty insane and not covered by the NHS. Funny enough I have my pre-hrt bloods, here.

As my next test annual test is coming up very soon I have a more complete reading I could share, I hope that will do for now. As I've feminised quite a considerable amount even beyond boobies. My bum and thighs are bigger than when I was 17st I'm like 10st 10lbs now so a considerable difference let alone face, body hair has gone insanely fair and some parts have stopped growing all together what can you do, I got a little electrolysis setup at home I do every sat as the laser just can't target them with my freckles and fair skin :3. But as you mention I've lost volume on both functionality was always kind of iffy but I'm trying to maintain for bottom surgery with what little I have ^^;

No worries about the late reply :3


I’d like to know how to grow breasts. I’ve been waiting 4 years.


Sometimes we have to play the cards that we were dealt. There are women out there that are flat and they are still beautiful.

I have worked very hard for years and just have little perkys. I am fine with them.


(28-05-2022, 01:45 PM)Crystal Amethyst Wrote:  

Sometimes we have to play the cards that we were dealt. There are women out there that are flat and they are still beautiful.

I have worked very hard for years and just have little perkys. I am fine with them.

I have a 40” underbust and I’m not fat. Wide ribcage and I don’t have a line down my torso like females do. I need a female feature like big natural breasts to offset my 19” shoulders and wide ribcage. I also have flared ribs that stick out further than my boobs. People ask me why my boobs are down there. It’s bone.


If anyone knows how to grow breasts let me know! I am willing to try anything!


(30-06-2022, 06:56 PM)HandofFate Wrote:  

If anyone knows how to grow breasts let me know! I am willing to try anything!

Omg lol @ if anyone knows how to grow breasts let you know...i've done both (grown breasts and let you know how to do it).

It's ironic (and rude) you choose to post this question in my thread when I gave you multiple suggestions (which I highly doubt you've tried any of them). The person(s) you need to be talking to are medical professionals…take your frustrations out on them, not on the good people here. For the life of me I don't understand why you've stuck with a doctor that hasn't helped you advance your breast growth in however long you say it's been. And yet you come here blasting everyone for that failure, it's not our fault nor is it fair to this community and take your insults and rudeness. Do your own homework, seek out new transgender healthcare, stop expecting others to solve your problems, and stop posting in my thread. 

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