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Day 105

I'm looking at my plan and the time I've been on the injections. I have soon been on Androcur for a month, daily for a while. On Oct 7th I will start to wind down my dosage to every other day for some time, then every three days and so on. Considering my moods and so on, it appears that my T and DHT levels are successfully suppressed which is expected. The injections alone on my current dosage should be able to do it and Androcur has definitely helped to curb T quickly.  My plan is to come off of cypro during the next month and half, keep close eye on how my body responds, if it seems like my T spikes back up, then I'll linger on it for a while longer. Smile

Its day 5, so lowest E level today. I hope I'll feel good enough. Typically the last day before the next shot brings in some slight anxiety but nothing major. So far I'm feeling pretty good.

Today is also a noogling day, I've pumped every other day for a while and thought to try to keep it going. When being gentle enough, one day in between seems to be enough to recover without problems. I can't say enough how pumping with 1/3 of the dome filled with water helps out. It does something to the pressure, it feels very different and much more pleasant and its very good for the skin. There is almost zero discoloration and no bruising on the dome edges at all. If I had the silicone rings on the domes, I bet it would be even more pleasant.

I keep fucking up the numbers, today is Day 105.

Third injection on the 0,16ml/6,4mg dose, 7th in total. This dosage feels better than the lower one.. I might have found the sweet spot for now. The tincture seems to be doing its job, my measurements have never looked this good before and things are again ramping up. I'm having a growth spurt again. No telling how long it lasts, but last days have been constant new records.

My measurements today:
Bust:       126cm
Waist:       91cm
Hips:       122cm

B/W ratio : 0,722
W/H ratio : 0,745

Approx. breast volume combined
1662 units

I got fantastic puffiness going on yesterday. Almost as good right now. For the last six days I have noogled every other day which I might keep on doing depending on if I have the time and energy for it. It seems enough time to recover to have one day off. Using the optimal pressure (-0,2 bar) doesn't give discoloration or bruising so the recovery is quick. And there seems to be something to this pressure... Its said to be optimal to excite cell division and I think that info is sound.

Day 112

I'm having really nice development going on. The current growth spurt which was kicked in by the injections seems for now to be slowing down a bit, but the longer rolling averages seem to point otherwise. I have never before had this rapid breast growth happen before. Some more testament to the effectiveness of Lena's EV.

There's another interesting correlation, lot of little changes I've done that coincide with the most rapid growth I've ever seen. One is taking cypro daily, which I decided to keep going on until the end of the month. From then on, every other day and see how it goes. Another is the Caynne & Ginseng & Lemon tincture which obviously seems to be doing what its supposed to. I'm soon going to order new bottles of the extracts as this promising start calls for a longer experiment on this. Addition of maca into the mix doesn't have done any harm, my energy levels are far better and despite running out of melatonin a while ago, I have started to sleep better.

And the last icing on the cake, noogling every other day instead of every 3-4 days. And doing it by using what is said to be the optimal pressure to excite cell division. This on the Noogleberry pressure gauge is -5 inHg or slightly below -0,2 bar. I mentioned this earlier I think, but I'll repeat, this pressure is quite pleasant. It does feel like a decent pull, but it does not get painful. Some days around +50 minute mark I do get discomfort and stop a bit early. Most of the time I can pull off a full hour in one go without issues. This pressure does not give the most impressive swelling, but it looks like the science about the pressure is legit. Since starting to pump every other day, my breast growth has been speeding up. I will keep this experiment going on as long as I can, when ever I just have the time for it. Taking a longer break at some point probably wouldn't hurt, but it seems that the break between the days and the optimal pressure + using water while pumping is the perfect combination. Oh and I also drink a lot of water before and between the sessions and one more pint afterwards. This seems to help a ton.

Today I got really good swelling from the pumping and just for fun played with the measuring tape... I've never seen such numbers before. Big Grin And the feeling of heaviness, omg how nice it is.

I was planning to hold on about boob pics for a while... But this isn't just about boobs, its about body changes in general. Its amazing how I've obviously gained some weight but lost stuff from my waist at the same time. Safest bet is to say that its the combination of things I'm on. But the latest herbal additions are definitely having an impact on more than just boobs.

What little remains of my hip dips is filling in, boobs are growing faster than ever and I'm so amazed on what's happening with my waist. It appears that the info on caynne extract helping with this is legit. Feels like this stuff has been just quickening the process. In the online trans scene I'm often viewed as a heretic, some are envious, others ask for advice, some times I've been called an outlier and lucky and all that... I think this witch doctor way of doing a combination of conventional HRT and herbal supplements is the magic bullet. At least it is so for me.

I really need to stock up on some things, I have ran out of melatonin and calcium + magnesium supplement. Latter is easy to get. I read something interesting about magnesium, its a good one to have floating around it seems. Another I really need to look into is vitamin C, since our apples ran out, I've likely been deficient in it and may need to supplement with pills. I'm usually too lazy to keep on munching fruits all the time.

Here's some pics I took the other day, a bit artistic, "felt cute". I was wearing my corset and just wanted to know how do I look with it. Big Grin

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Day 113

I have been doing a lot of reading, saving up good info from here and Nexus and something intrigued me that was brought up on BN Discord server a little while ago... And that is insulin like growth factor 1. IGF-1 is essential for breast development, apparently busty women tend to have slightly elevated levels. There are ways to supplement IGF-1 by various means... One of which is DHEA which is quite cheap and easy to get. It seems that it might be better to boost the levels locally to which there are some methods. I read elsewhere that 100mg of DHEA per day can boost IGF-1 levels by 30%. Along with decent T suppression, it should work....

Too high IGF levels can cause all kinds of health problems, some of which are are really nasty, but it seems that slight kick to the levels can be beneficial in many ways. So I'm willing to give this a go at some point, likely later this year, perhaps starting in December as I want to keep on recording my progress to get some more data on how well does the Caynne & Ginseng tincture work. So far it seems very promising, but I'm thinking of two months of this before I make much alterations with anything.

Call me a nutjob if you like, using my body as a test lab may be some kind of insanity, but lets put it this way, I'm taking one for the team and doing this for science. Cool Its do or do not, there is no try. Perhaps I'll come up with something useful and write a book on this in ten years or something. If I do, would YOU  buy it?

Oh and here's an update with a visible difference, my nipples are getting MUCH bigger lately and its happening fast. I took this photo this morning, it was a bit cold and I touched them gently for a bit... I'm still disappointed with my areolas, I wish they'd get bigger... But at least it seems that finally I'm getting decent nipples.

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Would you sign it for me??
You look wonderful Didi.
I think your amazing!
Personally I love the smaller well proportion areolas/nipples my self. and yours are just right.
very kissable, sorry had to throw that in.

(13-10-2021, 12:29 PM)Happyme Wrote:  YOU BET I'D BUY YOUR BOOK!
Would you sign it for me??
You look wonderful Didi.
I think your amazing!
Personally I love the smaller well proportion areolas/nipples my self. and yours are just right.
very kissable, sorry had to throw that in.

Hahaha, thanks Bobbi. <3 <3

Of course I'll sign it. xD I'm a musician, I'm kinda used to signing stuff. Tongue

By the way... Its pumping day, day five of the cycle so I've been on kinda shitty mood... But getting new records with the pump always fixes it as its so euphoric. If the old signs hold and what I get from noogle now is a permanent state in less than a year... Then this is mind blowing.

Combined volume measured at 2175 breast units, by volume only that corresponds to.... Dare I even say? 80 L on my current band length. (Before somebody jumps on my throat for this, its by volume only, that doesn't correspond 1:1 with what fits the best with my frame and breast shape, that would be 1-3 sizes less.)

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(13-10-2021, 02:09 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(13-10-2021, 12:29 PM)Happyme Wrote:  YOU BET I'D BUY YOUR BOOK!
Would you sign it for me??
You look wonderful Didi.
I think your amazing!
Personally I love the smaller well proportion areolas/nipples my self. and yours are just right.
very kissable, sorry had to throw that in.

Hahaha, thanks Bobbi. <3 <3

Of course I'll sign it. xD I'm a musician, I'm kinda used to signing stuff. Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">

By the way... Its pumping day, day five of the cycle so I've been on kinda shitty mood... But getting new records with the pump always fixes it as its so euphoric. If the old signs hold and what I get from noogle now is a permanent state in less than a year... Then this is mind blowing.

Combined volume measured at 2175 breast units, by volume only that corresponds to.... Dare I even say? 80 L on my current band length. (Before somebody jumps on my throat for this, its by volume only, that doesn't correspond 1:1 with what fits the best with my frame and breast shape, that would be 1-3 sizes less.)

Looked back at day one on HRT and can see a diffence both in shape and volume. I wonder what you will look like in a year.


(16-10-2021, 07:31 AM)Kale Wrote:  Looked back at day one on HRT and can see a difference both in shape and volume. I wonder what you will look like in a year.

Yea, they've grown a lot since I started HRT. Right now its day 117 so I'm almost four months in. Smile In a year, I hope I would be already at my goal size. If this same pace keeps on going, I will be past that goal. But I presume things may slow down at some point. But then again, I seem to always get some new development when I change something.

Day 118

Four month HRT update. I got nothing special to tell, except that boobie fluctuation goes as expected, they're growing again after week and half of being dormant. Oh and Its time for a monthly picture update.

This is what has happened in the last four months.


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