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I have some questions regarding NBE. I am deciding wether or not I want to start feminizing my body, and these are some of the questions I have:

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family? How about your schooling or job?

Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?


(25-04-2021, 02:52 PM)Lots of thought Wrote:  

I have some questions regarding NBE. I am deciding wether or not I want to start feminizing my body, and these are some of the questions I have:

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?
Yes, They did not grow fast enough or large enough, before I became aware of the damage I was doing to my body as a whole

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family?
Had a few fights and snide remarks, but fortunately I didnt go all the way to the point of no return
How about your schooling or job?
Stayed male, just let my hair grow and light make up, not dramas

Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?
Just a little self consious when I go to the pool, I have a good A cup but I can blame that on aging and weight gain.

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?
At times I'm very pleased to have real me that fits in a bra, but my life goals have changed and being Femme 24/7 has gone away. I am happy to dress in the evening and androgynous the rest of the day,

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?
It would be much less stressful for most of my life if i never tried on a pair of panties and a bra


(25-04-2021, 02:52 PM)Lots of thought Wrote:  I have some questions regarding NBE. I am deciding wether or not I want to start feminizing my body, and these are some of the questions I have

  Some pretty good questions so will take a stab at them too.

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?
Only that in my eagerness for reluts at times was reckless doing things which may have had negative results on my health.

doing NBE affect your family and extended family? I don't tell them though im sure they notice.

 How about your schooling or job?

Only my 2 closest colleagues know, they were shocked but okay now. Often casually ask how my boobs are? Are they growing? etc. Actually I have the same bra size and one of their wives, has even asked if he can cop a feel to see if they are like his wife. Eeeew No! Not letting my best friend grope a boob! But yes they are okay with it 

life changed now that you have a new package on your chest? 

For the most part, no. Just I cannot go swimming anymore, unless I wore a bikini, even a wet t-shirt makes people look and feel like I'm trying to enter a contest but that's a small sacrifice.

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?

Absolutely no regrets apart from those I wrote at the top. Very happy.

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?

No I would go back to when I was a child and convince my parents to take me for injections to block T and stop me from having to go through male puberty.

Edit - Guess the quote from Bobby didn't come through;
Bobby wrote >> It would be much less stressful for most of my life if i never tried on a pair of panties and a bra

That moment I put on panties did more to me mentally than growing boobs.  My wife wanted me to try on a pair of panties that were too big for her, so I put them on (for her).  This changed me far more than my developing my chest.  Just putting them on in front of her sent such a sexual sensation, next thing I was at walmart shopping for panties.  Now I have an entire drawer of women's underwear and wearing them 24/7.   

I used to think I could grow boobs and still be "100% male", but now sitting around in a sexy pair of panties massaging my tits with PM has me questioning my manhood...  I'm really afraid to try on a bra, but know the time is coming.

I used to love to wear knee-highs & thigh-highs under my business suits in place of socks, along with silk tap pants or boxers.

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?
No - I love my breasts and play with them all the time.  I do wish I had started earlier

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family?
No one has ever mentioned my breasts to me, even being a 38 B

How about your schooling or job?
Grew after both

Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?
No - , but don't go swimming with family

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?
No regrets, love my breasts and wearing a bra (panties too)

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?
Yes, much earlier than when I did.

These are good questions to ask at the outset, and worth checking in with oneself over time.

Do you have any regerts after going through NBE?

I regert using Cimetidine which further shrank my pemis. 

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family? 
I lost the ability to have sex. 
How about your schooling or job?
Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?
I am more cautious on the beach. 
Are you happier now or do you have regrets?
I love myboobs. I regert losing my functioning pemis
If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?

I love myboobs. HRT is ten times more better than pueraria mirifica. 

If I had it to do over and know what I know now, I would avoid Cimetidine
and I’d find a source for Androgel to hopefully be able to maintain size and 
function of pemis. Other than that, I love myboobs.

(25-04-2021, 02:52 PM)Lots of thought Wrote:  

I have some questions regarding NBE. I am deciding wether or not I want to start feminizing my body, and these are some of the questions I have:

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family? How about your schooling or job?

Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?

I am just at the beginning of my journey, and feel both excitement and regret.  Six months ago I was in the gym, powerlifting, taking T boosters, and felt 100% male.   I started taking SP for a prostrate issue and within a couple weeks, my nipples were engorged and tingly.   I came across this site when googling it and became very amazed that guys could grow real breasts.   I started experimenting just topical lotions with Fennel and Fenugreek extracts ( and just added some PM  ) just to see what would happen.   

It has become an obsession.   I am up at 5am massaging my breasts with herbs, and using a noogleberry before work for at least 30 minutes every morning and night.     As I sit here, I feel tingles and a dull ache in my breasts asking myself, what the hell am I doing, but continue to do it?     I am very sensitive to herbs and just started adding PM in addition to the SP and fennel. I have no doubt I will have some very obvious breasts if I continue. I had a slightly heavy chest to start, but now that the budding has started it's impossible to hide. 

My wife has obviously noticed and knows about the herbs and seems cool with it. She is encouraging me also, and really gets into playing with my chest and nipples.  She recently gave me a pair of bikini underwear and asked me to model them for her, within days I was out buying my own women's underwear and wearing them almost full time.  All she asks is for me to stop if I have any issues performing, which so far hasn't been an issue.   For some reason, my sex drive is through the roof lately.  

Today, she gave me one of her old bras that was too tight on her and asked me to model it for her.  She put an extender on the band so it could latch. It's a C - cup and I was shocked how well I filled it out.  Four months ago, if you would have told me I will be wearing a bra and panties,  I would have thought that was insane.    It's simple,  do you want this to be you?

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(27-04-2021, 10:40 PM)sloppyassho Wrote:  
(25-04-2021, 02:52 PM)Lots of thought Wrote:  

I have some questions regarding NBE. I am deciding wether or not I want to start feminizing my body, and these are some of the questions I have:

Do you have any regrets after going through NBE?

How did doing NBE affect your family and extended family? How about your schooling or job?

Has life changed now that you have a new package on your chest?

Are you happier now or do you have regrets?

If you could, would you go back in time and tell yourself to now grow breasts?

I am just at the beginning of my journey, and feel both excitement and regret.  Six months ago I was in the gym, powerlifting, taking T boosters, and felt 100% male.   I started taking SP for a prostrate issue and within a couple weeks, my nipples were engorged and tingly.   I came across this site when googling it and became very amazed that guys could grow real breasts.   I started experimenting just topical lotions with Fennel and Fenugreek extracts ( and just added some PM  ) just to see what would happen.   

It has become an obsession.   I am up at 5am massaging my breasts with herbs, and using a noogleberry before work for at least 30 minutes every morning and night.     As I sit here, I feel tingles and a dull ache in my breasts asking myself, what the hell am I doing, but continue to do it?     I am very sensitive to herbs and just started adding PM in addition to the SP and fennel. I have no doubt I will have some very obvious breasts if I continue. I had a slightly heavy chest to start, but now that the budding has started it's impossible to hide. 

My wife has obviously noticed and knows about the herbs and seems cool with it. She is encouraging me also, and really gets into playing with my chest and nipples.  She recently gave me a pair of bikini underwear and asked me to model them for her, within days I was out buying my own women's underwear and wearing them almost full time.  All she asks is for me to stop if I have any issues performing, which so far hasn't been an issue.   For some reason, my sex drive is through the roof lately.  

Today, she gave me one of her old bras that was too tight on her and asked me to model it for her.  She put an extender on the band so it could latch. It's a C - cup and I was shocked how well I filled it out.  Four months ago, if you would have told me I will be wearing a bra and panties,  I would have thought that was insane.    It's simple,  do you want this to be you?
There are a few creases in that bra, but utmost RESPECT! It's a c cup. All of my new bras are a 36 b which 2 months ago I wasn't stretching enough so they sort of had those creases in the fabric too. But now stretching and filling them so it wIll happen. Wish i could model a c cup too. But back to stuff, a lot doesn't help a lot. Go slowly, I have in the last few months absolutely lost interest in my boobs and have drastically reduced my 'medication' as I really dont care much anymore. Now in constant growing pains, hurts so much at times so don't overdo it whatever you decide to do, a lot doesn't help a lot. Always ask here, there are so, so many knowledgable people ready to help.

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