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Ainterol 69 Days Bustomizer Experience Log


Hello Everyone,

When i went looking for information on this new(er) spray from Ainterol, I could find very little on it. So i bought one and decided to share my use experience with it for anyone else to find. I keep this log primarily on Ainterol's forum but thought i would duplicate it here for people not on other forums. Cheers! Teri

October 9, 2020

<meta charset="utf-8">Hello Everyone,

I have been on PM capsules and PM cream along with a host of supplements and massage for about 8 years now. Currently i am on a maintenance of just the PM Breast Cream, Progesterone Cream and chi massage 2x a day or when i can.

I recently tried the X-R1 atomizer when the breast cream became unavailable due to Covid. I found it to make my nipples itch kind of the way they used to when i was actively trying to grow. This would seem to indicate that there is a higher concentration of PM in the X-R1 atomizer than in the cream. Not sure how much more but enough for me to feel a difference. I had to limit its use though due to a rash that forms after about a week or 2 of use. It goes away after a few days of stopping. I do not get a rash with the creams.

I have just received my order of 69 Days. Although i looked to see what the difference is between X-R1 and 69 Days, there is not much information out there and not many reviews. so I thought i would start one here. I will try to record my experiences here so that if anyone else wants to try, at least they'll have a little more information.

The bottles are of a similar design and size (both 50ml with a pump actuator). The color of the liquid is different with the 69 Days liquid being a little lighter and cloudier in color.

Ingredient wise, they appear to have the same basic ingredients with the difference being that in addition to everything X-R1 has, 69 Days also includes the following:

  • glycolipid
  • phospholipids

It should be noted that the one thing both the sprays contain that the cream does not is Panax Ginseng Extract. If my rash situation continues with 69 Days, i may be allergic to this ingredient.

I'll start using 69 Days soon and let you know my experience.



[note: Breast Nexum does not seem to allow photos to be posted. If the policy changes, then i will post the images that are supposed to go with these posts.]

<meta charset="utf-8">October 10, 2020

I think I will start today. Here is my baseline bust and underbust measurement.

[Underbust measurement - 37.5"

Bust measurement - 43"]

As noted, i have been on PM for about 5 years and may have reached my maximum size already. This is just to see how the product feels compared to the X-R1 atomizer that i have tried on and off for the last 3 months as well as see if i can get any incremental change with higher doses of PM.


<meta charset="utf-8">October 10, 2020

Took my first dose of 69 Days. There are definitely some differences in the formulation compared to X-R1.

X-R1 feels sticky when you apply it. It spreads easily enough on the skin, but your hands have this tacky sticky residue that easily washes off. X-R1 also has a definite smell to it. Sort of herby, not unpleasant, but definitely noticeable. It goes away once it is absorbed into the skin. At least i hope so. I can't quite get my nose to my boobs!

69 Days is not sticky. After you spray it on, it has a slightly viscous feel to it, almost like an oil, but there is no stickiness to the formulation. Also, there is no smell. There may be a slight scent when you are putting it on, but it goes away quickly and i can't smell anything from it.

I use two half way pumps on each breast and rub each one in with about 1/8 of a tsp of the PM breast cream on each breast. I know that's more PM but that was what i was doing before and i like how the cream makes my skin feel. I rub both in with a chi massage motion, 100 cycles. I then finish with a progesterone cream and chi massage, 200 cycles.

I'll repeat this later tonight.

I probably won't report back every day unless something happens. I will try to update every few days to once a week.


October 15, 2020

I have just restarted applying the 69Days spray starting last night.

I'm applying half a press of the spray two times per boob (to get more of the liquid over the surface) 2 times per day.

It definitely is less sticky than the X-R1 and there is less odor as well.

One thing i thought was odd was that usually by the second day, i start getting that itchy feeling in the nipples. That has not happened yet.  I'm going to assume that 69 Days has at least as much PM in it as X-R1 so this was unexpected. Could be the different formulation.

I will keep you updated.



I've been on 69 Days for a little more than a week now. I've increased the dose to 2 full sprays per breast followed by a small amount of PM Breast Cream and Progesterone cream and work it in with 300 rotations of chi massage.

One thing that i'm doing different in addition to advancing to 2 full sprays is i'm spraying the 69 Days on first and then working it in before I apply the Breast Cream. Before i was applying the spray and immediately applying the breast cream and working them in together.

I've found that when i do this, the 69 Days becomes a bit stickier. Don't know if that means anything.

I have not taken a breast measurement, but would not expect any changes after only a week. I will say that i have not developed a rash yet. There is some slight tingling in the nipples and maybe some increased sensitivity, but my nipples were already pretty sensitive before i started. Still not as much tingling and itching as X-R1 and no rash either.


<meta charset="utf-8">October 27, 2020

12 days into my 69Day addition to my maintenance therapy. I'm showing a little less than a .5" increase in my bust line. This could be just a measurement error. But we'll see. Underbust measurement has stayed stable at 38"

Pictures have been taken, but i don't know how to add a photo to a reply on this site. 


Check your User CP settings.

(28-10-2020, 01:08 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Check your User CP settings.

Thank you Stevnator,

I have checked my User CP settings/options. there is nothing to indicate that i shouldn't be able to post an image.

I will try to post a sample image to this reply and see if it sticks.

Well, it looks like i won't get that chance. When i go to attachments and choose new file, it shows the file name of the image i've selected, but when i go to either view my attachment or add attachment, it tells me there is no attachment. So for some reason, the attachment is never being added or uploaded to my messages.

Thank you,



November 12, 2020

It has been a little under one month on 69 Days. At 2 sprays per breast per day (with a few missed doses) there is still more than half the bottle left. No itchiness or rash, so i think it is safe to say that i am not allergic to this formulation like i was to X-R1.

I don't think they look any bigger, but after only a month i did not expect any visible size difference. My boobs do feel fuller and perhaps a bit...i don't know...more substantial? I hesitate to say denser, but that may be as good a word as any. They feel like there is more when i cup them, lift them or shake them.

Again, i'm on 2 sprays of the 69 Days Bustomizer, PM cream, progesterone cream and 300 rotations of Chi massage.

I'll try to take measurements next time.



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