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Hello all,

So, the backstory first. I've never been a particularly "manly" man; I've always been a little on the heavy side, with most of my fat residing in my thighs and hips ( it's made shopping for pants an ordeal for a decade now), I tended to cry easily when I got upset, and I always wanted longer hair (though I never was able to grow it out at all due to school). In college (where I was finally letting my hair grow out some), I was mistaken for a woman several times, despite never even trying to look feminine. This is all to say that it may be possible that I've always lived with lower T/ higher E, but it never crossed my mind to check, so I can't know for sure. 

More recently, I stumbled across this site, as well as an herbal supplement that my mother had bought a long while back and had forgotten about in the back of the cabinet. It was a blend of a number of phytoestrogenic herbs from an essential oils company. The idea of developing breasts had fascinated me, so I decided to try a dose of the pills in the bottle (I was also very, very bored). That night, I was on cloud 9. I felt unbelievably warm, calm, and happy as I went to bed, and I loved it. I haven't felt that way again since that first dose, but I kept on taking them every day afterwards- partly because I wanted to feel that way again, and partly because I was convinced these things would be able to at least get me started growing my breasts. Eventually, I realized that bottle wasn't going to last forever, but asking my mother to buy another when she had never taken more than one dose herself would have been... suspicious. I had to find and buy my own products.

 I started looking around for topical creams primarily, because I am on a medicine that is a bit taxing on the liver, and (while not a necessity) hoped to bypass the liver altogether. I found a cream called Ostaderm, which had both kinds of estrogen and progesterone in it. I ordered a bottle, and it seemed to also be effective, but it wasn't going to last long, and was kinda pricey. I continued researching methods on here, and finally decided to just go straight to PM, since it seemed to be the most widely used and effective thing on the site. I bought three bottles of the Ainterol 20 year anniversary edition, which should last up to 5 months, depending on how high I dose (which won't ever be more than 1500mg a day, again gotta be a tad careful with my liver). 

I also rummaged through the medicine cabinet for other supplements, since I knew from reading that other things can and should be taken in conjunction with the PM. As a result, I'm also taking some green tea extract, 1000mg coconut oil capsules, 600mg FG, and 600mg Caltrate (calcium and other minerals) tablets everyday, as well as 1000mg PM.

As of this writing, I've been on PM and these other supplements for just four days. My chest has begun itching a lot these last few days (started driving me crazy last night, had to find the prescription strength hydrocortisone to get it to stop), and this morning I woke up to a sore, tender firmness under each nipple. I also seem to smell... sweeter, somehow. Perhaps it's because I was already preparing my body over the course of the last month or two, but I honestly wasn't expecting such obvious progress so quickly. It's exciting and fascinating, seeing my body change so quickly, even if the effects don't always feel terribly pleasant. 

There's a lot of other details I want to include, but this intro is already long enough (not to mention figuring out how to include them without being awkward or tmi is a problem), so I'll be leaving things here for now. If you'd like, feel free to ask me any questions; I'll be glad to share more. In the meantime,
I'll be looking forward to this journey of mine, wherever it takes me.

Hi Myrrh, you found a good place here

Welcome to the group. I wouldn't worry at all about the TMI factor...people can just move on. And certainly don't feel embarrassed; people don't know who you are and the really embarrassing stuff can be the most helpful to others.

Here I am, remembering this site three and a half years later. I come back and read this post, and all I can think is one thing:


Might as well post an update here, lol: it took me a while, but I realized that I am, in fact, a trans girl. I've been on full on HRT for two and a half years now, and I'm so, so much happier living this way. Also, I've been having tons of growth since switching to HRT, especially injections recently: I'm almost certainly a C cup now! Considering this journey essentially started here with me pursuing this deep desire I had for my own breasts (I literally bought estradiol pills before I even realized I was trans, lol), I'll always be eternally grateful to have found a place where I could feel safe enough to explore myself in this way, even without my egg cracking first.




Happy to read you have found who you really are --keep us posted of your progress  Smile

Its always so lovely reading these kind of posts. Self discovery is something amazing. Leads to often so much better lives. Hug

Welcome back, thanks for sharing your story of transformation, it is inspiring and beautiful.

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