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Ive just about scratched my hair out.  I grew up in the Church, still haven't figured out why this is my destiny and went on-line to ask a group of clergy counselors for help.  My question was simple... if this is whats to be why wasn't it from the get-go?  I was a little hurt when the volunteer counselor said God would never ask / suggest / tell you are a transgender woman. I don't get it. Why are people afraid of transgender persons.  Do they have a low IQ, are the scared, or are the jealous?  If we accept Good, we must accept Evil is the opposite.  If we accept Male, we must accept Female is the opposite.  And guess what, it doesn't stop at that point and many variations do exists.  I'm lost at why its so bad just to be who / what you are.  They cut me off on-line?   Sorry for the rant.

Growing up in the church, shame about myself is one of the biggest obstacles I have faced. Even now a lot of the messages I received from Christianity has a big impact on how I view and feel about myself--even as it's been years since I've stopped believing God is against transitioning or feminizing or anything in the LGBT* realm. Christianity is really bad at these issues for a number of reasons, but homophobia (afraid of being attracted to someone who has or had a penis) and a general rejection of science (so a failure to understand what's really going on here) probably play the biggest roles.

If you've got the spare cash, I highly recommend the book Ambi-Gendered: God's Special Gift by the woman (her name is Dianna) who runs the MyEvanesce website/store. It's short (really more of a booklet), but I found it worth every penny.

Just goes to show what a complete load of crap religion is ??????

I believe in something up there , but certainly not the bullshit rules and dogma of the so called worshipers and guiders ?


for what it`s worth, here are some of my findings too.
I`m a Born again Christian, and if you beleive what some other "christians" say, then I should be technicaly Impossible!
you see I found out about my trans and Bi status AFTER I was born again, This should be entirely impossible! the devil and the demons have absolutely no claim or power over me, I`m Saved. and since transitioning I`m also Much closer to God now than I`v ever been! he is most assuredly Present in my life at all times, sometimes so close I can feel it! so if it were demons or the devil or in fact a Sin, surely that takes me Further away? and as a saved soul, shouldn`t even be possible, and yet here I am! Just a girl that knows that God still loves her.

I find the really crazy part when I get shunned in trans circles because i`m a Christian and get bullied because of it and thus I`m "forced" to leave, and I get the exact same treatment in Christain circles too! LOL I don`t belong anywhere.

and that`s OK too, I put my faith in Jesus, NOT his followers! Cool

and if you want to get Really smartass with them when they throw leviticus at you that men shouldn`t dress as women, and women shouldn`t dress as men...
just say: "i couldn`t agree more! i stopped my 48 year habit of crossderessing because of this" Big Grin

and I`m pretty sure that Christ taught us Not to Judge others too, they seem to overlook that bit! xx

Reading berween the lines of some ranting by so called Christians.

Its imposible for anyone to be transgender. To accept that its possible for a female sole to be trapped in a male body would be to admit that god makes mistakes, as god never makes mistakes then its nit possible for a female to be trapped in a male body, so it must be the devils work, and you are living in sin.

And this is why I am not only Atheist, but Anti-theist.

What is religion? 
1) It was an ancient way to describe anything that the lack of science during that age could not.
2) A money business.
3) Power and control.

If god does not make mistakes, then why does the bible need revising so damn much? Editing, changing, omitting. As the general population gets more intelligent, the parts of the bible that current-day common sense can disprove get taken out. If god does not make mistakes, then how was Lucifer to become satan, unless god intended for it? Does this mean god is also evil?

Religion alone is what is holding the entire human race back.
Ignorance allows religion to continue existing.

Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry


Said it in one


I agree, Religion sucks!

Control of the masses through oppression and fear, and today we have CCTV cameras everywhere to do the same job that their manufactured god used to do. So you Still can`t be "naughty" without someone finding out *sigh*

and by "Naughty" I mean anything that those in power disagree with.

I know a lot of people want to blame religion for many things. Well, I'm certainly not going to defend religion as people have done (and still do) terrible things in the name of religion, but I wonder if it's a case of "the tail wagging the dog". What I mean is that religion just reflects what society believes and then they use religion to justify it. For example, there are plenty of alt-right atheists against LGBT as well.

I do suppose that is true, and in the case of the religious fanatics, it's the loudest voices being heard the most. But while that is true, it's also true that the religious fanatics with their louder voices happen to be causing the most trouble. But at the same time, they're hypocrites. They go against their own religious teachings when they attack the LGBT community. "Turn the other cheek" and "Let he without sin cast the first stone" are both examples of things within their teachings they break when they shout their religious babble at us.

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