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Please Vote Hillary and tell your friends too


(28-07-2016, 11:46 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(28-07-2016, 11:11 PM)hannah Wrote:  
(28-07-2016, 10:44 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(28-07-2016, 10:24 PM)hannah Wrote:  [...]

We"ll be chased into the death by our political leaders!Sad at least here in europe!

Hmm.... Funny how the criminal have guns and explosives, but you're not allowed to - and so you don't.

For those who aren't aware, the UK even has anti-knife programs. Google it - they ARE that stupid.


Oh yeh our German "leader" letterly invited them to sail over here by boat...then we feed them and finance them too give them free homes. We are so stupid thinking these people are poor and sad.
WE european people are sad..but who cares we cant discriminate now can we...what if they would call you a racist!?!

I've lived in Washington, D.C., and the 'burbs of New York, and went to school in Newark, and lived in Trenton, NJ.
There are places white boy don't go.

So, I'll gladly accept that "Racist" label - I've been forced to adopt it out of self-preservation.

But even Al Sharpton said, when he heard footsteps behind him at night, he was relieved when he turned and saw it was a white guy.
Compare with Larry Elder's book, "10 things you can't say in America." Chapter 3, I think it was, "Blacks more racist than whites..."


haha yeh that quote is so right. Only thing here is people are so stupid probably we are brainwashed by the media telling us highly educated people are running away from war going on a dangerous boat trip to contribute to our society. over here we have some goood propaganda. anyhow sorry for hijacking.

The refugee crisis is a symptom of an unstable Middle East, not the cause of itself. One of which, by an unnamed Eurasian country by supporting the worst of the worst allows the most heinous criminal(s) to thumb their nose, play games, prolong suffering and continue injustices. European leaders aren't fixing the problem by focusing solely on refugees, and ignoring the causes why the countries they come from are a disaster.

Europe avoided the problem, now it stewed for too long, and then it later manifests itself with refugees. A few may not like that, but they can no longer ignore it.

If you support Trans Equality, Women in leadership rolls VOTE HILLARY. I am not afraid to request your votes.

I will never support Hillary. She's using you and black lives matter movement along with Bernie sanders to sway her vote in.

She really does not give a SHIT about you!

She'll probably get in office though.

(30-07-2016, 06:45 AM)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  I will never support Hillary. She's using you and black lives matter movement along with Bernie sanders to sway her vote in.

She really does not give a SHIT about you!

She'll probably get in office though.
i agree ..i refuse look into those obsidian eyes. politically, i'm a real life cynic. i feel they're almost all on the take, ego driven and each one ready to cut an opposing opinion off the others lying tongue. harry reid is a snake, dennis hastert was a criminals criminal ..a fraction of congress is blind, some have fewer senses than had helen keller, round table mental lepers. i hated the way the afc was shoved and coerced through and repeated lies about keeping your plan, your doctor and $2500 ..professional lying orator looking right into the camera and daring you to disagree ...god, any reason why they're so reviled. yeah, i hardly care anymore cuz i'm a real life cynicrat.

the thing about trump. he's off the cuff crazy but he strikes me as someone who'll surround himself with intelligent people, listen to them carefully and then make a crazy decision ..and odds are half the time he'll be right whereas a succubus will always fck the life out of you. gosh that sounds awfully harsh. i'm sorry. must be the time of month.

(28-07-2016, 10:42 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote:  Let's see, a blowhard, or a career criminal?

And BTW, WHO will give the US to Russia? Or China...?
Hitlery. Who also wants to strip us of our right to self defense. And for that matter throw the Constitution out, period.

I've no real love for Trump, as he's shown he's just a gamer in the system (chose a party insider for his running mate; if he's not "on board," meaning already an insider, he'll be JFK'ed before he finishes the oath...)

But I KNOW what we have coming with Hillary. All the cr@p with Bernie, the DNC, the "suicides" of those who oppose her...? Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three (thirty?) times? Who you think you fooling?

And since I can't 186 them all, and people are invested in a system which allows them to employ force against me "for my own good" or "for the common good" or "for the children"... I'll choose anyone who plans to keep me armed to the teeth. And if they're lying (and they likely are), I'll still be armed, and they can come and take it themselves.

Not to mention the whole communism'socialism angle, which means the government owns the means of production. Ultimately, the "means of production" is the LABOR - that's YOU. No Estrogen (boobs) for you! That makes you less productive, BOY! And no Estrogen for You, EITHER, MISSY! Boosting Testosterone makes her more driven, so we want more workers, and more driven workers, we're going to maximize the "YOU GO GRRL" attitude, and push the T levels and competitiveness through the roof - and demoralize men at the same time (men being more effective at fighting than women....) Can't have men with high T, can't have women with much E...

As for "hacking"? Well, First off, the NSA should have those emails archived. They've got every post in this forum, on my phone, EVERYTHING - all to "Protect us from Ter'rists." Didn't work too well in Oklahoma, New Jersey, Texas, Arizona, New York, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Florida, Georgia...
But "the press reward" who found those emails? The press is the propaganda arm for the Demoncraps, ALWAYS HAS BEEN a Liberal mouthpiece, even in the age of Cronkite.
And the c_nt who couldn't even assign more security to a US embassy, which had been requested multiple times, and the embassy was under her control as Sec of State - is going to PROTECT us? BY IMPORTING FIGHTING-AGE FOREIGNERS WHO ARE, BY LAW, ENEMIES OF THE COUNTRY? (Islam does not allow any system of government but an Islamic Theocracy. Which also does not allow science to be taught, BTW.)
And WHO is allowing Iran nukes? (Bear in mind, WE caused the Iran mess - the Shah was modernizing, but wouldb't be a puppet, so we organized a coup and "removed" him.)

No. No way in hell.

And let's check history:
Republicans? Supported the 15th Amendment, granting votes to freed slaves and women.
Democrats? ZERO support. I guess it wouldn't fly with the KKK connections, huh?

So, while the "two parties" are heads and tails of the same coin (you know, heads they win, tails we lose), I'll still hold my nose, or even vote Indie. But I'll vote against that hag, and her elitist "Just Us" system, which will continue to weaken us against any and all enemies.

Hate Trump all you want, no issue.
But don't support Hillary, it's a Very Bad Idea.
Other people out there are NOT our friends. And it's NOT because of Rethuglicunts, by any means, nor will they attack the Ruling Class....
They'll hurt US. DC won't be a target - it would cut off the supply of money and arms. These groups are most likely aided, if not outright puppets of, our own government. ANYTHING to keep the people divided and blind.
Dumb down education.
Limit movement (TSA, CAFE, NHST, tax by mile to be added to sales tax)
Limit communications (Internet as public utility, "Net Neutrality", etc.)
Destroy and debase the dollar and your earning power (Print more money: Increased supply of dollars shrinks buying power of the ones you've saved. Real wages haven't risen since 1975 - and the prices are going UP in terms of what you earn in this latest wave; size of packaging is smaller, but the price is the same, for example. Tax by mile is in force in Oregon... City Parking spaces controlled by the EPA - can only have so many! Includes public garages, private property... Get the idea?)

Government always turns on those it governs. (Ann Rand was correct in Atlas Shrugged and The Comancheros.) Rome did it, China, too, and Japan (shogunate). King John did it, too, and we finally got the beginnings of Freedom - called Magna Charta.
Until we actually deal with those of the Ruling Class, we'll always be "the little people" - those used for science experiments (E.G., Tuskegee experiment; hence, some of the concerns of vaccines); those taxed to poverty so the rulers can live in opulence (and stay happily unaware of how bad it really is out there.)

Hey, if we could all be Chelsea Clinton, and start a $600,000 a year job writing fluff for a newspaper, might not be so bad, except... What happens when STARTING SALARY for EVERYONE is $600,000 per year?

Hint: It's the same as when everyone starts at $1.50 an hour.
Some starve, some scrimp and save and grow and earn more, contribute more.
You want government to stop individuality, to end freedom.
And you don't even realize it.

Here's the result of government control:
North Korea vs. South Korea: (@

Here's an example of when only the government has guns:

Trump stinks like a baby's diaper.
Hillary stinks like a garbage dump.

I'll take my chances.


Dianna, methinks you have been ingesting too much right-wing junk food. Do you think that the tireless right-wing special prosecutor Ken Starr and eight investigations of Benghazi by Republican-led congressional committees would have let Bill and Hillary off the hook if there were something to charge them with? All they came up with was Bill lying about sex.

Hillary has shown bad judgment and I have problems with her myself, but she has never been charged with a crime. Donald Trump is an aspiring dictator who eulogizes Putin, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong Un. This is a choice between a flawed candidate and a bigot and demagogue who threatens our very democracy.
For the proven con man Donald Trump to call her "crooked Hillary" is ludicrous. Ask the thousands who were fleeced by Trump University.

Is either candidate on NBE? That's the only relevant question here.

Removed... thanks for making my point.

(30-07-2016, 09:26 PM)spanky Wrote:  Is either candidate on NBE? That's the only relevant question here.

I think spanky is right on. This whole discussion skirts the essential issue - which is -which candidate will help you grow bigger breasts. If it's neither then save your breath. If it's one or the other then let's hear what they can do for us.

(31-07-2016, 07:25 PM)jamixoxo Wrote:  This is why I don't like politics... rather than have persuasive arguments about merits and policy, we're involved in smears and jabs, directly or by proxy. Even the candidate or position we may support deserves only thinly veiled scorn, lest we offend someone who holds a different banner.

I do miss a fiscally conservative, socially progressive platform... but even those candidates who profess something along these lines, carry too many kooky ideas.

Anyway, since the democrats are still not kissing the moral majority's ass, and appear to be smart enough not to spout plans that outright violate the constitution, then they'll get my vote.
Iaboy Wrote:Maybe if some political hacks would have some morals.. Like how moral was it to let our diplomat and four Americans die at the hands of thugs in Libya? They could of had some help there in like 3 hrs if someone in the DoD or our Secretary of State would of answered a call and got off their political ass.

Or, I hope you are not suggesting Obama has any scruples, let alone morals for butchering our Constitution.

Or, are you referring to Donald Trump who don't want any terrorists hidden in the refugees from Saudi Arabia or other places sneaking in among maybe other wise scared and beaten up peoples??

Maybe when the truly compassionate, inclusive, and respectful republicans (like my father, who believes in civic duty, that we should legalize pot, and was the straight best man at a gay wedding), take back their party I'll consider giving them my vote again.

Iaboy Wrote:Or maybe you just get your news from Twitter or Facebook? Or maybe NBC? Cause you sure evidently didn't listen to acceptance speeches from both parties like I did... Or you would of heard the cheers from the Republicans when Mr. Trump said we needed to protect all Americans and among the list was very much included Gays, Lesbians and all Trans Gender people.

See, it the people that blindly follow party politics needless of any real truth or reason behind the garbage put out by slanted news organizations.....That screw up a great nation and take us down the road of socialism..

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