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Project X (hrt)

How about AX???

(06-02-2016, 05:20 PM)iaboy Wrote:  How about AX???

Give DHT the ole AX!

Yep, a double connotation..

(06-02-2016, 05:03 AM)MarcyAno Wrote:  Have you seen this article?

Seems this astaxanthin you've uncovered is some interesting stuff indeed!

I need to buy this!

For me lol I'm only interested with astaxanthin, I don't need SP lol. Astaxanthin is in the krill oil I take, its not enough imo. So I'm looking for a high grade product.

High fat diet alters estrogen receptor expression, now I think have a good idea why NBE some get apples and pear shapes. I'm very interested (or hot on the heels lol) of body re-sculpting and I share some info (study below) on how " fit " can work . I read how an impaired immune can have the mitochondria misread and result in an inflammatory response. Now the question is how does a crappy diet impair boob growth?......... answered above. This study found that when a high fat diet of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was given to virgin mice (hey now, no jokes lol) resulted in an increase of 61% to estrogen receptor binding sites. Imo, this suggested a few things, e.g. Like, n-6 polyunsaturated fats increase breast growth, and that it's a pro-aromatase , in the case (61% increase in receptor bioavailability),,,,,,,,,,,,I'm thinking this moved walnuts top a " must have " lol in NBE. Oh, I can't forget, Carotenoids, will imo prove to be a winner for NBE, right along with citrus and green tea.

estrogen receptor content, protein kinase C activity, and mammary gland morphology in virgin and pregnant mice and female offspring.

Exercise and Estrogen Make Fat Cells ‘‘Fit’’
Victoria J. Vieira-Potter1, Terese M. Zidon1, and Jaume Padilla1,2,3
1Departments of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, and 2Child Health, and 3Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Exercise and estrogen make fat cells ‘‘fit’’. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 172Y178, 2015. Adipose tissue inflammation links obesity and metabolic disease. Both exercise and estrogen improve metabolic health, enhance mitochondrial function, and have antiinflammatory effects. We hypothesize that there is an inverse relationship between mitochondrial function and inflammation in adipose tissue and that exercise acts as an estrogen ‘‘mimetic.’’ Explicitly, exercise may improve adipose tissue ‘‘immunometabolism’’ by improving mitochondrial function and reducing inflammation. Key Words: adipose tissue, inflammation, mitochondria, estrogen, exercise, immunometabolism

Overview of inflammation
Chronic inflammation can result from a viral or microbial infection, environmental antigen (e.g., pollen), autoimmune reaction, or persistent activation of inflammatory molecules. Chronic inflammation is primarily mediated by monocytes and long-lived macrophages (3); monocytes mature into macrophages once they leave the bloodstream and enter tissues.

Various dietary phytochemicals could affect inflammatory processes within the body. Carotenoids, the yellow, orange, and red pigments synthesized by plants, have a number of different biological activities (see the article on Carotenoids). In one study, the carotenoid β-carotene displayed anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting pro-inflammatory gene expression through suppressing the activation of NFκ-B, a redox-sensitive transcription factor (66). Specifically, a decrease in expression of various pro-inflammatory genes was seen with β-carotene treatment when an endotoxin was used to induce inflammation in macrophages in vitro as well as mice in vivo (66). The carotenoids, lycopene and astaxanthin, have also been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory activities in cell cultures and animal models (67-72). Sources of lycopene include tomatoes, red grapefruit, red watermelon, and guava, while the main dietary sources of astaxanthin include salmon, shrimp, and other seafood (73).
Additionally, the putative anti-inflammatory effect of various carotenoids has been examined in humans.
Some epidemiological studies have observed serum levels of certain carotenoids, including α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, to be inversely associated with circulating levels of CRP, a cardiovascular and general marker of inflammation (74, 75). In a four-week randomized controlled trial in healthy, nonsmoking men, eight daily servings of carotenoid-rich vegetables and fruit were associated with a reduction in CRP levels; the authors of this study did not observe any change in plasma concentrations of vitamins C or E over the four-week period (76). Consumption of fruit and vegetables, in general, has been inversely associated with CRP levels and other biomarkers of inflammation (77-79). In two small intervention trials, consumption of tomato juice or a tomato-based soft drink was associated with decreased markers of inflammation (80, 81), but other dietary components of tomatoes besides lycopene, such as vitamin C, may in part be responsible for any beneficial effects on inflammatory processes (80). Larger clinical trials are needed to determine whether lycopene or other carotenoids help reduce inflammation and risk of associated diseases. For details on carotenoids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, see the article on Carotenoids.

"I could have had a V8!"

"Lycopene is a natural antioxidant found primarily in tomatoes and tomato products. It gives tomatoes their red color. Research suggests that diets rich in tomatoes and tomato products may have long-term health benefits. V8® Vegetable Juice contains 17.5mg of lycopene per 8-ounce serving, which is over five times the amount found in a medium-sized tomato."

What IF... You are allergic to nightshades , ie tomatoes, would it then in fact be pro inflammatory?..

This sounds like really good new information. However what would it look like summed up in layman's terms? I don't think any of us would want to misinterpret something.

(07-02-2016, 05:38 AM)ellacraig Wrote:  What IF... You are allergic to nightshades , ie tomatoes, would it then in fact be pro inflammatory?..

Maybe, I would think what the substance is that would cause one to be allergic.

That would be a great question for a Doctor or at least a Dietician.

Thank you!

I had to ask because it would seem my SHBG is low, but I feel like my boobs are bigger now than they ever were! I've surpassed my goal. Which I am ecstatic about but also confused. I worry about my hormone levels because it seems like my T is a little high (given Idk my E) but my skin is fine, hair is fine, my boobs are huge. !? lol

"Controlling free T and E is what I think about most. Rolleyes followed by diet/exercise, hydration"
-- me too, is that why maybe?

(05-02-2016, 02:12 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Thanks for keeping it real, but yeah, maca upregulates DHEA (androgen). From that study it states that in the absence of ER-a, androgens become the cofactors and mimic ER-a, in other words, suggesting that androgens can turn into estrogen receptor alpha (the boob growth receptor).

This is funny, a similar event happens in the testes where androgens are made into estrogens.

I am thinking that is what happened to me, because whenever I up my maca, I grow. Have I turned my androgens into ER-a?

(06-02-2016, 02:59 AM)Lotus Wrote:  something interesting is seeing how a diet high in sugars and starch inhibit NBE. High blood sugars is no good for many reasons (diabetes, etc), but also looks to be the same. The way fatty acids stick like sludge in our blood is no good either, in other words , time to displace hormones from SHBG and fats in the blood.

Push for a plan that includes a major (multiples) anti-oxidant. I like the way astaxanthin looks for this, I think it's stronger than CoQ-10. But, the way coenzymes interact and react to boob growth is key new new growth, when used correctly. Wink

Sooooo, reduce the inflammation in our bodies to free up new boob growth. Fruits and vegetables (in red pigment colors) are an easy fix, certainly a better (healthier) approach towards NBE imo.

@ Hannah, absolutely, by inhibiting LH it suppresses T, which as I stasted before, this would upreglaues FSH to synthesize (make more) estradiol. Piperine mixed in with_____ fill in the blank lol, red veggies would be my choice.

I second this!! When I was really unhealthy back in 2013 and I lost all that weight, I was eating processed foods every day-- I was so unhealthy drinking soda and horrible foods-- believe it or not I gave myself malnutrition and I lost weight because I was making myself sick! When I changed my diet 100% my body changed 100% I only drink water now, no more soda, I eat clean 100% and my body plumped up 100%!

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