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Hi I am new and have some questions


I recently came across this site and this is my first time posting.
I'm 50 and have had transgender feelings since I was 12. I am not interested in children, but I do not know how far I will take this.

I've ordered PM cream and BO. they should both be here later this week. My intent is to use the cream mainly on my butt and thighs.

I'm 5'11 and weigh 210 lbs, but am exercising and eating better to loose weight. I am aiming for ~180 lbs.

I just had a physical and have very low testosterone before I started taking anything. My T is 301 (with a normal range being 348-1197 ng/dL).

Since then for about 4 weeks I have been taking:

Starting Doses
Spearmint caps 350 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)
Fenugreek caps 1220 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)
Red Clover caps 430 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)
Licorice Root caps 450 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)
Dandelion root caps 525 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)
Soy Isoflavin caps 80 mg 3x(am,noon,pm)

I've see some visible swelling growth.

any suggestions feedback would be very welcome Smile

Hi Lana

Welcome to our happy little band of travellers.

From your brief description it sounds like we are quite similar in our starting points, though I have a few more pounds to shift than you (mutter mutter mutter...).

For some time now I have been doing my best to make some sense of the mountain of info on here. It can be bewildering to say the least. Not putting myself forward as an expert, but with help from some of the more experienced ones amongst us I have picked up a few nuggets of wisdom which I put together into a post in the hope it might help others too?

Though if I may, I would suggest looking a little further into the possible health issues with Licorice, as although very powerful there are possible risks. Particularly at the dosages you are suggesting, and that you mention you already have low T levels.

Although I know some here have used/are using BO and seem to be fine with it (and I certainly would not criticise those who do) I have also known of some who have had health problems from taking it, and it has a reputation for knocking out the little boys fairly quickly. Perhaps some caution at this stage might be wise as you mention you don't know how far you want to take this?


Lana, are you taking any prescription drugs or recreational drugs??

I would suggest you shift from trying to kill of T with maybe going aromatization. That's when you convert free T to Estrogen. I think it has helped me a lot.

Huggy and iaboy. , thank you so much for your information! You are so right, there is so much information, sometimes it is difficult to soorth through.

I have tried to take something from a person "Lotus" said:

A good program looks likeL
estrogenic herb
potentiator (vitamins/minerals, etc)

Knowing my T is already low and that I am starting BO in a week (BO is VERY pro aromatase).

I thought that Licorice also pro aromatase (besides being anti-androgen).

So when my BO arrives this week I will satop the licorice ans stick with BO, Spearmint, Fenugreek, dandelion root, calcium and a multivitamin.

But until Friday, I wanted to lower the remaining T as much as possible to avoid fighting an "uphill battle".

I will be getting coconut oil tomorrow Smile

iaboy, what would you recommend as a pro-aromatase?

thank you both again so much!

iaboy, no drugs, recreational or otherwise Smile

(13-10-2015, 02:33 AM)LanaG Wrote:  Huggy and iaboy. , thank you so much for your information! You are so right, there is so much information, sometimes it is difficult to soorth through.

I have tried to take something from a person "Lotus" said:

A good program looks likeL
estrogenic herb
potentiator (vitamins/minerals, etc)

Knowing my T is already low and that I am starting BO in a week (BO is VERY pro aromatase).

I thought that Licorice also pro aromatase (besides being anti-androgen).

So when my BO arrives this week I will satop the licorice ans stick with BO, Spearmint, Fenugreek, dandelion root, calcium and a multivitamin.

But until Friday, I wanted to lower the remaining T as much as possible to avoid fighting an "uphill battle".

I will be getting coconut oil tomorrow Smile

iaboy, what would you recommend as a pro-aromatase?

thank you both again so much!

Since my Doctor prescribed Finasteride and Spironolactone, I don't use a pro-aromatase. (Spironolactone does that for me.) But, I used to use White Peony extract. For me, it seemed to work well and with my heart medications, there was very little negative interactions.

Hi Lana

Yes, it does make the head spin the amount of info on here. One of the things that caught me out at first was not noticing the date stamp on the postings. The knowledge and experience has grown and developed tremendously over just a few years.

I personally have not had any experience of BO. Was going to try it but to be honest the negative experiences some have had scared me off. For me, things began to really kick off when I started to go after reducing DHT. As has been said many times on here, T is not the problem it's DHT.

I did start by using licorice and spearmint and I know some have had good effects, but for me not so much. Pueraria Mirifica is a good estrogenic source for me, but it was when I introduced reishi and white peoney things started to move, and the effect I get from coconut oil is undeniable.

But we are all different and I am sure you will find your own way forward. The trick is to listen to your body and stay healthy.


Huggy, how long have you been on your program?

Huggy, thank you for posting that thread. It's using, with great info on it.

Lana G, I know you said you had feelings of being TG, but what is your ultimate goal on this journey? I'm only asking because I like to believe that finding the most direct route to success is the road to finding happiness. Of course, resources and money not withstanding.

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