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Mind and Body

All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions. -Adlai Stevenson, governor, ambassador (5 Feb 1900-1965)

Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results. Napoleon Hill

There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters. But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success. NHF


I'll post this in my Health thread also. It's a good one. POM

Happy Friday.

Count that day lost whose descending sun finds you with no good deeds done. Napoleon Hill

It is well known among those who make it a practice to help others that doing a service for another benefits the giver as much as — if not more than — the receiver. When you do a good deed for someone else, you become a better person. The positive effect that your good deed has upon you will endure long after it is forgotten by the recipient. Good deeds need not be large or costly. The greatest gifts are gifts of your time and yourself. A kind word or small courtesy will be remembered and appreciated. NHF

For the life of the wolf is the pack
And the life of the pack is the wolf. ~Unknown

Huh Smile

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. -- Jack London

Well, it's like taking a shower, it doesn't come to you! Smile

Some people are never free from troubles, mainly because they keep their minds attuned to worry. The mind attracts what it dwells on. Napoleon Hill

Worry serves no useful purpose and can have a serious adverse effect upon your mental as well as your physical health. Charles Mayo, who with his brother William founded the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said, “I have never known a man who died from overwork, but many who died from doubt.” Because worry is directed at some vague, uncertain threat, it is difficult to deal with it logically. The best way to get rid of your worries is to take positive action to eliminate their source. When you develop a plan for dealing constructively with problems and get to work implementing your plan, you will no longer be troubled by worries. Negative thoughts always yield the right of way to a determined person in pursuit of a positive plan of action.

Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it, a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not.
Henry Fielding


Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate:


Self-respect is the best means of getting the respect of others.
Napoleon Hill

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