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Misandry in movies?


Hello all,

I recently watched the movie Maleficent. I really enjoyed the movie and when I did a youtube search for movie reviews, I came across one guy's video in which he argues that Maleficent is a misandrist movie (among other things). Here's the video if you're interested:

(You probably shouldn't watch if you don't want to hear spoilers for the movie).

I realize this guy may be in a dissenting minority, but it got me thinking about whether our pursuit of NBE and other feminization tends to make us more attuned or ignorant of gender bias in the media. I have come across some forms of media that struck me as demonizing males, but I didn't get the slightest vibe of that from this Maleficent movie. When it comes to the realm of fiction, I do have a soft spot for independent and strong females, regardless of whether their motives are good, ambiguous or malevolent. In real life, I'm skeptical of when individuals try to read between the lines and use media as proof of oppression in society.

Your thoughts?

I watched maybe five minutes of the video, but couldn't watch anymore.

Here we have a (presumably) straight, white male whining about oppression. I am sorry if it sounds harsh, but what a load of crap. Is man-hating bad? Yes. I think it's ridiculous to dislike an entire gender.

However, misandry is bullshit.

To put it simply... misandry can be measured by hurt feelings, misogyny can be measured by a body-count.

(21-06-2014, 06:21 PM)echapman Wrote:  I watched maybe five minutes of the video, but couldn't watch anymore.

Here we have a (presumably) straight, white male whining about oppression. I am sorry if it sounds harsh, but what a load of crap. Is man-hating bad? Yes. I think it's ridiculous to dislike an entire gender.

However, misandry is bullshit.

To put it simply... misandry can be measured by hurt feelings, misogyny can be measured by a body-count.

Misandry is not bullshit as much as misogyny is not bullshit.

If you choose not to believe it happens, then that fine, but saying "misandry is bullshit." and it "can be measured by hurt feelings" is offencive and trivialises it.

(30-06-2014, 05:43 AM)Denita Wrote:  
(21-06-2014, 06:21 PM)echapman Wrote:  I watched maybe five minutes of the video, but couldn't watch anymore.

Here we have a (presumably) straight, white male whining about oppression. I am sorry if it sounds harsh, but what a load of crap. Is man-hating bad? Yes. I think it's ridiculous to dislike an entire gender.

However, misandry is bullshit.

To put it simply... misandry can be measured by hurt feelings, misogyny can be measured by a body-count.

Misandry is not bullshit as much as misogyny is not bullshit.

If you choose not to believe it happens, then that fine, but saying "misandry is bullshit." and it "can be measured by hurt feelings" is offencive and trivialises it.


Um, I have lived as a male for over 20 years and, being a white male, no oppression comes to mind at all unless you count being born with a penis.(which I do, but that's a whole other topic)

I suppose you could say it's harder to get laid for a guy. That's about it.

Talking about misandry against white males is a lot like talking about racism against white people. Come on lol

Sure it exists, but not to an extent great enough to be concerned about, imo.

As for this movie specifically, I haven't seen it and won't, but even conceding the argument that it IS biased against men, so what? Movies were biased against women for years and years, so this hopefully will even the scales a bit.

It says a lot that claims of misandry garner more attention than those of misogyny. One is worth arguing about and the other is just expected and accepted.

Fucking society. ;p *end rant*

(30-06-2014, 03:41 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  As for this movie specifically, I haven't seen it and won't

On a side note, the name of the princess in the movie is Aurora, the same name as the Aurora Chair. Isn't that reason enough to give the movie a chance? [Image: smiley-happy112.gif] Also, there's no animation for you to dislike in this one Sarah. Big Grin


sorry for the poor English that will follow! but I have to write my mind here.

I watched Maleficent and I was quite active in IMDb forums because of so many men complaining about misandry in the movie Maleficent.

I will write my opinion while listening because I might forget some things:
1. He claims that the movie embraces female power and shows the evils of masculinity.

Fact: Maleficent is a warrior and protector of Moor, physical gender is irrelevant, she shows a very strong masculine side, the hero material to the whole movie.

men have feminine side and women have a masculine side. Women lost their masculine side thorough the years and men lost their feminine side thorough the years, today both genders are way more balanced.

2. After my first point he just tries to separate gender, ok fine Maleficent is a she and the boy is a he, why does this matter so much?
If they were 2 guys would he make such video?
This is for me the first sign of a person being sexist.

3. what is he talking about? they hang out, we can assume that he was eating over there with her...Jesus this guy!

4. Yeah, the old kind is a guy and shows all the stuff he said, so? because in reality it was actually all women being like that? Because it is the first movie men are being portrayed like the dirty greedy kings....ok!
and whats up with the beard part?

5 Did he just said "gay prince"? so a young boy who is not bearded and doesn't have super muscles is gay? thats insulting to millions of men out there.

6. I have a movie for him that men are actually like that, Lord of the rings...all evil guys are ugly and ork like looking, all good guys are blond or have blue eyes or white lost at this point...

7. I got bored....sorry I didn't listen to the whole thing....
in Maleficent we have 1 good woman and 1 good man to the whole film Aurora and the young prince that I don;t remember the name right now...
both young and naive.

Maleficent and Stefan are both good and evil, even though Stefan is VERY underdeveloped character, he is also complicated, he didn't got born one day and he started cutting wings, and brake girls heart, he lived in extreme poverty, he is a very ambitious person and he betrayed his best friend and true love for his inner ambitions, has nothing to do with being a male, both women and men in so many movies have been portrayed with such character, it is not the first time it is not the last, men get over it.
The point that I personally took is that Maleficent manage to become good through a child's love, Stefan because he was lost in guild and ambition, fear and ego, didn't manage to get over his evil side, his fear make him to loose his only child, he lost his wife, and lost his mind also at the end.

And then we have another good male, the crow and then we have the 3 stupid female fairies, they are being selfish, shallow and annoying...

8. The only thing this movie has is a super powerful female who saves the day, just like hundredths of films being made decades now with male heroes from Hollywood and OMG the fuss and talking! Jesus!
I am from Greece, in my country the most successful film in the history of our cinema movies is a female protagonist in WWII who takes part in the war, she is being tortured and she kind of "save" the operation and doesn't give it up to the Germans, is shows how women were so strong in times of war and how they manage working undercover.
This movie female hating hero thing it is the first time I experience it in such way. And I find it extremely sexist.

in my opinion, the are still sexists and misogynists out there, just be careful with who you talk and what they say, if someone is sexist will show signs right away, it is in the details....

as for misandry, of course it is real but has nothing to do with Maleficent, and I personally am against and disgusted by it when I read or listen to a woman hating all men. I am a feminist and I believe in equality of both genders and I treat men and women as humans, not sex.

The only thing I believe is over the top and truly sexist is the metaphor when Stefan cut Maleficent wings, there were many people who said that was a date rape metaphor, I am 100% sure it CANNOT be a metaphor for sexual rape under any circumstances, even though Angelina Jolie kind of confirm it, but she not very famous of being bright, so I think her claim is just off or she didn't meant it in the sexual form of rape.
If this scene was a rape metaphor, then in Xmen 3, at the scene with the angel mutant, when his father tried to give him the "cure", that was also a metaphor of rape. Does this makes sense to you? I bet not....the same way I feel about the scene with Maleficent.

Relax and enjoy a very nice movie showing female hero, it is something we need to wake up and just get used to the idea, in real life from ancient times there were many female warriors, fighters, war heroes, mothers, sickos, killers, rapists, serial killers, and so many things we can think off.

Why it has to be such a big deal showing it in the movies?

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