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Cold Turkey


I'm at day eight of my PM cold-turkey break. Breasts are still tender, but libido still nonexistent. I don't miss taking the herbs. I am feeling a renewed interest in my girl clothes, but that's no different than when I was on PM. I had slipped hard into male identity during my 2 week illness, but lately I'm feeling my love of the feminine coming back. I don't think it has anything to do with PM. It's just that I feel free to express my feminine side now that it's out in the open with DW, and I feel no guilt or shame over it. I feel no anxiety, jumpiness, over impatience, either. Am I cured? Wouldn't that be nice! Ha ha! Right.

Clara Smile

(02-04-2014, 11:07 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  I'm at day eight of my PM cold-turkey break. Breasts are still tender, but libido still nonexistent. I don't miss taking the herbs. I am feeling a renewed interest in my girl clothes, but that's no different than when I was on PM. I had slipped hard into male identity during my 2 week illness, but lately I'm feeling my love of the feminine coming back. I don't think it has anything to do with PM. It's just that I feel free to express my feminine side now that it's out in the open with DW, and I feel no guilt or shame over it. I feel no anxiety, jumpiness, over impatience, either. Am I cured? Wouldn't that be nice! Ha ha! Right.

Clara Smile

Now, and I both know there is no can there be a cure when we are normal...for who we


No, I've never gotten a blood test for my estrogen or testosterone levels. I would only get one if it's medically necessary and insurance will help pay for it.

The idea of libidio and other masculine traits being in hibernation is an interesting idea. I've wondered though if I've passed the bridge of no return in regards to the physical feminization I've achieved.


Maybe psychology has a bit of a role in it, but I think running is becoming a little easier for me since going cold turkey on pm.


I think being busy and under pressure may be part of the reason why I'm tolerating going cold turkey so far. Maybe I won't realize what I'm missing until I start taking pm again?

Flame, admittedly we are going off the opinion of just one endo, but he does see a lot of TH folk...he said nothing, short of surgery is irreversible. And remember, he was talking to me, honey, and I am way older than you.Wink

(03-04-2014, 12:33 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Flame, admittedly we are going off the opinion of just one endo, but he does see a lot of TH folk...he said nothing, short of surgery is irreversible. And remember, he was talking to me, honey, and I am way older than you.Wink

TH folk? Huh

Do you mean TG?


(03-04-2014, 01:42 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  
(03-04-2014, 12:33 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Flame, admittedly we are going off the opinion of just one endo, but he does see a lot of TH folk...he said nothing, short of surgery is irreversible. And remember, he was talking to me, honey, and I am way older than you.Wink

TH folk? Huh

Do you mean TG?

Lol, yes, lol...thats what I get for trying to reply on a cell phone...tee heeTongue

I don't know, Sammie. Your endo may be completely right. Somehow I got the impression from my readings that the male testicles will atrophy if deprived of testosterone for too long. What is too long? Huh

Many pre-op transwomen report major shrinkage of their testicles, again, over time. I suppose it depends on how much you want to keep the boy bits working...LOL. There are a lot of "shemales" in the porn industry that seem to have it both ways. Another case of use 'em or lose 'em?

Clara Dodgy

(02-04-2014, 05:40 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  ...An alternative would be to supplement T with synthetic or organic additives plus ED medication. Then, theoretically, enough E would be present for growth, but enough T for function.
At least, that seems plausible to me after discussion with the doc.

This is entirely my perspective and not a suggestion for others BUT, high E and high T sounds simply awful to me! ...Not so much the E but the thought of a single additional molecule of T in my body conjures up thoughts of mutilating myself with a dull butter knife trying to get it out. ...Just felt like I had to share that with ya'all. Smile

(03-04-2014, 05:17 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Many pre-op transwomen report major shrinkage of their testicles, again, over time. I suppose it depends on how much you want to keep the boy bits working...LOL. There are a lot of "shemales" in the porn industry that seem to have it both ways. Another case of use 'em or lose 'em?


Mine keep getting smaller all the time. They used to be firm and very sensitive but now, in addition to being smaller, they've become soft and painless when pressed lightly. I'm still hoping some day I'll wake up and find they have completely disappeared. Sad

Kari, with a T count of 0.1, I expect I may be pretty close to that one molecule Still, even healthy bio women have higher T counts than me, and I think the ultra low level may not be healthy. It may explain a certain lethargy and lack of energy I have experienced lately.
Gee...I just read back that last bit. think, Sammie?
Regardless, I don't think I will take the route of supplementing T. Rather, as of yesterday I have simply eliminated everything except estradiol.
I'll try that (E with no AA) for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Good luck with your experiment I know the effects are diffrent for everyone.
with me after a couple of days I was starting to feel a little stressed also this might sound strange but my handwriting was getting so much more nicer. When I stopped taking pm my handwriting was getting sloppy and more tight. I also noticed when I lay in bed when im taking pm I can curl up in a little ball but when i'm off pm I feel much more stuff. I just wanted to share with you my experiences and findings.

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