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I know these frustrations. We already discussed this on my thread. I read on the Internet that women also have similar problems, only that it is easier for them, because they buy bras from trained retailers and have a greater choice and greater opportunities when trying them on. I personally am oriented towards online shopping and it all boils down to the trial and error method. I also knew how to exchange purchased bras for other models and sizes, but again, that's not it. If I knew that there was a store that had male customers in addition to women, I would immediately go shopping. I have given up on bra shopping for now. I already have an enviable collection and until I start wearing them, there is no point in spending money any more Big Grin

By the way, this bra in the picture looks fantastic on you.

You're still looking good.  I'm need to measure myself again.

I actually went and got fitted. It was great. To not have to guess with trial and era. Well worth it if you can do it.

MaleSise - Thank You.
Agreed on All Points.

MT - Thanks. Good Luck for Gains!

Beth - I'm not that brave !lol

I'm not going to let it bother me tonight and just enjoy the growth spurt bump from the break last week. I've got a lot going on right now and I'm pretty busy at the moment.

Aside from worrying about my Dad, I'm about to add another raised bed for the vegetable garden. I know it'll be more work and more pain, but it'll also be more food.

I'm also now working for a local racing print magazine as a photographer & webmaster. The photography part is easy, as I was a working pro for 15+ years. The website manager is a different animal, but so far it's not as difficult as I imagined.

It's not a whole lot of money, but it's something fun to do and it's right up my alley. Aside from working in the vegetable garden and tending the chickens here at the house, I've just been sitting on my butt the last four years. I'm absolutely stoked about being a working photographer again.

Just stopping by to say .... Hello.

I've been incredibly busy for the last month, and that's a major change in my life over the last four years.

I'm also re-evaluating my continued long term use of NBE/HRT for many reasons. I've always said I'd stop/slow/curtail if I started to experience major facial changes, and that is starting to happen now. A major contributing factor is the constant fatigue I get when any physical activity is involved. Plus, I'm also trying to mitigate the absolute zero libido I have, too.

So for the time being, changes are afoot. I'm going to keep a close eye on how my body responds, and act accordingly. So far, I'm keeping my breast volume, and that in itself is important for me to do so.

Right now, I've had the good fortune to be brought onboard with a local racing publication and website. I'm absolutely thrilled to being a working photographer again, and I just recently upgraded my gear.

So while I do check BN occasionally to see how things are going on, you've probably noticed (and appreciated) my absence, haha. But for the next six weeks, I'll be going to Road Atlanta for a vintage race car event. Then ARCA, Xfinity & Nascar are coming to Talladega, and after that Indy Cars will come to the road course outside of Birmingham. It's going to be a fun month.

I've really enjoyed and appreciate the change in lifestyle I'm experiencing now. I feel like I've been a shut-in for the last four years. But I did want to say hello and explain my absence. I'm sure I'll check BN every so often though.

Your update will be missed and your journey has been amazing thanks for sharing with us. The breast growth has been impressive --actually more than impressive  fantastic areola, nipples, shape and size. How will having breast be received in the racing world thy can be quit macho and unacceptable. Will you be keeping your hair long, has your face become more feminine? Please post updates they have always been appreciated---good luck in your new in job sounds exciting. Smile

Thanks for checking in and do understand what you want to do.  I do miss you updates and progress.  You've made great progress and someday I hope to achieve the results you have.  Take care.

I think you're near the point where its a decision of all or nothing, hitting the uncanny valley of gender expression due to body changes can be a huge problem as you're not socially transitioning. Sad Loss of strength is a real problem too. For me its been quite dramatic, I can still do almost all the same things, but I'm slower and get tired much easier, carrying heavy stuff isn't like it used to be. As you mentioned elsewhere about hauling ass with all the photo equipment all day being tough, I feel you on that, its much harder when HRT changes on muscles truly hit in.

It comes to a point of all or nothing with HRT, where body changes are too much to hide and some wont reverse either. I know for a fact that it would have been extremely awkward and difficult to keep going in "boy mode" after a certain threshold, not that I would have ever wanted to, but its understandable you're wanting to ease down at this point. Its difficult, what to do when the changes feel so good, but social transition isn't a possibility? All middle paths with this are crazy difficult, same for non passing trans women who go all in but struggle.

Anyway, talk more soon. Hug

I would echo what haws already been stated. Your progress has has ben inspiring, and the occasional updates in how you are doing would be appreciated! I also understand that living in both worlds may be extremely challenging! Safe travels!

Thank you all for your kind words.

I'm finding that it's hard to quit or at least dial things back. I'm too much addicted to estrogen and I love what I've achieved too much to turn back the clock. I've yet to have anyone react negatively to my appearance, so I'm playing things by feel for the time being.

I was kind of shocked that after being off E2/17b for a month, I started dosing 25mg Sildenafil sublingually and that really made a huge difference in not only libido but confidence, too. I was actually kind of shocked that I actually saw substantial ejaculate for the first time in six+ years. I'm still kind of stunned about that, tbh.

But as I said, estrogen is hard to quit and I seem love it too much to stop. For the last few days I've reintroduced Estogel at a lower dose, and the mental impact was immediate.

So for the time being I might stick around for a little while, but the next month is going to be a busy one with five big races to cover.

Plus, the mental draw of this FaceApp is too alluring. (She's just so stinking cute!)

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