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Shae's plan


Still waiting for the pueraria mirifica, but should have it and progesterone cream any day now. Then i will be starting on *only* 500 mg/day of PM until i see what happens. Prepared to double it to 1000 mg/day, but not beyond.

Meanwhile, for the past month i've been taking one capsule of saw palmetto daily, and it seems to be the cause of a noticeable firming of breasts and perhaps a tiny bit of growth. Certainly not a measurable change, but i can definitely feel the difference. Since SP has been the only intentional change, i am putting it down to that, but really have no proof.

While i've been waiting on PM there has been a major development on another front - hair. I started losing hair quite young - around 1980 (35 years ago) - and had pretty much given up on getting it back. But at the same time i decided to try some PM, i also did a bunch more hair loss research and ended up putting together a concoction that i've been using once a day for the past month.

I think it's a bit early to be jumping up and down, but the whole crown area is now short stubble where it was previously quite shiny with only a few widely spaced strands. Plus, i can see (and just barely feel) a tiny little bit of growth across the front. Whether that too is going to take off i'm not sure, but i'm definitely eagerly watching.

What i've been using is a home-made cream/salve with a base of raw coconut oil and beeswax (4:1), plus the following ingredients : caffeine, niacin, saw palmetto extract, zinc, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, iodine - with lecithin as an emulsifier. If anyone wants the recipe let me know and i'll post details.

Hey... just in case you thought i'd left the planet, here's a wee update.

I got the pueraria near the end of November, and have been taking 500 mg/day along with one cap of saw palmetto and a standard dose of progesterone.

Growth has been slow and steady, but nevertheless quite noticeable now.

About a week ago i upped the PM to 1000 mg/day and will probably keep it that way. The extra bit seems to accelerate growth.

So really that's all there is to say. Everything is going as planned Wink

No point in doing pics for y'all just yet, because it's not yet a dramatic difference. Maybe in a few months.

I'm actually more interested in the growth of my hair, which seems to have decided to sprout. Not sure whether the hormonal change is doing this or whether it's because i started taking iodine, zinc, selenium, and of course the saw palmetto - plus i made up a concoction of other stuff for the scalp. Guess i shouldn't complaint, but i'd sort of like to know what's causing the growth.

Just a quick check in to let you know my progress. I started taking Puraria mirifica at 500 mg/day the end of November and a few weeks after that increased it to 1000 mg/day - this along with saw palmetto (160 mg/day - 1 cap). I've also been applying a regular dose of progesterone cream once a day.

The result is that i've approximately doubled in size over that period (3 months). Now, mind you, i'm still only a mid-sized B cup, but there has been a lot of growth.

The nice thing is that there is no pointyness, but rather growth is nice and round. I attribute this to the progresterone, which is why i decided to take it.

So everything is not only on track, but better than i expected.

I'm also experiencing new hair growth where it had long ago disappeared, as mentioned earlier, but still not sure what specifically is causing it because i've also been making up a concoction for the scalp. AFter being lazy about that for about a month the hair kept on growing, so maybe it's the PM + SP + progesterone that's doing it, but more likely a combination of things, since i've also been taking iodine, zinc and selenium.

I should also mention that a couple weeks ago i started taking dong quai (1000 mg/day) and this seems to be helping growth. Since starting it i've noticed my nipples are a bit sensitive, and they were not before.

And finally, after increasing the PM from 500 mg to 1000 mg/day night-time erections disappeared completely, for what it's worth Wink

(11-03-2016, 07:21 AM)Shae Wrote:  Just a quick check in to let you know my progress. I started taking Puraria mirifica at 500 mg/day the end of November and a few weeks after that increased it to 1000 mg/day - this along with saw palmetto (160 mg/day - 1 cap). I've also been applying a regular dose of progesterone cream once a day.

This is all wonderful news Shea Smile congrats on your success and thanks for the update.. Would love to see progress pics when you're ready.

Are you using a standardized PC? How much do you apply and where? Also, what led you to choose dong quai (1000 mg/day)?

Back with another update for y'all...

There's not a lot to report except slow and steady growth - exactly what i was expecting. By the measuring tape there doesn't seem to be much difference, but i can certainly say that by the look and feel there is quite a lot of growth. There has been a lot of filling in too, so things are getting rounder and not so pointy. Generally i am very pleased Smile

Just a note that about a week ago i upped the saw palmetto to 2 caps a day, though this was more for my hair than the boobs.

So my daily regime is now as follows :
- 500 mg pueraria mirifica x twice a day = 1000 mg
- 320 mg saw palmetto - once a day
- a "dime sized" regular dose of progesterone cream - once a day

All of the above are for both boobs and hair, plus i am also taking for my hair :
- organically bound iodine - 1 drop daily
- selenium - 55 micrograms daily (1 cap)
- zinc + copper - 15mg + 2mg daily (1 cap)
- a quality full-spectrum B complex (1 cap)

Hair recovery has been very slow, but at least it's in the right direction.

And just a reminder that this is against a background of always (when dressed) keeping testicles warm by tucking. In my opinion that has as much impact by itself as everything else and alone was the basis for pretty decent growth before i started onto the above regime.

Since my last update in June, it seems things have really taken off, and i have already reached my goal of a C cup. I'm going to continue for another 6 months or so and then evaluate.

So my measurements now are :

rib cage / band : 38 in.
bust (without bra) : 42 in
bust (with bra) : 41 in

So just to summarize, i started back in late November with 500 mg pueraria and 160 mg saw palmetto. Within a month (December) i increased the pueraria to 1000 mg/day, and have continued that way until now. However, a couple of months ago i doubled the saw palmetto to 320 mg/day. I've also been taking a typical dose (dime sized dab) of progesterone cream since the outset.

A couple of weeks ago i also started to take a very small amount of dong quai (2 caps/day), and it may have some impact in a while, but i am not taking it for breast growth, rather for other health benefits. My expectation is that it will probably do approx. what the progesterone is doing - which is to keep from becoming estrogren dominant.

In addition to the above, i have also been keeping testicles warm (tucked), which significantly shifts the ratio of estrogen/testosterone produced by the testes. I'm pretty sure this is why i've been able to make good progress with a fairly small amount of pueraria and SP.

I really like the overall effects of this on my health (i suspect mostly due to the pueraria) and would like to continue indefinitely, but only if growth levels off at a reasonable point, as i'm not interested in big boobs (they are pretty inconvenient).

(13-08-2016, 08:57 AM)Shae Wrote:  In addition to the above, i have also been keeping testicles warm (tucked), which significantly shifts the ratio of estrogen/testosterone produced by the testes. I'm pretty sure this is why i've been able to make good progress with a fairly small amount of pueraria and SP.

How exactly are you doing the tucking Shae ?

(Sorry for the late reply - looks like i didn't update my email address.)

Not sure how well i can explain this, but when testicles first descend they follow the inguinal canal, the lower part of which remains open as an adult. Many people find that they can push the testicles back up into this canal, just over the pubic bone, where they will often still put by themselves, or you may have to hold them there with clothing or whatever.

In my case i just push them inside and get dressed, so undies will hold them in place and snug pants, leggings, etc. help keep everything in place. It is tremendously easy. Whether you want to point the rest of your equipment up or down when you dress is, i suppose, a matter of preference, but i find that down works a lot better if you don't want a visible bulge - it all depends on how you want to present - and how/where you may be using bathroom facilities.

I you search for details on tucking you will also find complicated arrangements with tape, etc. - used by some to comletely pass - but for everyday purposes i don't see why that would be necessary.

Update Aug 30, 2016

So after reading some of the writings of Lotus (which i had not done earlier), i realized that the astaxanthin and fish oil that i have been taking for other reasons may be having an impact on breast growth too. Something caused things to really take off a month or so back, which was about the time i started the astaxanthin and fish oil. However, it may also have been the warm summer weather, as it has occurred to me a few times that there seems to be a connection between warmth and boob growth.

Since my last post, in an unplanned move, i took a notion to increase the PM from 1000 mg/day to 1500, and by the next day my nipples were quite sensitive, bordering on sore sometimes, (which they've never been before). There is also a definite acceleration of growth, so maybe this is the sweet spot of dosage that i should have been using. So i've decided to just keep experimenting with the 1500 level for a while and see where that goes.

So my current regime looks like this :

PM 1500 mg (500 mg, 3 times a day)
PC standard dose (dime sized dob) once a day
SP 480 mg (160 mg, 3 times a day)
tucking always during waking (i.e. dressed) hours

Other supplements - mostly for hair, eyes, and nervous system, but also general health -
- astaxanthin 8 mg (4 mg, twice a day)
- fish oil 2800 mg (1400 mg, twice a day) - includes vitamin E 6 mg (3 mg x twice a day)
- full-spectrum B vitamin complex
- iodine, zinc with copper, selenium (recommended dosages)
- dong quai root 6000 mg (2000 mg, 3 times a day)

Since i've never liked losing hair, and it just doesn't seem right to have boobs without a full head of hair, earlier this year i started working on regrowing it.

I had long-standing loss of just about everything on top, going back at least 20 years, so this probably won't be easy, but there is still lots of velus hair so i know there's something to work with and it's not dead.

Last winter i started making up a concoction in a coconut oil base and put it on daily for a couple of months. I was starting to get new growth, but stopped everything in March because i got shingles.

The concoction included caffeine, niacin, saw palmetto, iodine, zinc, aloe vera leaf, tea tree oil, iodine, water, coconut oil, and lecithin for emulsifier. Initially i also used beeswax.

I've just started working again on my hair, after realizing that progesterone cream inhibits 5-alpha reductase, so i've started to apply the PC on my scalp instead of elsewhere, to kill 2 birds with one stone.

I've also started using a mixture of coconut oil (as a carrier) and rosemary oil, and am hoping to include nettle root if i can get my hands on some. Since nettle root would have to be an extract (in alcohol), i'm not sure yet about whether it can be used with a carrier oil of not. Working on that.

I'm also going to include caffeine and niacin, which i was using earlier and i'm thinking that caffeine will be the most important, perhaps even more so than rosemary.

I'm very encouraged by the fact that, even without specifically working on my hair, what i am doing for boob growth has also been slowly regrowing hair. It's very slow but definitely happening, so i'm feeling confident that i'll be able to make good progress as i get back on a hair treatment program.

If anyone else out there is dealing with this problem, i'd love to hear what you are doing and what (if any) progress you are making.

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