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Request to Eve! Please make this an adult forum


I least adding an age limit to the site and including a disclaimer when accounts are made might help get rid of the tweens looking to boost the growth spurt they haven't even hit yet...

Maybe like let anyone make an account, but make a birthdate mandatory, and allow anyone to view the Massage section and such, but block anything having to do with herbs to adults.

However, then the problem still lies that guests would no longer be able to browse the forums fully, and will probably be less likely to make an account and look into NBE further...

I remember being that age myself, and doctors and family members are generally unsupportive, tell them to stop worrying about something so 'silly'.

But the low self esteem they may be feeling is still there, and although I agree, I don't want this board to be full of teens, but we were once them and don't feel that we should turn our back on them, or worse, if they can't ask questions they could be in danger of starting PM, rather than being directed to massage, eat right and not smoke, etc.

I think a forum esp for them could be good, to keep them off boards for adult discussions, but in giving them a board, are we encouraging them to join?

I don't think we should encourage them to join, but have a bit of understanding. I was teased MERCILESSLY through high school for having the tiny boobs I still had at 32 years old. They started at 13, then just stopped. So wish someone had told me to massage, I may not be here now taking herbs.

(01-11-2012, 09:12 AM)Mellephant Wrote:  I remember being that age myself, and doctors and family members are generally unsupportive, tell them to stop worrying about something so 'silly'.

But the low self esteem they may be feeling is still there, and although I agree, I don't want this board to be full of teens, but we were once them and don't feel that we should turn our back on them, or worse, if they can't ask questions they could be in danger of starting PM, rather than being directed to massage, eat right and not smoke, etc.

I think a forum esp for them could be good, to keep them off boards for adult discussions, but in giving them a board, are we encouraging them to join?

I don't think we should encourage them to join, but have a bit of understanding. I was teased MERCILESSLY through high school for having the tiny boobs I still had at 32 years old. They started at 13, then just stopped. So wish someone had told me to massage, I may not be here now taking herbs.

Well of course I can relate. I never blossomed. I got teased too. It hurt but let me tell you, I have no regrets, boys are disgusting at that age. Young women do not need breasts to identify them.

You also have to remember, they ARE KIDS. I think 18 is great age for the mind to comprehend further on how the body works. They are their own adults and can make there own decisions and don't have to sneak around.

But yeah, I am for their own forum to help enhance their already growing bodies with massage and really nutritious diet. No matter what, they cannot be compared to adults. Their bodies are different than us and I can see how nbe protocols are misconstrued when they want to get on the band wagon asking all sorts of questions about how to grow their breasts.


I have found that if unintended consequences are explained to them it seems to make them understand what will actually happen due to the timing:

To you who are under 18 years of age (actually, 22 is more realistic, but especially under 18). I hope that you will not make a decision which will result in unintended consequences later.

You are still growing and developing, whether you believe it or not. It is a well known fact here and elsewhere that some are late bloomers. It is very well known that women do not finish developing until ages 22 to as late as age 26. I'd say that you might want to wait. Whatever is keeping one from growing now will also affect an NBE effort.

But that might not convince you to wait. Make sure that you understand the following:

The herbs and other things referenced on this site and other sites work at the cellular level. Phytoestrogens (like fenugreek) work because they are close in molecular structure to real estrogens, so they dock to receptor sites and invoke the cell into an RNA sequence which performs whatever that cell is programmed to do. By using phytoestrogens, real estrogen is kept from docking with cells that have estrogen receptors because the phytoestrogen got there first. This is one of the theories why phytoestrogens can be good to fight breast cancer. However, this can also result in an excess of real estrogen because it was not taken up by cells. The hypothalamus/pituitary glands will register this in what is known as the negative feedback system. The body now thinks that it has too much estrogen and produces less real estrogen.

By producing less estrogen, development actually gets worse! Growth and development could very well stop dead in their tracks! Since the herbs and other things are systemic, that is - they circulate body wide through the bloodstream, other areas are affected besides the breasts. Reproductive organs in the pelvic area could be affected as well as the brain!

Also take into account that as a minor, your involvement on this site could easily result in legal action against those who help. This would result in the closing of this board, and others, and the information on here would cease to exist for everyone.

Please wait. You really have more time than you think. The reason these boards exist is to offer advice on how to best proceed, or not, for adult women who are finished with development. Those under 18 should heed the advice and wait. The unintended consequences are greater than you know, and are not worth the risk.

In the event that there are circumstances where endocrine manipulation is warranted, it is a decision best made by parents and you family gynecologist. Other specialists, such as endocrinologists could be sought out to deal with these situations. I think that their methods are far more reliable than anything found here.


There's no way of restricting anyone to access this forum and I think it would be unfair but I agree that it's annoying to explain the same things over and over... when I read questions like “ how do I massage?“ in the massage section or “what herb to take ?“ in the herbal BE section I really think that those who still answer are true angels from heaven.

(30-10-2012, 08:21 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Is anyone else sick of the youngin's getting on here, asking questions about how to grow there breasts when they should be in school learning about biology and healthy foods and seeing their ped's.

These girls can really mess up their hormones. It just seems were on the brink of a flood of high schoolers turning this forum into something superficial.

Yes, suggestions, what we believe to be answers and research are here but, their young minds aren't mature enough to take it upon themselves and research in a safe and serious manner.

They just go buck wild and want to start taking everything under the sun as if we are doctors then invite their friends and tell them the same thing. This is dangerous. slowly but surely this is what the forum is going to turn into.

Thoughts anyone else??

yeah, I have thoughs. Mind your own business, body, and hormones. People come here to achieve a goal, just like you. Their age is none of your business. If they want to alter their bodies, let them, it's their body. You think you need to protect them from themselves, when maybe they know more about what's going on with them than you do. They are obviously going to know more about their bodies than you are. Just because someone isn't eighteen years old doesn't make them instantly not worthy of body modification. Some techniques like massage don't even truly alter hormone levels. You need to back off and stop being such a meddling ageist.

I'm sorry aoz. But as Wahaika explained above you, participant age DOES matter on a site like this. If ANY of the people on these boards are underage and hurt themselves blindly copying what some of us who have done our research and worked out a solution for us personally... It's a liability against Eve, and ALL of the adult members of this board.

And you REALLLYY Don't Get It. Do you? This stuff can be extremely harmful when misused. Especially when misused at a very young age while your body is still developing. We are messing with our hormones here. This is NOT something to be trifled with.

When young girls interfere with their natural development in such drastic ways they can cause irreparable harm to their sexual development. Their bodies do not fully develop sexually until much much later than men. Just because they've become fertile doesn't mean they should just go crazy with sexual things. In fact, part of why women live longer today than they did at any time in history is because they DON'T mess with their bodies before they're done developing. At least. As much.

When young boys jump into a path of suppressing their male development and becoming young girls without consulting a medical professional... what do you think happens to them when it all turns out to have been a phase? But they've already destroyed their reproductive organs. There's no going back.

This is NOT a place for people under AT LEAST the age of 18. That's the age you can legally make these choices for yourself without getting anyone else in trouble. We may not agree with you at that point, but it is your choice. Before then? If we help you, and later it turns out that we were in any way wrong? We're legally responsible for it since you were a minor. It's the same as giving alcohol or cigarettes to a minor. The supplier is responsible.

so it's nothing to trifle with, but you trifle with it anyway.....makes sense to me

and the original post is complaining about this place turning superficial? seriously? it's a forum about making your tits bigger. that's about as superficial as it gets.

as for liability.....why not include a disclaimer. acting like someone under the age of eighteen is somehow less of a person is just plain stupid. Maybe legally they aren't adults, but that says nothing of intelligence or maturity. Age is but a number. And as for fucking up hormones, that can be done at any age. And I firmly believe everyone should have equal rights and opportunities to fuck themselves up. This is my body, and if I want to fuck it up I will, and everyone should have that right. If it results in their lives being at risk, or developmental problems, that's their problem. It's all about making choices, and you really aren't qualified to say if breast enhancement is wrong for everyone under a specific age....that's called a blanket statement, and is not accurate. You also aren't qualified to make judgement on a case by case basis based on only information you read about them on the internet. Why not include a disclaimer, wash your hands of the situation, and let people make their own decisions based on the information available. Worst case scenario somebody makes a mistake and ends up dead. Oh well. World's overpopulated anyway.

Aoz, you are being unreasonable, and the bad language is quite unnecessary.

First, get the facts straight. One has the freedom to destroy their body, but they do not have the right to destroy their body. Does this confuse you? I'm not suprised. You are obviously already confused, in fact, you're mentally ill at best.

How do you know what the qualifications are of anyone here? You don't. And, by the way, one does not need to be an astronomer to declare that the sun rises in the East. Or, is common sense beyond your comprehension?

Your attitude smacks of someone who is defeated. You have obviously given up. It shows in your posts in this thread. Are you of the opinion that you have gone so far down your road that there is no way to reverse your situation? Would you reverse your situation if you could?

Here's a large word for you lexicon: duty. It is our duty to warn those who come here under age of the danger that they are in. Or are you against them having the knowledge of where their actions could lead? Why would you withhold information from them? Don't you think that people should be informed? Without the right information they would surely make the wrong decision. Is that what you want, for them to end up like you?

And yes, unless you have had male parts surgically removed and female parts put in their place (you would still be a male, but with female parts) your situation is quite reversible if you wanted to pursue it.


(03-11-2012, 06:42 AM)aoz Wrote:  so it's nothing to trifle with, but you trifle with it anyway.....makes sense to me

I don't know where you come off saying this. Have you read anything I've posted? Anything tibetan has posted? Anything mocha has posted? Anything Wahaika has posted? Anything Doll has posted? We all do crazy brick tons of research. We spend more hours studying just what we're doing to ourselves with these supplements than we probably do in any of our other ACTUAL hobbies. Wahaika I think is just someone who is supportive, but tibetan, mocha, and I? We're in this for serious, and we all have legitimate reasons for it. Me, I'm legitimately a transsexual. I can't afford to transition through medical aid. I'm not after just "make my tits bigger" I'm after as thorough a body transformation as I can possibly get. Tibetan and mocha are both older than 25, and both are massively underdeveloped. They too are more in this for balancing their bodies in general, overall sexual wellness, and yes, bigger busts are a big part of that. Doll has PCOS. Do you have any idea what that is? How many doctors out there completely disregard it despite it's major implications on the sufferers sexual health? How expensive that can be to control using the medical communities "standard" channels because the majority of insurances consider it a "cosmetic" treatment? No? Then back the hell off.

I'm sorry if it upsets you, but as Wahaika above me has stated, there's a difference between freedoms and rights, and, under the age of 18, minors do not yet have the RIGHTS to control over their own bodies. They can not legally assign those rights away and agree to a disclaimer. The rights lie with their parents. Who, if something bad happens, can come after Eve, and come after the members of this forum.

Even if that were not true. Young girls should very very rarely if ever need to resort to hormone manipulation of this sort. If they have an imbalance, they are at an age where they can usually correct it with much much gentler nudges. If not, they are covered under insurance. If nothing else women with children and their children are ALWAYS covered under state medical care. If they bother to seek it.

Young boys simply have no business being here unless their parents know they are here and consent and they are being monitored by AT LEAST a mental health professional. They do not yet have the RIGHT to transition. This isn't about whether it's what's right or wrong for them, this isn't about who they are or what's best for their body or ANYTHING. This is about legal responsibility. Young boys are not LEGALLY allowed to be here. Period.

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