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You have a beautiful smile --you should smile more often and believe me you have a lot to smile about --beautiful girl Heart Heart Heart Heart

I'm on such good mood today, I want to post about. Big Grin Yea, silly me, no other reason to spam more than that. Its days like this when I really appreciate life, its bunch of small things mostly. And some big ones, moving to this new place is amazing. I'm pretty much over with the stress of it as there's mostly just not that urgent things to deal with now and I love this old house so much. It feels like a palace compared to the old one. Comes with its short coming and problems like old houses always do but this place has such character and lovely vibe all over and few things make this the best house I've ever lived in, like our awesome traditional sauna in the basement!

[Image: Kiuas.jpg][Image: Sauna.jpg]
This is better than my moms house, better than our summerhouse, its amazing. Doesn't look like much, but this is what makes a traditional Finnish sauna. That kiuas gets angry with the heat, I love it. And watertap is right above the water heater. No shower, in here we wash the old fasion way.

And that's not all. This morning I had window open while making my coffee, all I see outside the window on this side is a batch of forest, nothing else, trees and flowers. And morning sun comes right inside that time of day. All I hear is birds singing, maybe occasional car or tractor on the field behind the woods. Downside is the army base and shooting range which is about a kilometer away, so when they're practicing, I hear everything very loud in here and they some times shoot MGs and AFV cannons and stuff. Biggest I've heard was mortars and artillery but that's rare. I don't mind it as I know our forest rambos need training, but its a bit annoying to listen to a mock up war some times.. Otherwise its so amazing as on the other side there's lake, on other fields and forest and that means most noise is just nature. Its soothing.

Learning makeup on lazy days like is is so much fun. I love it. I'm contradictory with this as 90% of the time I'm just natural and plain with zero effort in looks, but getting dolled up and figuring out new stuff each time is such a joy. Little things in life, really. Heart And going out for walks, having super nice trails around is so nice! Once again an improvement to how it was before as north from here is almost endless countryside and forest dotted with fields, I'm not going to run out of trails to walk any time soon. And then the nicest beach in town is just a kilometer away. I'm waiting for water to warm up, then its swimming time.

My transition is going well, at least everything that is not as problematic and what is a done deal already. Having trouble paying for SRS and arranging the whole thing is a headache of its own, but that's not something I need to solve on this moment. At least everything else is going forward well, I'm stoked up on EV and NBE is getting so refined, its just awesome. About body changes, its all a balancing act to refine my treatment and the rest is plastic surgery and cosmetic stuff. At least most of it is a done deal and I'm well aware on how to proceed. Being stealth passing is a blessing. Not even my neighbours know about my past, not a single clocking or weird look for a long time now and this will only keep getting easier. Remember my goal and dream breast size of 38M? I'm not worlds away from it, my plan is to reach this goal by the end of the year. With the help of surgery in September, I'm confident I'll get there or maybe even surpass it? I certainly wont mind if I end up goinf further, big boobs work fine on my frame and wide shape makes them look amazing when they get really big. Cool Another goal is to make my lower body wider, it seems that I'm getting there really nicely, Pio is working wonders along with glandulars and DHEA. And skincare routine, I so much love how my face is changing and my skin is becoming so much better lately. I'm definitely going to put effort in this, shaking offmore years off would be amazing. Blush 

Dinner is about done. Salmon today. I'm happy, today is a good day. Hug

Really pretty pictures! Congratulations!


Happy days  Heart

7,5km and 1011kcal today. It felt lighter than last week, less joint pain. My ankles and hip joints get quite sore, but its not been too much to carry on, today first time feeling much lighter. Expected as much, usually its two to three weeks until this happens. I'm still surprised on how can I move around this easily when I'm at my highest weight I've ever been at. I must be a lot more fit than I was ten years back, I wonder how much does quitting smokes effect this? It has to, I'm sure my oxygen levels are way higher. Asthmatic sensitive lungs and cigarettes are a nasty combination.

Today I walked for the first time to the far end of the airport. (Mostly used by border guards, air force some times and local aviation club. ) I went through a fortified training area, then to a mock border control zone and near a tiny lake which has a mock border posts installed. No need to guess twice who are using those areas for training. Also parts of the most famous Finnish war movie was done around there. The army base, airport and surrounding areas are quite a historical site. Used during WWII by FAF and also Luftwaffe, those Kuhlmey kids probably saved Finland back in 1944 (Stuka pilots played a huge role in stopping SU assault during summer 1944, crucial part of stopping them and maintaining Finnish independence). Also that airport and the nearby railway are historically significant, that's where Hitler visited Mannerheim in 1942, the place of the only known recording of his "behind the scenes" voice in existence, done by Finns in secret and they were really lucky to not get caught for it. Also Hitlers plane could have changed history as one of the breaks caught fire. On the news reels you can spot airport personnel being busy putting out the fire which could have ended him before 1945 had it resulted into a crash. Its kinda neat to have such historical site at a walking distance from home.

[Image: 20240527-104408.jpg]
Training trenches, I'm sure there's a lot more if I went looking. Big Grin This one cut the trail right on a small hill, well hidden from view until I literally stumble onto it.

[Image: 20240527-105227.jpg]
Tiny lake at the end of the runway, look closely to see the mockup border posts. Official ones on Russian side are red and green, this one is orange.

[Image: 20240527-105243.jpg]
The plaque right at the lake, in front of it there are some dugouts. Location of bunch of parts of this famous war movie.

[Image: 20240527-105519.jpg]
Far end of the runway, most of this doesn't have pavement, but its kept open and neat if there's need for more (and bigger?) traffic. If there was Russian problem, this place would become extremely busy and strategically important on that very moment.

[Image: 20240527-110040.jpg]

Trail back home, I found a lot of tracks here. ATVs, mopeds and dogs.

So that kinda day, nothing to say about anything NBE related, except that the nightly DHEA seems quite nice? I've felt weirdly energetic third morning in a row. That can't be bad. Big Grin


Neat pictures and history lesson.  We don’t get much actual information that hasn’t been doctored by government or news spin in the US., enjoyed post.


Day six doing the nightly DHEA and I'm feeling great. I've woken up quite easily for last days, I presume this might be the additional IGF-1 giving better rest and resulting to more energetic mornings? So far so good, interesting how it now seems to work fine without causing androgen issues like it was before, but my levels might have changed quite a lot since that time. So for now it seems to work, this might be a nice simple addition to anybody's NBE program, especially if you have female hormone balance to play with.

Those two sessions of professional laser epilation did quite fantastic job. Remember when I dreamed of a situation in which I could deal with facial hair with just plucking? I think that time has come. I've let it be for few days, still what little fluff is there was nearly invisible except from very close proximity. Just long enough to grab most of them, so plucking it is. Interestingly, the thickest and longest hairs I have are all silvery blonde, almost zero pigment and those which are dark brown appear to be much weaker and thinner. How does this happen? It makes no sense, other than my body is quite good not maintaining the dark hairs any more and the rest are stonger but they grow like a peach fuzz mostly, quite slow and they're nearly invisible.

I think I got maybe 60% plucked, the rest are too short to reach with tweezers for now, so I'll wait a for few days and deal with the rest. With some luck I might end up killing some follicles and typically when I pluck something it stays away for several weeks. If I keep busy with this, I may end up to a situation where I don't ever need to shave, just pluck what ever stragglers are there and that's it.

I'm considering to buy a electrolysis device, those go for quite cheap at least on Amazon, its slow but it would be permanent solution. But for now, plucking will do. The amount of hair I have left is so little I can totally deal with it no problem. Its a huge relief as this has been a massive black hole of dysphoria for me. One of the worst things and most annoying one. Literally in your face masculine feature, the only one which was annyoingly so is almost gone. Finally.

Congrats on the laser success and thank you for the photos and history highlights! So utterly cool! I love history and the stories that accompany them! You have no idea how happy I am that you're out hiking and the positives that come with them! Much love to you!

(28-05-2024, 08:53 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Congrats on the laser success and thank you for the photos and history highlights! So utterly cool! I love history and the stories that accompany them! You have no idea how happy I am that you're out hiking and the positives that come with them! Much love to you!
The history stuff is kinda neat, my town has a lot of that. More history than future I guess. About industry, tourism, aviation and war stuff mainly. I should take some pictures of the rapids some time, to show why this is where tourism in Finland started. Big Grin This end of town has a ton to do with the army, air force, border guards and so on for obvious reasons. The local base & airport have served quite a role in past, these days of course much smaller scale. Very interesting for a warhistory nerd.

Laser did amazing job! I'm so happy that I can just plcuk away what is left and then at some point get into home electrolysis and scorch them away forever. Its a huge win and will make life so much easier that I don't need to shave all the time, my skin has become quite sensitive and this is much better approach. Big Grin Symbolic too, getting rid of the most masculine facial feature I had is a big deal.

I love it. Glad to see and hear you're doing well. If to walk and hike, you should def visit Sedona Az sometime if you ever get a chance to. Some of the worlds most amazing views and hikes ( if you're into mountains lol)

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