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Day four pics... Looks like no size has gone yet, only that swelling keeps going down. Same with my waist and back, its awesome to have it all shrink every day. I'm going back home tomorrow, next photo update in few days I think, especially if there's a fast change with swelling. Having bruises fade so quickly is a pleasant surprise, my boobs have only tiny bit of discolouration left. I'm quite sure all that will be gone in about two weeks. ^_^

I'm sleepy... I just took a little nap, I rarely need it but I guess recovery is an energy drain.

[Image: 10-2-24-1.jpg]

Here's how they're now, I so much pray I'll retain most of the size, I will compensate with NBE to make sure there's as little loss as possible. I'll be restarting topicals and some of the now missing herbs soon.
[Image: 10-2-24-2.jpg]
Favourite angle I guess. I should make a timeline of these silly titty poses. xD
[Image: 10-2-24-4.jpg]

Fantastic. You look fabulous

I'm just now catching up on your progress.  I will say that your breasts have more roundness and volume.  I'm extremely happy that you are doing better.  The surgery appears to have made great changes both physically and mentally.  I'm very happy for you.  Hope that your recovery continues to go well.

I'm also happy about you new uplifting mental outlook. Your new hair color looks good, too. Get some good rest, as it helps you heal.

Post op day five.

First night I didn't need a painkiller. I still did wake up early to bathroom and I was in quite a lot of pain, but it was bearable. The burning sensation has deminished quite a lot. I took the Panadol & Burana painkiller combo this morning and it has already kicked in. I might have been ok without, but I'll take them as long as they last. I have three of both left and I think I wont need more. 

Swelling keeps on going down nicely, seems like every day I'm slimmer, but of course also on my breasts. Still a ton of swelling on my back where its most prominent. For some reason on my left flank, there's a bit more bruising than there were some days back. I presume because of being so active, the tissues there are in so much stress there's some minor bleeding happening. I'm trying to be careful but there's no way to not have my tummy skin grab on my thighs and clothes and some times it sticks and pulls in the most painful way imaginable. Dodgy I don't think there's any easier way with this, I'm supposed to be active and on the move as much as I can while avoiding heavy exericse. I'm going to wave goodbye for my stay at girlfriend's "hospital hotel" for now. Kinda sad as she's been taking good care of me and now I'm going back home and having to go back to my normalcy.... Awww, I wish I could stay longer, but I need to go. Next travels next month as I need to go back to Helsinki again. I have the doctors appointment for the vocal chord surgery and I'm booking the first post op check up on the same week if I can.

So about NBE, I'm going back on my previous routine soon, as soon as I get the things I'm missing. I can restart omega3's again too. I'm going to use this coming six months for pushing it with NBE as much as I can to prevent any loss from the fat graft and I want to grow some more, its interesting as my breast shape is so much better now, how will new growth settle on this new shape is very exciting to look forward to.

I was curious about updating my timeline. Swelling is going down fast but I don't seem to be losing volume. Talk about fullness huh?

I have zero idea what my cup size is.

[Image: Year-3-timeline.jpg]

Your surgery added a lot of volume and shape to your breasts.  They really look awesome.

Well....Damn girl!

The visual difference is striking! WOW!

Post op day six.

No volume loss in breasts. They feel slightly softer as more swelling has gone down. Same above my waist, elsewhere there's still a lot of swelling and some more appeared on my flanks and tummy. Likely because those areas get on the move and irritated easily. I can't sit and lie down all day anyway so this isn't a surprise. Bruises are healing fast, redness has turned yellow so no new bleeding and they're already on the way out.

I took off the tight brown tape and replaced all that with breathable bandages, the small kind. Very interestingly the way my body is reacting to stiches is exactly like it was with carpal tunnel surgeries. I have a trait that my wounds heal extrmely fast, but they also gather pus easily. That rarely goes into an infection, but its peculiar. Also my body hates foreing objects like stitches. For my wrists they used the thick 14 day ones and I had to remove them on fifth day, on first go, tenth day was enough that there was ton of pus coming out and infection was brewing. The ones I removed on day five healed perfectly. My surgeon is aware of this orf course.

So, two stiches just came off, one in pieces. These are the thin ones which break on their own. Apparently body uses the same mechanism to dissolve them as what it does when there's a foreing object in a wound. So three spots had gathered a bit of pus, two stiches just fell right off. I got a bit scared but checked the wounds and they're all sealed and there's no signs of infection. No redness around them, no hot spots, no pain. I guess this is my usual reaction, super fast healing and immune system on overdrive. I cleaned everything and will keep close eye on the wounds. I predict the rest of the stiches to fall out one by one in a similar manner in coming days.

Breast situation today looks like this, it was a bit cold so areolas are shy. Note how the mild bruising is already almost invisible.

[Image: 12-2-24-2.jpg][Image: 12-2-24-3.jpg]

I had a talk with my surgeon, he's awesome. He will come over do my one month post op check on the same day I'm in Helsinki for another appointment. He said its his day off but sure he can come to check out my progress that day. So cool. He asked how ismy recovery going, I told him everything and got confirmed that stiches being rejected is totally normal at this stage, not to worry about swelling as there's a truckload of it for now and that deep nasty itch is a very good sign of healing. I so much like him, always good advice on everything, asking me twice within first week how I'm doing, agreeing to do a check up on his day off work... This guy really cares for his patients. I love his attitude, makes me get on a good mood so easily and I trust him.

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