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Back Again

(17-02-2023, 06:01 PM)Avign0n4090 Wrote:  From the Reddit MTF HRT subreddits, I believe you want SHBG to be below 115 nmol/L, and if above that, you need too reduce your E dosage to make SHBG drop to a proper level.

I know SHBG levels are changed by both E and T, but since, normally, we are trying to lower T and raise E, I would think that lowering the E dosage is the thing to do...

This is incorrect, how can Liz lower her E dosage when it's at 75 pmol/L (20.4 pg/mL)...which is basicially normal adult male E2 for her age. So no, the thing "to do" is lower SHBG as I stated.

I am now starting again on Saturday, each item is 1 a day apart from the drops which is 3 drops with water before retiring, I have listed each product with the ingrediants, if you look at the one under Breast Enlargement pills, I have highlighted in Red the herbs that everyone can recognise and most will have taken these.

Lotus a suggested a remedy for my high SHBG, I am going to hold back on that until my bloods are rechecked and if they are the same then I will take what she suggests.

These are laboratory designed and are safe they a micronised and will work, or as the supplier said my money back, over the weekend I will take some photos of the products and upload them.


Anti-Androgen (Blue/White)
Blend of Concentrated Cyproterone Acetate, Diosgenin, Chysophanics, Verbena Officinalis, Tunera Diffusa, Vitex Angus, Castus, Angelica Archangelica, 
Oestrogen Intense (Pink)
Micronised formulation containing Oestrogen, Estrogen, Oestrogen Precursors, Foeniculum Vulgare, Conjugated Phyto-Progesterone’s, Conjugated Phyto- Esterones, Diosgenin, Isoflavones, Foeniculum, Vulgare
Concentrated HRT Drops (Green)
Ptychopetalum Olacoids, Diosgenin, Isoflavones, Cimicifuga, Racemosa, Charnaelirium Lutea, Vitex Angus Castus, Dang Quai, Esterone, Oestrogen Precursors, Hypericum, Perforatum, Doscorea Verosa, Aqua Rosa.
Breast & Nipple Development combi Cream (Pink)
Esterone (Oestrogen), Estrogen, Progesterone Precursors, Esterone Precursors, Progesterone, Spironolactone, Anti- Androgens, Progesterone’s, Conjugated Phyto-Progesterone’s, Diosgenin, Isoflavones, Foeniculum Vulgare, Aqua Cetostearyl Alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Liquid Paraffin Soft Paraffin, Phenoxyethanol,
Enteric Oestrogen Breast Enlargement Pills (Pink)
Oestrogen, Estrerone, Progesterone Precursors, Oestrogen Precursors, Foeniculum Vulgare, Diosgenin, Conjugated Phyto-Progesterone’s Conjugated Phyto- Esterone, Precursor Progesterone, Blend X Mixed Phytoesterones, Diosgenin, Glycyrrthizin (Liquorice plant), Seronoa (Saw Palmetto), Serrulta (Cherry Tree), Isoflavones, Foeniculum Vulgare, Vitex Angus Castus, Smilax Ornta,
Enteric Anti- Androgen Pills (Blue)
Cyproterone Acetate, Spironolactone, MCA Blend X & Y Calendula Officialis Damiana, Angus Castus, Diosgenin, Chysophanics Verbena Officialis, Tunera Diffusa, Vitex Angus Castus, Angelica Archangelica

    As promised, my new routine, pills and capsules one per day, drops 1 x 3 drops per day, bit expensive but last 12 weeks so in the long term cheap.



Well I was sent a new set of do it at home blood tests, today 22 Feb they have come back, yes the ones done on the 9th Feb, were certainly corrupt, if you look at post 111 are the tables from the 9th, now look at the tables for 21 |Feb, there is a massive difference, for example my SHBG in 9 Feb was 170, three months earlier is was 25 todaa it is 59.

Look at both sheets and feel free to comment.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


Firstly thanks Lotus for your PM obviously it is a PM and will stay that way, much appreciated your knowledge is truly amazing.

NOW I will not be on site for a while due a major illness that I was diagnosed with on Moday night ( I STRESS NOTHING TO WITH NBE OR ANTHING I AM TAKING)

For a few weeks I have had a nasal problem which I thought went away with medication, then I developed shocking pain in my left ear which was treated with drops, then on Saturday I started to get pains in my face, anyway late Monday I was in ENT in hospital and I have developed Bels Palsy.

I have full Paralysis of my left hand side of my face, starting on my forehead that looks like botox,pity it was not all my forehead my right hand side is still wrinkly  Wink my left eye is bad aslo swollen cheek, and the standers droop of the mouth, really not funny because I cannot eat or drink properly or speak prpoerly, wife chuffed with that, (only joking she is concerned).

If you google Bells Palsy you can see what it is about, becaus eit was caught within 5 days and with massive steroids I should in a couple of months make good recover.

The symptoms are like a mini stroke but i have not had one thank goodness.
Dr, says it is a direct result of a massive infection and it has effected my 7th Nerve, will keep you updated as and when I can


[moderator notice - unnecessary quoting removed]

Wishing you the best and a speedy recovery.

Hello Liz

I hope you feel better.
Take care of yourself and get back in shape.

Kisses Liz Kiss

Jennifer Hug

Hello Liz

How are you doing? Huh

Kisses Liz Kiss

Jennifer Hug

To all my friends,

Firstly thank you to those who have sent messages, very much appreciated, so to answer the questions.

I have not been ignoring you all,  it is just that I could not see or speak properly and to be honest I felt terrible, for those that are not aware 20 February (2 weeks today) I was struck down with Bells Palsy, it has simular symptoms to a stroke but it is not.

It effects the face and surrounding area's in my case it on my left side of my face, my forehead went tight  just like botox, my eye dropped and closed,  my mouth dropped to one side, I could not speak properly also eat and drink properly also the pain was off the chart.

I have taken a load of medication which thankfully has helped but not totally, so wher am I today and what is next.

I cannot move my eye and it is always wet and sore, treating it with gels and creams, my speach is returning but still stutter and some words are hard to form, I still have eating issues because I still have issues opening my mouth, drinking is via a straw, I have some feeling coming back to my face but it is like going to the dentist and them numbing it ready for dental treatment. 

I am getting better and will get over it but it is going to take time, experts say up to 3 months but as mine was caught early it may take less than that, 8 March seeing (pardon the pun) a doctor to give me a full assessment and to discuss any further treament.

I sleep a lot and i suppose sleep is a good healer, now off steroids, took 114 in total.

So i will obviously keep you all updated.

Love to all


Making slow recovery, speach has improved but still the odd word gets messed up, sight has got better, the good thing is I am now back in my car, only short trips, next week I intend to increase it, still have oral problems with eating and drinking.

Anyway enough of that.

May I ask the members which is better as an anti-androgen, note that I no longer take Red R and PM.

Spirolactone - Cyproterone or Finastride.

My reason for this I have found a source that will supply me with these drugs also supply me with E2 Estradoil, (would love to know what type of Estradoil you would suggest).


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