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Looking for advice


Thanks for the link. I appreciate your support.

I don't want to sound alarmist but I was blind in one eye when I woke up this morning.  Nothing in my diet or prescriptions has changed recently except my PM experiment.  While that certainly isn't conclusive proof it is enough to make me back far away from my experiment.   I spent 4.5 hours in the ER and another couple at the eye doctors office.   Fortunately my vision has slightly improved.   Initially I literally couldn't see my fingers 5 inches in front of my eye but now I can partially make out shapes across the room.   Apparently I have bleeding in the eye which hopefully will improve with treatment over time.  Very scary!

My experiment is done.  I just got home from 4 days in the hospital with blood clots in my liver.  As much as I'd like to have big breasts, it isn't worth dying for.  My PM is going out in the trash.  

Be careful what you wish for.  

Wow... thank you for posting this, im so glad you're alive. im sorry that NBE ended up hurting you, i'm glad you're stopping it.

Thanks.  My advice to others is to stop at the first sign of trouble.   I was feeling a little bit off by day 3 but kept on for 2 more days.  Big mistake!  Id read about blood clots in legs but never considered them in internal organs.   No telling how long it will take for them to dissolve,  hopefully without breaking free and causing further injury.

Best of luck on your journey.

Wishing you well Fastred. I think thrombosis is hard to identify a lot of the time. I've had several, unrelated to PM, over the years and am now permanently on anticoagulants so I guess I was feeling a little protected while experimenting. Fortunately clots seem to clear up well once identified and on anticoagulants. As noted in my other thread I've also ceased my experiment with PM mainly due to some clear gastro side effects causing constipation, but I also had some other less well defined issues including a little bit of breathlessness and more frequent transient occular migraines than normal and that may have been related to.

Anybody experimenting should most definitely be careful and alert to symptoms. Sometime we let passion overrule sound judgement.

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