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Just a dosage question


whats a low dosage drug i can take just to get started a bit cause i can notice my testosterone has dropped but what can increase my phytoestrogen or estrogen in very small increments over a period of time thts cheap-ish

There aren't any that are low dosage, probably better off with PM if you want to stick to low dosage but thats not as cheap-ish.

Fenugreek is cheap-ish and will increase it much slower than PM. And there won't be much suspicion (if thats a concern at all) because it is a good herb for digestion and other things.

Otherwise you can make diet changes if you want small increases, like eating grapefruit and drinking soy milk.

PM is a powerful phytoestrogen and is the one most people will recommend for real and profound changes, if thats what your after.

Maybe if you could tell us your desire intent/result?

for now my desieres would be just to go through the normal stages of a teenage girls breats if i could be!/photo.php?fbid=278219912274096&set=pb.100002582692275.-2207520000.1350246605&type=1&theater like that within a year or 2 omg i would be so happy im an inbetweener i just want breast for partial feminization because i really cant make it as a boy adn having breast will make me not only happier but ill feel normal. I have seen a phychiatrist for quite a while and i just would like to be like monica if i could become her i would say yes and if i get breast like hers i will wear a bra but after u reply to this i have some questions

If you are a looking for a routine, there are several threads, do a search or browse around.

One of the most common is PM/SP like this one:

Generally you can't control breast growth, some people have "sprouts" of growth but according to some it reaches plataeus over time and eventually, a maximum limit after many years.

I am assuming you are very young (judging by who you want to look like), please keep in mind this change after a certain point is IRREVERSIABLE. It will also make you sterile after a while, this might not seem important to you at that age but it should be a serious consideration since it's all irreversible.

As for dosage, I would just stick to the standard PM/SP routine dosage from robin, once you get a "sprout" or reach a decent breast growth, reduce your dosage if you do not want further growth.

Please consult with a therapist and GP before starting any routine!

For a little over 8 weeks, I have been taking 3,600 mg/day of FG, 4,500 mg/day of RC Blossom and 3,510 mg/day of SP. The amounts are spread out morning, mid-day, then night. Am I taking too much? The right amount? Is there a "right amount?"

Most of all I have noticed intermittent sensations in my breasts, usually a very mild ache of tingle, and occasionally very sensitive nipples. Also, the nipples have gone very pale. I sense a very modest change in the fullness of the shape but am not sure it is not just my imagination.

I have been daily taking 5400 mg of FG, 1200 mg of Saw Palmetto extract for the last month with 2400 mg of RC for two weeks off then two weeks on intermittently. I have had excellent results so far.

What you are doing sounds like a good starting point.

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