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Wanting advice/any help


Hey everyone
I have been browsing this forum for a while over the past several months and only today I have got around to signing up as I wanted to ask experienced people about the topic So yeah I am a bit of a newbie sorry
So I was wondering if people would offer me any advice and help I'm a 23 year old male and for a rather long time I have always fantasised about having my own pair of breasts that I have always wanted to grow
Anyway's I have done my research on the side effects of strong estrogenic methods in pill form and I would rather stick with safer supplements if I was to start meaning exterior supplements likes creams & such
Any help or advice is appreciated thanks Smile

Some of the other posters on this site are more familiar with creams than I am, and will have better input. However, your breasts are only going to grow by adding "E" into your system, the cream will still be absorbed into your blood stream. If it's just a fantasy then maybe ordering some $40 breast forms from a place like Ali express is somthing you might want to consider. Growing breasts is not somthing you should be doing, unless you are willing to take the lifestyle changes that may come with it.

(05-10-2015, 02:13 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  Some of the other posters on this site are more familiar with creams than I am, and will have better input. However, your breasts are only going to grow by adding "E" into your system, the cream will still be absorbed into your blood stream. If it's just a fantasy then maybe ordering some $40 breast forms from a place like Ali express is somthing you might want to consider. Growing breasts is not somthing you should be doing, unless you are willing to take the lifestyle changes that may come with it.

Well it has been a fantasy of mine for a long while like I say for many years now and people say that fantasies come and go so far this one hasn't But thanks for the reply anyway's ill have to do some more browsing then maybe when it comes to creams to use

I do understand it can be a huge undertaking on the way of life and with it being difficult along the way

Hi there Newbie, and welcome to our little piece of Cyber Heaven.

I agree with Janet, if you get a good cream that has E in it, it will hit your blood stream. But, on the other hand, if it's a good quality one, it will target the breasts more.

But either way, it will feminize you to a certain degree... So, buyer beware.

Hello Ghost.

Welcome to the forum. Smile

PM is what I'm most familiar with and would recommend for anyone interested in starting NBE. However, I've always used the capsule form of pm, not the cream form.

One word of caution about NBE: make sure you're prepared for when fantasy turns into reality. While it may be fairly common for males to have varying levels of breast development, it is unusual for males to purposely grow breasts. If the possibility of others teasing or disapproving of you having girlie breasts could cause a moderate level of embarrassment or shame for you, you should probably think twice before heading down this path. This is especially true if you have a significant other now or would like to have one sometime in the future. I don't know what your sexual orientation is, but the advice could go either way. The number of women who are willing to get involved with a guy who has breasts could very well be in the same percentage as guys who are open to getting involved with a gal who has an unusual amount of facial and body hair.

Thanks for the warm welcome people when we talk about creams what would be a good one to go with if there is any recommendation I am from the UK so would need to buy online on Amazon or something

I have considered all your advice and in my current life situation I do not have a partner & I am a Straight male but in the future I would like to look for a partner somewhere down the line so it would be a difficult choose for me to make currently
But I do want to pursue this dream eventually Like I stated before it was just some friendly advice I was seeking originally anyway's and a lot of people on the forum seem very nice and forthcoming Smile

(06-10-2015, 08:05 PM)GhostMirror Wrote:  Thanks for the warm welcome people when we talk about creams what would be a good one to go with if there is any recommendation I am from the UK so would need to buy online on Amazon or something

If you want to go with pm, I would recommend Ainterol Herbs. There's a US and UK version of the site.

(06-10-2015, 08:05 PM)GhostMirror Wrote:  I have considered all your advice and in my current life situation I do not have a partner & I am a Straight male but in the future I would like to look for a partner somewhere down the line so it would be a difficult choose for me to make currently

But I do want to pursue this dream eventually Like I stated before it was just some friendly advice I was seeking originally anyway's and a lot of people on the forum seem very nice and forthcoming Smile

When it comes to intimate relationships and NBE, I think the majority of males here are already married or in a committed relationship when they start NBE. In just about all cases, it puts a strain on the relationship and as you may expect, some relationships get through it, while others either go into denial or break up. I'm a loner with intimate relationships, so I don't have any first-hand advice in this matter. From what I've read, the type of women you may have the most success with are women who are bisexual and/or open-minded about gender-bending.

(07-10-2015, 12:42 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  
(06-10-2015, 08:05 PM)GhostMirror Wrote:  Thanks for the warm welcome people when we talk about creams what would be a good one to go with if there is any recommendation I am from the UK so would need to buy online on Amazon or something

If you want to go with pm, I would recommend Ainterol Herbs. There's a US and UK version of the site.

(06-10-2015, 08:05 PM)GhostMirror Wrote:  I have considered all your advice and in my current life situation I do not have a partner & I am a Straight male but in the future I would like to look for a partner somewhere down the line so it would be a difficult choose for me to make currently

But I do want to pursue this dream eventually Like I stated before it was just some friendly advice I was seeking originally anyway's and a lot of people on the forum seem very nice and forthcoming Smile

When it comes to intimate relationships and NBE, I think the majority of males here are already married or in a committed relationship when they start NBE. In just about all cases, it puts a strain on the relationship and as you may expect, some relationships get through it, while others either go into denial or break up. I'm a loner with intimate relationships, so I don't have any first-hand advice in this matter. From what I've read, the type of women you may have the most success with are women who are bisexual and/or open-minded about gender-bending.

Hmm I see what you mean best thing to do then at the moment it looks like is wait until I find a partner who is as you say open minded to these sorts of things not to mention I'm not really very good with getting with women in the first place most of the time things for me don't work

@Ghost_Lee ~

I dunno... In today's world of almost universal man boobs, between that and all the hype about transgenderism, i rather think that guys may now be able to get away with pretty decent boobs on an otherwise normal looking guy.

It probably depends a lot on the area where you live and the kind of people you are around. At the very least, i think it would be easy to make a convincing case that you simply have man boobs, even if they are a bit more feminine. With clothes on who is going to know?

The place where i'd be most concerned would be in intimate relationships, where i suppose you'd have a dilemma of whether or not to keep it a secret.

If you mostly associate with liberal minded people, you may even be able to be open about your fantasy, but at work, etc. you would prolly need to just have man boobs Wink

People are funny about the way they think that certain actions and expressions are reserved for certain social classes, but in some circles that pattern is starting to break up in favor of greater tolerance of individuality and freedom.

So it may be more a matter of where you choose to live and the people you choose to associate with than the specific things that you do. I mean, how can having boobs be any worse than say dressing goth or punk? It's just another way of expressing oneself. So i think it's possibly more a matter of self-confidence, and the people you are around - both the larger community and your own support circle.

Isn't the bottom line really about finding and embracing your true self, and finding a safe place to express who you really are? Isn't it all about authenticity and the freedom to be your authentic self?

That said, i certainly hear you about the importance of avoiding potential future risks by messing with your hormones. On the other hand, you probably cannot have your own real boobs without some degree of harmonal monkeying. So it's a balancing act.

I know from experience that it's possible to have decent boobs without taking any of the things discussed in these forums (or anything else, for that matter). But it took me 5 years, so taking a completely safe path may require considerable patience, and it may not work for everyone. Quite possibly you may want something in between the two extremes.

Don't forget to consider what happens when you stop taking whatever you may take to manifest your dream. Will you be able to retain the growth? I don't really know the answer to this, but suspect that when you stop then things will tend to revert back to the original state, depending on how you achieved your growth. So you should probably factor in to your thinking how long you may need to take whatever you take, even after you've achieved your goal.

I'm sorry it's such a complicated subject, especially for the safety-minded.

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