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I Started Spiro! (archive thread) - Printable Version

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I Started Spiro! (archive thread) - admin - 11-09-2011

I Started Yay!
October 11 2007 at 5:10 PM
Blu-Jay (Login Blu-Jay)


I started on Spiro today. I'll try this till the years end in cunjunction with my Phyto-Es and see what happens.

Author Reply
(Login Davi-lee) Re: I Started Yay! October 12 2007, 6:33 PM

Cool...keep us apprised of how you do,if you care to.

(no login) Re: I Started Yay! October 13 2007, 7:19 AM

Yeah, I'll keep you posted on how things go.
Like I mentioned on an earlier post, I'm very busy with work right now, so my internet time is some what limited.
Just to fill you in on what's happening; I'm starting on a low dose( 100) and I'll be working my way up. It's only been a few days now and I understand that it takes a couple of weeks before you might notice anything happening.After a couple of weeks,nothing, I'll up it another 50.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I Started Yay! October 13 2007, 9:14 PM

Don't know if you use any suction devices but if you do, spiro's a diuretic so you may get less swelling than you're used to, otherwise you'll just spend more time in the bathroom. Good luck

(Login Davi-lee) Re: I Started Yay! October 14 2007, 10:21 PM

Just for fun,does anyone know *why* spiro. has the effect on lowering androgens? I mean,its basically supposed to be a diuretic,right?
I just dont study these male drugs much,...I need to get more informed about them.
As an aside, I thought I read about Androcur's effects is that it blocks all hormones,Ests and Ands.That doesnt sound very good.
Maybe I misread the statement.
I swear that it said that it works by reducing androgens due to blocking the precursors to it which would also block est's production I would think.
I wonder if it has an effect on free circulating est hormones.

(Login moonstruck61) Re: I Started Yay! October 20 2007, 2:43 AM

WEll I just ordered a six month supply of Ginette-35. Smile

I also need to find an AA that will make you regrow lost hair IE male pattern baldness. I have a thin spot in the back about 3-4" and it looks terrible. I know that hair loss in that area CAN regrow with help.

Anyone know which AA's are good for that? The more powerful the better.

My private little stash of girly goodies:

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I Started Yay! October 21 2007, 9:17 PM

Well, Androcur's sold for male pattern balding - you can get it and read the doctor's info leaflet on the inhousepharmacy site but it's expensive and you need to be careful with the liver toxicity. There is also a thread on the main page about hair loss but not sure if yours is following the same mechanism. Also there's Finasteride (Propecia) which has listed side effect of gynaecomastia. Flutamide's another one you read about but think that's pretty much obsolete now as has more side effects than the others without being more effective. Looking at the link below Finasteride combined with Androcur is more efective than Androcur alone - so like everything guess it depends how much time and money you want to spend trying them out....don't forget the liver toxicity

Davi-Lee - Androcur (cyproterone) is a progesterone which is why when combined with estrogen in the pill it acts as a contraceptive... this is very interesting:

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Unrelated... October 21 2007, 9:18 PM

Blu-Jay, Just wondered if you booby pic is rotating correctly, someone on the main forum said you should rotate the other way for growth but sure I've seen a pic of it being done how your pic is - any ideas?

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(Login Davi-lee) Re: I Started Yay! October 22 2007, 9:22 AM

HAHAHA!....Yah Louise I think its become an old joke now,I mean Blu-Jay's pic going the wrong way.
The motion should be a circling inward on both sides,towards the center.
Thats the Chi energy drawing motion.

Oh yeah,that androcur's the harsh stuff.Some of the tgirls on transgender tribe on Tribes,were warning to take only a fraction of a pill daily.
It has some bad sideeffects.

Oh I forgot it was a progesterone.
I wonder if it negates androstenedione also like natural prog does.
I asked that last one before around and no one could answer that.
If it shuts off androgens due to that reason then it doesnt look like a very good thing if its shuting off everything else to.
So,it is a synthetic prog?(the androcur)

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(no login) Re: I Started Yay! October 23 2007, 3:16 PM

Yes, according to the chi massage technics,the pic in my avatar is going the wrong way. I used that pic just for the idea of massage because it's close to the chi.
I spoke to my massage therapist about it and she told me that any form of massage is beneficial. The Idea of the massage is to increase the circulation in the breast. So I assume that kneading, circular motion and a combination of the two or some other massage motion WOULD be beneficial either way.

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Blu- Jay
(no login) Re: I Started Yay! October 23 2007, 3:49 PM

What I've read about the Spiro that the some other girls wrote is that the Spiro is well tolerated by the body as opposed to the androcur and it's a fair bit cheaper. Most of the girls use the Spiro.
Yes the spiro is a med for high blood pressure and a diuretic. One of the side effects That I read on my leaflet is that it can cause "breast enlargement in men". In women Spiro IS used as an anti- androgen eg: skin problems like acne, Hirutism and some other problems. So it will help in reducing excess body hair on women and clear up the skin.
Depending what the problem might be,the dosages are adjusted to that specific problem.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: I Started Yay! October 23 2007, 9:57 PM

I didn't want spiro as it would prevent my Brava swelling, but the standard thing for hirsutism in women seems to be to start with dianette (2mg cyproterone) then depending on response add androcur (50mg x increasing dose daily). I've been given anti-diabetic meds too, this is partially to prevernt type 2 diabetes but also to help ovulation in future. The gynaecologist treating me for PCO said that I could try the androcur but you can't have it indefinitely due to liver toxicity and that once you stop the hairs will come bakc as before (no worse but no better).

Davi-Lee, I'll be working on your questions above but bed time now, dreaming of the magic booby bullet!