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I want total body feminization (archive thread) - Printable Version

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I want total body feminization (archive thread) - admin - 06-08-2011

I want total body feminization
October 12 2009 at 7:31 PM Cool (no login)


Pls someone help me I want total body feminization and I am wondering if transfemme works and I am 13 by the way pls someone help me what should I do

Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) Wait a sec here... October 14 2009, 10:16 PM

You are THIRTEEN???

Please don't try any of this until you are grown up, OK? You see, all the rest of us here has once been 13 too and boy have we made a lot of wrong decisions in our teens... Your body is growing right now and any interference by added hormones or herbs with hormonal effects might endanger your health. Badly. Because even if you are dead sure about this right now, you might feel different at 25 and then there is no turning back. The effects are irreversible. Even though it might suck to hear this... Please wait with these sort of decisions until you are an adult. The future you might think differently and deserves a chance to have a say too. I don't say this to be mean. I just get very worried when someone as young as you decide to do things that will affect the rest of their lives like that. When I was 13 I was convinced that I was too ugly to live. I'm glad I'm a lot older nowadays. :-)



(no login) Undertand yourself October 18 2009, 2:46 PM

You do not tell us why you want total feminisation and this is vital for you, if you are to get the best possible outcome for your life ahead. Basicaly there are two possibilities: either you are transgendered or the idea of having a femanised body gives you a thrill. If it is the latter, Fennel Fairy's advice is bang on; if it is the former you need to act fast to get the best possible outcome.
You need to look at your earliest thoughts about how you felt about yourself; did you feel you should have been a girl or ask why you were not born a girl? If you did you are almost certainly transexual. Dutch researchers have found the part of the brain, which controls gender identity and it is physicaly different in men and women. In transexuals it corresponds to a person of the opposite gender. Thus, a transexual person has a very real medical condition, which, if not treated can lead to serious mental health problems.
If it has not already started you are on the cusp of starting puberty and the changes it brings are what will cause the big problems with a succesful transition from male to female, later in life. The good news is that puberty can be prevented or halted, with medication, meaning that you can adopt the role of a girl and be ready at 18 for sex reassignment surgery, without developing any more male characteristcs.
There is a wealth of information on the web and, for an exellent starting point, try Professor Lyn Conway's site; here is a lady who really knows what she is talking about.
If you decide that you are transexual, you need medical help as soon as possible. I realise that this will, almost certainly, mean coming out to your parents, which is why you need to have researched the subject, so you can point them to the information that shows this to be a real medical condition that is best treated now.
With puberty blocked, it might be a good iea to take pueriaria mirificaria, so that you develop alongside the other girls, rather than standing out.
If you are transexual, good luck with your transition, if not take Fennel Fairy' advice

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(no login) My Dreams April 25 2010, 8:21 AM

I was where you were alont time ago and i can give you advise if you truly seek it. my name is @yahoo too email me for advise

Total feminization - admin - 13-09-2011

Total feminization
December 26 2008 at 11:38 AM Danni (Login Doogalloonni)


I'm pretty happy with my internal feminizing, but have an issue with external things- (not the size). How can I have feminine looking breasts with hair, or, in my opinion, the worst thing: ingrown hairs, and razor bumps. I've tried epilating, elec. razor, dibilitories, plucking- the whole 9 yards, and am always left looking like the face of a 15 boy. It's embarassing, even if few see me this way. My breasts look nice, but my cleavage, which I'd like to show off a bit, is awful looking. I've tried many remedies, and a list here would take pages. I'll throw it up for comment/discussion, and just see what happens.
Thanks, I appreciate all experience-based advice....
Breasts RULE!


Author Reply

(Login moonstruck61) Re: Total feminization December 26 2008, 3:37 PM

One word. Spiro.

If you want to totally feminize go to a doctor and get on prescription meds. The body hair will get waaaaaaay better over time.
Mine has almost totally gone away on it's own now.

I went from chimp to smooooooth woman....

(no login) Re: Total feminization January 6 2009, 10:35 PM

except for facial hair, you have to zap that off for it to be permanent. Laser isn't permanent yet. It just takes a very long time for it to grow back.

(no login) Re: Total feminization January 9 2009, 7:57 AM

Laser isn't permanent? Boo hoo....

RE: I want total body feminization - admin - 15-09-2011

RE: I want total body feminization
June 12 2008 at 12:09 AM ATP (no login)


I must say, it DOES make a difference in the brand of herbs you use.

Initially, I wanted to be cheap about it and got VitaminShoppe brand. But recently I've started taking brand named like Solgar and Nature's Answer and I must say, I am feeling more tingles and bursts of pain in my chest Smile

I've only been on the program for close to a 5 weeks now. 3 weeks of which were on 'store brand' stuff.

So perhaps the herbs are just kicking in regardless of their brand? :/

Aside, from feeling tingles and pains (which aren't very often, but do occur), I also think my nipples have taken a more puffy appearance.

I'm still kinda amazed that I'm able to grow a beard, body hair,(at normal pace, not slower) and get erections though. LOL

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: Store Brand Herbs vs 'Quality' Herbs June 12 2008, 8:11 AM

The most success I ever had with NBE was with fennel and fenugreek. I never bought the fancy capsules. I bought them as ordinary cooking herbs in BULK for a fraction of the cost that you pay for your stuff. And it worked just fine.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Store Brand Herbs vs 'Quality' Herbs June 14 2008, 1:59 AM

Beard won't stop, ever. At best it *may* grow a tiny bit slower but you'll never notice it except in your imagination. Body hair *may* lighten up a little. And the naughty thing, it will always be able to "rise to the occasion", like it or not. Herbals are too weak to affect those things in any significant way.

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(no login) So if herbals are too weak.... June 14 2008, 2:25 AM

To affect beard growth, body hair growth, and are they able to grow breasts then?

I guess if it is possible, I suppose I can have my pie and eat it too, as it were Smile

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Store Brand Herbs vs 'Quality' Herbs June 16 2008, 4:30 AM

Herbals will NOT affect those things, beard, body hair, erections.
What it does do it wake up the estrogen receptors in your breast area and cause growth to begin.
Herbals won't affect the other things, I promise you that.

To knock them out you would have to take toxic of them for a very long time and even so beard growth will not ever stop or slow or thin out.

Why do you think transsexuals go through hundreds of hours of electrolysis and laser to get rid of our facial hair? I'm taking massive doses of prescription injectable Delestrogen, thousands of times stronger than any herbals you could ever take and large doses of prescription anti-androgens. I've been chemically castrated. My testosterone levels were checked by a lab and is is around 17. Normal T level for a natal female is around 35 to 40. The lowest level for a male is 400 and at 400 doctors go into a panic and insist on pumping you up with testosterone injections so you don't start feminizing.

I'm waaaaay below the bottom limit for males and lower than most normal females. All natal females have a very small amount of testosterone in their system, various other glands produce it, it's needed by everyone.

Even with my extremely low T levels, facial hair is still a problem and I've spent a hell of a lot of money getting rid of it. Body hair is finally beginning to lighten up and go away though it will take a year or two more before my body hair is more or less normal for female.

And before going on HRT, I was hairy like a chimp.

It takes time and money and patience. And it all depends on where you want to take it.
Want to grow some little boobies that are easy to disguise and keep your male functions?

Want to fully feminize into a woman? See a doc, get a prescription, get used to sticking needles in your own ass every week and make an appointment with an electrologist and or laser specialist. Oh, and option two, you lose all male function. :-) It becomes a non-issue.

RE: I want total body feminization - admin - 15-09-2011

besides breasts getting bigger.....
May 19 2007 at 1:07 AM
stefanie (Login stefanie_ss)


has anyone noticed any other feminizing effects?

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: besides breasts getting bigger..... May 19 2007, 1:46 AM


My skin feels different. It's hard to describe but it's different, in some areas.
I've also noticed my butt is getting more prominent however my hips haven't started to widen out yet.
My butt and thighs feel more fleshy, there's more fat gathering there and it does feel different that ever before.
It's actually a pleasant feeling.

Overall, excluding my little titties, my body still hasn't yet assumed an obvious female form. Sad

As I proceed through this thing, I'm beginning to get the feeling that it's going to take a pretty long time.
And that's ok I suppose because sudden drastic changes can't be good for you. Besides, I feel that if I feminize slowly over a long time it's less likely to cause alarm in people that I know..

If it were not for my family I would go 100% all the way through including surgery. But I can't because I don't want to hurt my family so I'll have to accept that at best, I can can achieve the genderless, androgynous form of an ** it **........
As it is now, I don't really consider myself a man or even male. I'm somthing but I'm not any one thing in particular. I'm in limbo, stuck in this body and working to reshape it as best as I can so that I can be comfortable in it.

If anything ever changes and I do decide to go all the way, it won't take much more because I'll already be mostly there anyway.
I wish I could do it. I really, really, really wish I could do it.

As to all of this, I'm working not only to grow breasts but to feminize my body in general, to become as female as I can but still be able to pass as male if need be. I'll have to be right in the middle so that I can be whatever I need to be as the occasion calls for.
I prefer to be female but many people will expect me to be male. And it's because of them that I must remain "fluid" and adaptable. oversized, baggy and thick clothing will become a way of life for me..

I'll be frank with you. I would rather be Jane, but for now, I'll be frank... ;-)

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: besides breasts getting bigger..... May 19 2007, 6:33 AM

Oh, I almost forgot some other effects I've experienced.

I've posted a few times here about the sexual effects this has had on me.
I would say that beforeI started herbs, my sex drive/function was almost flat line.
Now it's all fired up and running full throttle, to use a "male" colloquialism.
I've also noticed what I think is a strange thing, I'm "emotionally horny".. Hard to explain but it's like in my mind I'm extremely horny and turned on (by what, I don't know) and full of desire but physically I'm not, and my emotional horniness seems to be independent of my physical functions, none of which seem impaired in anyway. Everything works great, better than ever, it's just this emotional horniness is something alien to me I've never experienced before. This seems to counter everything I've ever read about males taking female hormones, I don't know what's going on but it doesn't bother me very much. Got to have some way to have a little pleasure and release some "pressure".... ;-)

When I resumed herbs after a two week break this hit me hot and heavy for several days. It's dropping off now, mellowing out and leveling off. Good thing too, it was very distracting to me, it really consumed my thought to the point that I was almost not even mentally in the here and now, I was wandering around in my head, lost but happy.

When I went off the herbs, I became a real crabby bitch, I also cheated twice during my break and took some. And each time, once they left my system, I was a crabby, cranky bitch for a day or two.

Taking phytoestrogens DOES affect your mind. If you don't think the do, just go hang around with an older, menopausal woman for a few days.

One last thing I've read. MEN go through a sort of male menopause as their natural hormone levels drop off as they age.
I am pretty darn sure I was experiencing that over the past 5-10 years. So take that and start dumping large amounts of female hormones into the system and I can assure you, something new and different IS going to happen..

I'll be frank with you. I would rather be Jane, but for now, I'll be frank... ;-)

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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(Login riven_one) Re: besides breasts getting bigger..... April 27 2008, 8:08 AM

I really don't want to embarrass morticia by bringing up this old thread, but I was digging thru the archives tonight and I find myself in *exactly* the same situation as described and with the exact same thinking she had at the time of this post. It is eerie. Perhaps I am on the same journey and just don't know it yet. Another observation is that it is a shame that so many of the previously active posters seem to no longer participate, and it is a great thing that fennel still hangs out here.

(Login riven_one) Re: besides breasts getting bigger..... April 27 2008, 8:09 AM

well, almost exactly. I don't see surgery in my future at this point.

RE: I want total body feminization - admin - 20-09-2011

Is it just breasts?
November 1 2008 at 5:21 AM Kinkly (Login kinkly)


I'm new to this forum & have recently started herbs for breast growth but The part of my body I'm most needing to change is my Boney butt from what I've read so far there doesn't seem to be any info about other aspects of herbal feminization except for breasts currently I'm on red clover fenugreek & saw palaminto. I've heard that this can happen with what I'm taking but is not common.
any info about "Butt Herbs" will be greatly apreciated

Author Reply
(Login riven_one) Re: Is it just breasts? November 3 2008, 1:51 AM

Hey Kinkly-

Like we've discussed over e-mail you can expect some fat redistrubition. Hopefully that'll fix your boney butt!


(no login) Butt November 3 2008, 3:03 AM

BO will also help in redistribution,Ive been told also that MACA will help ur rear. I tried it for awhile on the MACA,im just out now. Also I read that MACA is for energy. Hope this helps you.

(no login) want to trade? November 3 2008, 3:27 AM

If you like you can have some of mine.
I was once told by a female coworker that I have a gheto Booty; that it would fit better on a black girl instead of a white guy.