Breast Growth For Genetic Males
We were on a break! - Printable Version

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We were on a break! - admin - 31-07-2011

We were on a break!
April 21 2007 at 1:45 PM
twinklepose (Login twinklepose)


:-) Does anyone know how long is best to take a break from the herbs? I've been off them about a week now. When should I go back on them?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 4:38 PM

Well it all depends on how long you've been on the herbs. If you've done herbs for say 4 months, then you probably need a month off or so. If you've done herbs for two months then maybe one or two weeks off.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 6:29 PM

Is there any particular reason to "take a break" from herbs?
I mean for medical reasons or anything like that?
I've only been taking them hard core for about two months, I started in Jan, slowly and ramped up over time.
I just ramped it up a little more yesterday, increasing RC and Soy Lech. over what I was doing.
I tried to ramp up the Black Cohosh but it gave me stomach cramps and nausea. That's some rough stuff.
I found my limits on BC.

Anyway, I would like to know more because I want to do this the right way and I don't want to cause damage to my body.
I read somewhere that people take a break from the herbs to mimic female cycles but I also read a lot of people state that's nonsense and doesn't matter, that there's no reason to try to mimic the female cycles cause we don't have those parts anyway. Sad

Fen, you're our resident expert, we would like to have your input on this too. You ought to know about hormones and stuff way better than the rest of us. Smile Lucky you!

Dip me in estrogen and throw me to the lesbians!

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 8:52 PM

It's not about mimicing female cycles. It's because your body gets too used to the herbs after a while and will stop responding to the herbs eventually unless you let them leave your system for a while. Also the liver needs a chance to clean itself from all the stuff.

It's common that people do well on herbs to start with, ramp up the dose and keep going for a long period of time just to suddenly stall. You avoid this by taking a little break every so often. Then you kick start again and get much more effect out of the herbs.

Often growth spurts will occur after the breaks, when you start up again on a lower dose. Then you can slowly ramp up again if you need to.

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(Login twinklepose)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 8:56 PM

OK, I've been on the herbs for about five-and-a-half months. Should I take a month off?

In answer to moon's question, I stopped because I was getting very bad dizzy spells and almost fainted one day.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 9:56 PM

Ah, thank you FF !!

That's an excellent explanation and totally makes sense to me.
I think I'll wait until the end of this month then totally stop and take a week off.
I'll make sure to drink a lot of water (which I do anyway)..
Can you recommend any good methods/foods/drinks for "cleaning your system out" ?

What about drinking Cranberry juice? If I recall, I hear women drink it a lot because it's very healthy.

Dip me in estrogen and throw me to the lesbians!

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 10:06 PM

In that case Twink, you should take a month off.

There are some good "ready made" cleansers to buy in the health food store. Some use milk thistle but there are some side effects of that particular herb that I don't remember quite so well, could be hair loss...

Another way is to drink lots and lots of water, flush yourself out with prune juice and eat organic/vegetarian for a few weeks, avoiding meat, coffee and alcohol.

Cranberry juice is excellent, but not for liver cleansing.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: We were on a break! April 21 2007, 11:15 PM

I would DIE without my coffee. I drink 12 cups of super strong coffee every day. I have a hard core and very old coffee addiction.
I quit smoking and I quit drinking many years ago (I used to smoke and drink a LOT) but I can't quit my coffee.
I make my coffee so strong you can stand the spoon up in it.
I like espresso too but it's a pain to make and more expensive.

I keep reading about coffee hindering your progress while on herbs, I'm scared to think what would be happening to me if I didn't drink coffee!

Dip me in estrogen and throw me to the lesbians!

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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Anon Man
(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 22 2007, 3:03 AM

Thanks FF. So maybe a good rule of thumb is after a month, take a week off? Then when restarting, try half the dose you were at and build back up?

MS - 12 freaking cups of coffee?!?!?! Wow!!! You can run an IV all day long!! After that I'd be hyper. But isn't coffee the nectar og the God's?? It's a ritual for us!

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(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 22 2007, 9:55 AM

Yes, after every month on herbs, take a week off - That's a good thing to go by.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: We were on a break! April 22 2007, 7:20 PM

Should we do this like every month? Herbs for three weeks then one week off?

I've been taking them 3 times a day for a few months now with no breaks.
If I wait until the end of this month should I then stop for say, two weeks?
Or would a one week break be enough?

Dip me in estrogen and throw me to the lesbians!

Ta Ta's! ( . )( . )

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(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 22 2007, 7:31 PM

I can't say really. If you've gone longer than 3 months on herbs, perhaps a two week break is the best.

You will probably feel tingles and growing pains when you've gone OFF the herbs for a couple of days, then it will calm down. When you start up again, it's like a kick start for the system again and I believe that promotes growth while continous use with no breaks can stall any possible growth.

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anon man
(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 23 2007, 1:40 AM

Thanks FF. That is very sound advice and that probably can be applied to regular vitamins too! How many of us take Vit C, E, or selenium? So maybe we should alter our use there too and take a few days off. For regular vitamins I usually skip a weekend day like Saturday.

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(Login Boob-Dreamer)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: We were on a break! April 23 2007, 2:48 AM

After taking "Breast Scultor" for six months I stopped for 4 months. At that point I felt My development was slowing down, probably due the my body becoming familiar with the herbs. My breasts had developed to an AAA or AA size. During the four months I do not appear to have lost any of my development. I was suprised how much was at the side (under the arms) rather than at the front in the breasts themselves. I have now started again last week with 2 capsules of Breast Sculptor three times a day supplemented by approx 6mg of natural progesterone cream rubbed into each nipple/breast twice a day, 2 Red Clover tablets three times a day and 2 Wild Yam tablets twice a day.
The Breast sculptor lists all the classic ingredients but no quantities, such as Fenugreek (seed),Saw Palmetto (fruit), Fennel (seed), Mexican Wild Yam (root), Damiana (leaf), Kelp, Motherswort, Avena Sativa, Blessed Thistle and L-Tyrosine.
Just says 900mg per serving (2 capsules) per day. I have been taking this 3 times a day.

The best test that I have heard of for checking development is Moonstruck's check with a pencil and whether or not your beast will support it.
Moonstruck, you have shown me that I have to go another cup size at least.


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(Login moonstruck61) Re: We were on a break! April 23 2007, 6:29 AM

I have read that the mg's listed on herbs don't really mean much as they are unregulated by any guidelines or agencies.

I was taking Black Cohosh that listed it's contents at 80mg each capsule.
I ran out of those and am now taking a different brand and those say they contain 550mg each capsule!
I also ran out of Red Clover and also changed brands, this one says it is 425mg, first one was 500mg.
I'm also ramping up a little bit befor a two week break starting on the first of next month. For the next week I'm taking the following three times a days, about every 8 hours.

Soy Lecithin - 6 caplets, 1200mg each = 7,200mg per day

Saw Palmetto - 6 caplets, 450mg each = 2,700mg per day

Red Clover - 9 caplets, 425mg each = 3,825mg per day

Black Cohosh - 3 caplets, 550mg each = 1650mg per day

Total = 15,375mg of phytoestrogens I consume each and every day.

PREVIOUS was = 13,140mg of phytoestrogens that I was consuming each day.

Plus, the following - Prilosec - 1 per day, 20mg - documented to cause gynecomastia

I hope that my left tit catches up with my right one, I think I may have to get some of the cream people have mentioned and apply it to only my left tit. It's smaller and points upward, my right one is larger and points downward.

I too have noticed that fat is filling in under my arms and now I'm noticing that my chest is thickening up in general, it's not like it's concentrating in towards the nipples, it's kind of spread out evenly around my entire chest. I guess because it's new and still "young breast tissue" that it hasn't had time for gravity to affect the fat and pull it down to where it belongs.
Maybe it's because my body is confused and doesn't know what to do about having tits. This is a second puberty from everything I've read. Once the new tit tissue has been around for awhile and gravity has had a chance to work on it awhile, it may gravitate to the proper area. Another thing that may be affecting it is that the skin hasn't had time to stretch yet.
So gravity, time and stretching may eventually all get in sync with one another and our tits hopefully will end up becoming "normal" in appearance, if you can call female tits on a male "normal".. Hahaha!

I don't know, I don't have a clue, I'm speculating, just guessing at the things I've read..

(no login) Re: We were on a break! April 23 2007, 7:22 AM

Yes, I think a PM cream or serum would be good on your smaller side. Good luck!

is continual better (archive thread) - admin - 31-07-2011

is continual better
March 30 2011 at 5:11 PM Emily (Login EmilyAngelina)


I have been taking Breast Success(pills) at 2pills 3times/day for a couple months now.

I remember reading at one point that the body releases hormones naturally in cycles, which is supposedly the reason behind growth spurts.

and was wondering if this could also help with introduced hormones, if stopping every 4 or so months for a week or so would be beneficial or detrimental, to the overall effectiveness of the hormones?

For some a pole is safe to cling to. it gives them something to aspire too.

For the more daring standing in the middle of the poles is what can truely help them live life to a even greater level; then clinging to stereotypes, and stigmas.

Author Reply
(no login) Continuous worked better for me June 17 2011, 8:01 PM

I tried the on then off and barely noticed some minor changes before going off the goods as reccomended.
Then became tired of the wait and took a chance.
I went on full time at the recommended dose.
Started getting very very slow growth but again lost patience.
I upped the dose and started going once every eight hours instead of the twice daily.
The recommended dose for my Pueruia Mafracaris 500Mg capsuels is one twice daily.
First I increased to one three times daily.
It seemed to help but I still was not satisfied.
So I went up to two on getting out of bed in the AM.
Then one at 16:00 plus two at 00:00.
So my daily dose has been for almost two years now at 3/5 more than recommended.
I'm pretty big so my wife who is in medicine said it probably wouldn't be a problem except
maybe a little intestinal disturbance. Yes it caused a little problem for about a week.
Now the gut is fine with it and my boobs have been sore for two years and still growing.

Now what works for you.....................?