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house of sissify formulas..what do you think? (archive thread) - admin - 14-07-2011

house of sissify formulas..what do you think?
July 22 2007 at 4:20 AM
stefanie (Login stefanie_ss)


wannabee formula
This formula is a suggested beginning for those that are wishing to feminize with no regard to penile function. A suggested beginning formula for shemale development is listed later in this article

3 capsules of Black Cohosh (Cimcifuga racemosa)
3 capsules of Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
3 capsules of Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)
2 capsules of Vitex {also known as Chasteberry} (Vitex agnus-castus)
2 capsules of False Unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum)
1 capsule of Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens, S. serrulata)
1 capsule of Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)
1 capsule of Gingko Biloba (Gingko biloba)
1 capsule of Ginseng (Panax spp.)
1 capsule of Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
400 to 800 i.u. of Vitamin E once per day (take half the smaller amount if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, a rheumatic heart, or a history of heart disease)
1 capsule of Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) once per day
1 good multi-vitamin (preferably a natural one) once per day
You may also want to add a daily supplement of soy product, although it is easier to obtain this through dietary means

Start off with this combination once per day for five days, to be sure you have no adverse reactions. If you experience such reactions, discontinue use immediately and contact me, so that I can help you determine the cause and determine how to rework the regimen to suit your body. If you have no adverse reactions, then you may increase the dosages.

This combination can be taken 3 times per day for up to three months.

Please Note: If you have high blood pressure, or a history of past heart or liver disease, you should not take the black cohosh or licorice root at these levels! Instead, please contact Me for professional guidance in working with other feminizing herbs and formulas that utilize lower amounts for your specific medical needs.

After three months, reduce the intake of the combination to once per day, while taking a liver support/cleanse therapy for two weeks (discussed in a separate article). After two more weeks, return to the combination, twice per day. (This means one full month of taking the combination once per day). Continue with two times per day for three months, then repeat the short liver cleanse cycle.

After the initial beginning three months, you will want to assess any body changes, and appropriate adjustments can be made in the herbs making up the combination. For the next two 3 month cycles, you should change the combination amounts to the following:

2 capsules of Black Cohosh
2 capsules of Licorice Root
2 capsules of Dong Quai
1 capsules of Vitex
1 capsule of Wild Yam
1 capsule of Gingko Biloba
1 capsule of Ginseng
1 capsule of False Unicorn
1 capsule of Gotu Kola
400 to 800 i.u. of Vitamin E once per day (take half the smaller amount if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, a rheumatic heart, or a history of heart disease)
1 capsule of Ginger Root once every other day
1 good multivitamin per day (preferably a natural one)
Soy supplement

Continue the same cycle as above, but taking the herbal combination 5 days of every 7, rather than every day, and twice per day.

Always remember that this is a guideline only!! Some of you will need more or less of specific herbs, determined by your body type, your testosterone levels, your medical history, etc. Some of you will need different herbs than those listed here to tend to specific health concerns. Some of you will need to take specific doses of herbs for longer periods of time. Never assume that this will automatically work for you. Never assume that more is better, either! Herbs are medicine, and should always be treated as such. (Please see the article on Safety With Herbs for more information). More may well cause you some serious health problems. The goal here is safe, effective, and healthy transitions!

slut & shemale formula
For those of you wishing to head down the shemale path (feminizing the body while retaining penile function), the following is a suggested regimen only! Again, as above, your needs will vary!

2 capsules of Black Cohosh
2 capsules of Licorice Root
2 capsules of Dong Quai
2 capsules of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
1 capsule of False Unicorn
1 capsules of Vitex
1 capsule of Saw Palmetto
1 capsule of Wild Yam
1 capsule of Gingko Biloba
1 capsule of Ginseng
1 capsule of Gotu Kola
400 to 800 i.u. of Vitamin E once per day (take half the smaller amount if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, a rheumatic heart, or a history of heart disease)
1 capsule of Ginger Root once every other day
1 good multivitamin per day (preferably a natural one)
You may also want to add a daily supplement of soy product, although it is easier to obtain this through dietary means.

Start off with this combination once per day for five days, to be sure you have no adverse reactions. If you experience such reactions, discontinue use immediately and contact me, so that I can help you determine the cause and determine how to rework the regimen to suit your body. If you have no adverse reactions, then you may increase the dosages.

This combination can be taken twice per day for up to three months.

Please Note: If you have high blood pressure, or a history of past heart or liver disease, you should not take the black cohosh or licorice root at these levels! Instead, please contact me for professional guidance in working with other feminizing herbs and formulas for your specific medical needs.

After three months, reduce the intake of the combination to once per day, while taking a liver support/cleanse therapy for two weeks (discussed in a separate article). After two more weeks, return to the combination, twice per day. (This means one full month of taking the combination once per day). Continue with two times per day for three months, then repeat the short liver cleanse cycle.

After the initial beginning three months, you will want to assess any body changes, and appropriate adjustments can be made in the herbs making up the combination. For the next two 3 month cycles, you should change the combination amounts to the following:

2 capsules of Black Cohosh
2 capsules of Licorice Root
2 capsules of Dong Quai
2 capsules of Fenugreek
1 capsules of Vitex
1 capsule of Saw Palmetto
1 capsule of Wild Yam
1 capsule of Gingko Biloba
1 capsule of Ginseng
1 capsule of Gotu Kola
400 to 800 i.u. of Vitamin E once per day (take half the smaller amount if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, a rheumatic heart, or a history of heart disease)
1 capsule of Ginger Root once every other day
1 good multivitamin per day (preferably a natural one)
Soy supplement

Continue the same cycle as above, but taking the herbal combination 5 days of every 7, rather than every day, and twice per day.

There are specific herbs and changes that can be utilized to help keep penile function and libido working smoothly while feminizing the body, so if you experience difficulty with this while using a feminizing regimen, it is very easy to change things to bring back what is on a decline. Again, this is where you need professional guidance.

There are certain things that can be utilized to help protect health and safely aid transition for all forms of therapies, and all desired end goals. One of them is wild yam cream, frequently utilized by the TG community for developing nipples and breast tissue. I will tell you now that it needs to be properly used for this, and the amounts and frequency will vary for each type of regimen and each desired end goal. There are certain herbs that can be used to balance synthetic therapies for health and safety. I will be happy to help you determine the proper safe use for your case if you care to contact me.

Obviously, the physical changes with the shemale regimen are going to be slower. That is desirable, to retain penile function in good order. But most shemale TG's (and their happy wives!) report a greater sensitivity in the errogenous zones, a better orgasm, and many other very positive benefits from this slower, steadier method of transitioning.

Overall, the slower you gain physical changes with any type of hormone therapy, the better. Your body and emotions will have more time to adjust to the changes, your changes will be less likely to cause you physical harm or nasty side effects, and you will retain better health by moving in a slow, steady manner. Do not be so impatient to make a transition that you put yourself in danger! With all regimens, synthetic and herbal, safety and good health should be the primary concerns.

Please, understand that herbs are NOT interchangeable! An herb with a similar name does not have the same actions as the ones listed here, and using herbs in this manner can be potentially very dangerous. The above herbs work very well together as a general rule, and there are certain other herbs that can be worked into the regimen as needed for specific cases. This type of regimen is tried and true. Don't try to change it without the guidance of a professional! Certain herbs should never be mixed. Certain amounts should not be exceeded. Certain balances must be kept for health and safety.

Also please do not assume that those prepackaged commercial formulas produced for menopausal women are totally safe for a transitioning male to use. They are not!! In many cases they contain herbs that may make you very ill, as the actions are directed at particular organs that you do not have, and contain certain herbs that may be very detrimental to a male transition.

As a general rule, most of you will be very unhappy with the results of the use of any of those prepackaged commercial combinations out there on the market today, designed more to give you a false sense of security and to keep your wallet empty. Since for an herbal (or synthetic!) regimen to be effective it should be tailored to your body, you most likely will not garner the results you wish from these preparations. You cannot increase or decrease the individual herbs as needed for your body and its needs, you cannot eliminate an herb if it is contraindicated for your medical history or your goals, you cannot remove an herb if you have a reaction to or are allergic to one specific herb, and you cannot tell what specific herb you need to raise or lower to achieve your desired end results safely.

Many of these commercial preparations do contain questionable herbal combinations, and some contain things like uterus from animals, ovary from animals, etc., which are not effective as a transitional product in the human body! The body processes this as incoming food; enzymes and amino acids; so they are useless as a tool to trigger estrogen production in the body. If it worked this way, then each and every man who ate fertile chicken eggs every morning for breakfast would then grow breasts. Or each and every woman who ate Rocky Mountain oysters would grow a beard. Same concept. Obviously it does not happen in that manner, so those types of products do not function in the way that many companies may attempt to claim. Educate yourself before you turn loose of your hard-earned dollars, Ladies!

Also please realize that randomly choosing one or two or three herbs from the above regimen, or simply from hearsay or random information, is not advisable! No one herb is powerful enough to effectively feminize a male body, nor is it powerful enough to balance the body properly. You can eventually gain some results, but it would take a very long time, and can create some damage to internal organs by taking large amounts of the same herb every day over a long period of time. It is much wiser to use a balanced regimen that gives the body the various types of hormones it needs at the proper levels for proper and safe feminization. The same applies to synthetic regimens - without the proper balances, you are not going to achieve satisfactory results.

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(Login Davi-lee) Just a comment on wild yam... July 22 2007, 4:30 AM

Hormone replacement specialist Dr.Lee says that Wild Yam is practically useless,you have to buy the USP Progesterone cream
The primary isoflavone is Diosgenin,the preps are extracted diosgenin from wild yam and sometimes fenugreek and compounded into the concentrated form that they put in a cream form.
He says that topically applied is better because it goes into the skin and directly into the blood and bypasses the liver.
You apply it to places on your body that have thin fat layers,so it absorbs easier.
Thats whats wrong with taking things orally,they have to go through the liver when digested,and that removes alot of the strength of the supplements.

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(no login) Hey Steph! July 22 2007, 5:36 AM

You went through all that work posting those formulas but you never mentioned how many mgs. the capsules are.
I know That you know this, but there are different strengths of capsules eg: 400,500,250 and so on. Are they Extracts or plain herbs? I bet all those capsules aren't the same strength because if they were, they could compete with each other. I'll give you an example:
In my herbal book it says if you're using black cohosh you shouldn't use vitex with it because the vitex can make the Black cohosh useless. I'm not trying to be negative, but if you don't know the value of each of the capsules you could spend alot of money and really waste your time by not getting any results!

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: house of sissify formulas..what do you think? July 22 2007, 6:17 AM

We'll find out soon enough once Fennel weighs in on this.
She knows her stuff.. Smile


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(no login) Im going to compile a list of anti-androgen Isoflavones July 22 2007, 6:57 AM

I am very interested in phytochemicals,I like to know what constitutes a herb and makes it do what it does.
When I read Fennel's post about that concentrated Saw Palmetto derived Beta-Sitosterol, I got to looking through my lists of herbs and what phytochems each one has.
Very interesting.
So far,Alfalfa is looking like a great herb for several reasons.
It has beta-sitosterol,beta-carotene**(its a isoflavone also),daidzein,genistein,limonene,lutein,saponins.
Ive been taking it for awhile because it also alkalizes and detoxifies and is an anti-inflammatory.Lowers cholesterol,balances blood sugar(good if you are taking Fenugreek),balances hormones and promotes pituitary gland function.
Also,anemia,arthritis,ulcers,bleeding related disorders,and disorders of the bones,joints,digestive system and skin.
Blessed Thistle has beta-carotene,beta-sitosterol,luteolin.
I dont have time right now to write all the stuff Im finding.
I am going to compile a listing of herbals indexed by their isoflavones and anti-androgen qualities.There are a huge amount of herbs that we arent even considering. Like Cloves or Red clover or Rosemary(loads of isoflavones and anti androgens)
Motherwort is another worth investigating,all kinds of isoflavones, more than some of the other old standbys.
Will make a topic entry after I get some of these researched and indexed.
You should recommend Liver cleanser Milk Thistle for rest periods.
I said this in another post; but, it cleans the liver and enhances the effects of hormones.It promotes circulation through the pelvic area and fibrous tissues like the breasts.It does stimulate milk production best when combined with Goats Beard,Fennel,and Hops.The author rec's take 600-750mg/dy standardized.
This was from a Dr's article in Better Nutrition.**
There are some herbs on the list that have adaptogens.Which means they stimulate gonads and reproductive organs of both sexes.
Im skeptical of using some of those because if a person still has male gonads then the adaptogen is going to stimulate what you have testes&prostate, NOT what you DONT have,ovaries&uterus.
I dont think that adaptogen phytochems are going to stimulate estrogenic hormones in the bloodstream and produce feminization.
They directly affect organs and go there first to seek cell receptors.
They *may affect EST's in adipose tissues or stimulate other major glands but probably wont cause a large production of feminizing hormones.
Does this make sense?
Im not trying to be harsh,just realistic.
The things like Ginseng,Dong Quai,Damiana are what Im talking about.
Although Ginseng's major P.chem is Beta-sitosterol.
There are just so many isoflavones,its like several hundred,I need to get a index book about them.
I'll make a more complete report later.

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(Login Davi-lee) Darn it,forgot again... July 22 2007, 7:26 AM

I meant to mention something else interesting and possibly disturbing.
I have got to find the medical research site again where I saw this.
anyway,there has been study done that shows that the prostate begins trying to change into a uterus when some males have high levels of EST's.
The article said that the prostate of the subjects were growing larger and developing cell growth like that of a uterus.
In my musings,I wondered if testes could be forced into producing more estrogen.
There are chemical mechanics of hormones going on and I feel like Im just almost able to grasp the answer.
>>>Has anyone seen that claim on Transfemme that if their product was taken long enough some biomales will start producing EST's on their own,when they stop taking it??<<<
Seemed fishy to me.
They tried to explain how that could happen on their own FAQ page.
Go check it out,and see what all is said by customers about that.
Some customers wrote and said that they wanted to stop developing at a certain point and when they stopped taking it they kept on changing for a long time and hadnt stopped yet.They were worried.
Hmmmmm.I can only hope to heaven that would be true.
Whats in their product that would make a body change any TEST. into EST. on its own??

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(no login) Re: house of sissify formulas..what do you think? July 22 2007, 7:43 AM

Davilee, So your interested in phyto-chemicals. Have you herd of Bio-identical hormones? They're derived from plants. they have the same structure as human hormones.
I find them to be very interesting and I,m keeping them in mind. I suppose you'd be taking real hormones and not veering off the natural path.


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(Login moonstruck61) Re: house of sissify formulas..what do you think? July 22 2007, 9:58 AM

Honestly, all that stuff will run you a fortune.

I was taking a large mix of all sorts of PE's. And I mean large doses.
It was working and all, no complaints but it was running me up a hefty tab.
I think I was taking about a double handful worth of various capsules each day.

Fennel pointed out BO to us so I ordered some. Actually I order a LOT of it.

Waaaaaaaaaay cheaper.. Now I'm only taking BO and SP. Oh and spearmint tea which is very yummy!

Well, you know the saying "You can't see the forest for the trees" ? Well, that's me.

I KNOW it's feminizing me but in my mind, I'm not seeing it because I keep comparing myself to mature, adult biochix
and well, there's very little to compare. I'm very, very self critical and I have a serious lack of self confidence.
My self image is *poor* and I am deeply ashamed of and disgusted with my body and this face. The face especially sickens me.
Anyway, I was sitting here this evening doing my legs and baby let me tell you, they ain't guy legs.
They look very feminine and could probably compare to most any other woman in general appearance.
I wouldn't go so far as to call them hot or sexy but I LIKE them a lot. So we're getting there.
Yesterday I was walking past my bedroom mirror (which I can do without looking at the face) and I glanced at my body.
My entire body is all rounded out and curvy looking, it's much more female than male, thank the gods.
It sort of surprised me to catch that glance and see how rounded out I am. My skin is just sort of puffy soft looking like a slightly chubby girl. This too is fine with me.

I need to lose weight, 30lbs would be great, 60lbs would be excellent. But I'm worried that when I do I'll lose my girly fat. And that's what it is. Women have just the right amount of fat in just the right places to make them soooo lovely.. I would die if I lost the little bit of girly fat that I have put away into the right places. What I'm hoping is that at some point in the near future that things will "lock in" and the changes will become permanent and irreversible. A few more months maybe? Maybe it's already at that point or past it, I don't know. But I want to make sure that I'll stay soft and curvy in the right places before I take on an aggressive weight loss program.

Anyway, the point is, while I know that I'm feminizing and my little tits are growing slowly, it's slow and I'm just ready to get it on. So I keep upping the dose on my BO's... I'm up to twelve a day. Three times a day I take four caps of BO and 5 caps of SP. This is probably way too much to be taking. That's 360 capsules of BO per month, almost 4 bottles!

One thing about the BO, I've noticed that when on it my emotional stability is fairly solid. Mostly I'm sort of flat line emotionless for the most part. The PE's however had me up and down like a roller coaster.
The past week I found a few bottles of BC and RC in the cabinet, they were almost empty so I thought I would knock them out real quick so I could retire the bottles to my estrogen shrine.

So for a week I was taking my normal 12BO's 15 SP's PLUS 6 BC's and 12 RC's per day.
Probably didn't do myself any favors doing that (Fennel is going fuss at me for doing that Smile but it kicked my emotional roller coaster into gear and it's been running full speed for a week or so, up and down, up and down. The number one thing that PE's do to me? Lots and lots of crying. Yep, total waterworks. I cry like a little girl about everything. And nothing. I just cry a lot. Especially when I look at pretty women, that really kicks it off because it hurts so bad when I look at them and wish I could be like them..

So now I think that it's time that I take a break and lay off the moans for a week and let my system purge and cleanse and then I'll restart again on a lower dose and stick to it for an extended time and see what happens. My biggest problem will be sticking to it and not start cheating and sneaking an extra cap in each day. My own worst enemy is myself.

I have to face reality and come to grips with the fact that the tit & twat fairy isn't going to leave me a pretty pair of tits and a pretty pink kitty as an overnight gift just because I build and estrogen shrine to worship her and to pay homage to her greatness. I'm not even on her guest list. Sad


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(Login Davi-lee) I study all types July 22 2007, 10:13 AM

Hey,BLU, Right now my main interest is phytoestrogenic compounds and progesteronic compounds,I just say phytochemicals because I dont like to keep writing long batches of words over and over.
Phytochem's cover all the things that Im talking about.
Im studying all kinds of things like Anti-androgens and Hormone Enhancers,(which can also be vitamins and enzymes,etc.)
Im not just talking about substances that mimic EST's
"Bio identical" doesnt mean that phyto's and Bio's are actually the same.
The bio estrogens are 1000x or more stronger than PhytoEST compounds.
The Phyto's just happen to be accepted molecularly into the cells receptors.
Also we have to remember that the different hormones have different lifespans and different relationships with other substances.
Thats why I have a theory about changing up a program set every so often because of the differences in the way hormones react with each other and with the cells.
It should be good to change out herbs every so often,to get different effects on the cell receptors.
Ive seen the chem profiles for different herbs and they all are diff. combos of groups of chems.and nutrients and minerals.
So,different herbals are going to interrelate with each other and cells differently.
See,there are multi 100's of different phytoestrogenics,Isoflavones alone number 500-600.
Then there are Lignans.
Some "vitamins" are also considered estrogenic,the carotenoids,related to vitamin A.***I was mistaken calling them isoflavones in another spot***
I just got done going through the BO section and I found some interesting things that made me think of some new ideas.
Fengshui said she recently started using Hops with her BO and she said that the effect was really different.She had stronger aches and different aches in different parts of her breasts.She usually didnt cross BO with herbals,but she does pendulum dowsing and it told her that she would have good results.And she did gain a lot.
Well,I havent decided to go the cow way.....yet.
It should work though,IF a person does it right.
I have some science links to check out from some of the gals.
Some of the more knowledgeable gals were saying that we have better results than they do taking the BO.
I did figure out something,it was said several times that [whoever]read that Progesterone gets stored up in fats also,and can be released for 1-2 years.
Wow,maybe thats part of the key to my question on why some TG's keep developing on even after they stop taking a supplement.
Still thinking on that.

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(no login) Re: house of sissify formulas..what do you think? July 22 2007, 11:16 AM

What strikes me about the formulas described in the first post is that they are not particularly estrogenic. and even contain certain things that could work as estrogen blockers.

I am very doubtful of Damiana and Black Cohosh actually helping with what you are trying to achieve.

I am totally against Vitex used for feminisation. It is an estrogen blocker and also reduces the levels of prolactine. Vitex is really popular amongst bodybuilders to reduce estrogen and promote testosterone and is an active ingredient in many testosterone promoting formulas used by builders, as Tribex, 6 OXO and Alpha Male for example.

(Login Davi-lee) What I was thinking.. July 22 2007, 11:29 AM

Yeah,I agree about the damiana and cohosh and vitex
I just wasnt keen on those because of their particular constituents.
They just didnt make sense,when Ive read up on herbals before.
Theres just so much more possibilities out there,of things that will do more good.