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She comes alive-Gender Imprinting - julieTG - 04-01-2016

This not my writing , but from what I can see is this gathered from this piece and a rather large book I am wading through is

The more we think, dream and obsess off our female self is that it follows the well known phrase "be careful what you wish for "
as our imagined female self becomes reality and gains a life of her own,

She then due to the fact that we imagine HER so often becomes a real psyche and starts competing and even overshadowing our male selves so genuinely there is a battle going on in both our bodies and our minds,


YES SHE CAN WIN, hormones or no hormones,

For the full ts this is not an issue but for the newbies or inbetweeners this is a


Just my thoughts,


Erotic Imprinting – Overview
Posted on July 23, 2014 | 3 Comments
Erotic imprinting is a key component in transgender identity development. This is also a factor is cross-dressing, cross-dreaming and other cross-gender behavior as well. Unfortunately, psychology currently has no way of changing erotic imprinting. Particularly in natal males, it acquires a fixed character and once that happens it cannot be changed. However, the situation is not completely hopeless. Erotic imprinting can be managed, and sexual behavior is like any behavior it can be conditioned (for good or for ill).

There is a critical period for erotic imprinting. John Money suggested this occurs between ages 5-10, but no one is sure of the exact ages. In particular, we know that younger brains show more plasticity, so the imprint window might still be open in early puberty. Erotic imprinting is similar to other imprinting such as language acquisition, where there is an imprint window. This is why people who learn languages at a young age do not have accents, but those that learn them after the imprint window has closed do.

In particular trauma or any strong events in childhood can override erotic imprinting. This is what John Money referred to as a “vandalized love map” Such overwriting can be total, but is usually only partial. This creates a kind of dual sexuality where a person has a typical sexual imprint (hetero/homo/bisexual) as well as some fetishistic scenarios that turn them on. These dual sexual imprints compete. This if found in many other sexual imprints and is not specific to gender issues. There is also a dynamic competition which is life long. Fortunately, one does have some control in this scenario, and a person’s actions have some say in the relative strengths of these two imprints.

There is good reason to favor the original imprinting. One is that imprinting is like to be more functional in finding relationship partners. The function of sexuality is to connect us to others, and the original sexual imprinting is more likely to succeed at that. It is also more likely to be in harmony with one’s organic sexual needs. Your Brain on Porn suggests a way to determine what your organic needs are in case things are confused.

Also if one’s sexual imprinting has been corrupted through trauma, to allow that side to dominate is to allow the traumatizers to win. There is something empowering in choosing connection. It is also possible to find partners where one can connect to both sides of their sexuality at once, however this can limit one’s choice of partners.

We see this dual sexuality play out all of the time when MTF-spectrum people are struggling with gender. The cross-gender feelings can go away when one finds a new partner and come back after the limerance has passed. They also tend to increase in times of stress. If there is also a negative schema present, the erotic fantasy can act to discharge the tension caused by the schema (schema avoidance). This also strengthens the schema, creating a feedback loop. The fantasy is never enough, and there is risk of escalation.

If one has this dual sexuality, the side one feeds is strengthened. There are two traps in managing erotic imprinting. If one wishes to manage an erotic imprinting they do not wish to enact, it should neither be fed or repressed. Both of these give energy to it. Simple acceptance is best. An example of repression would be to attempt to suppress fantasy or deny it. These thoughts should be accepted with curiosity, as is described here

Neither should this side be fed. Feeding is seeking out ever increasingly intense porn or enacting the fantasies in compulsive ways with others. This will strengthen the fantasies and lead to the dopamine-based escalation we see in all porn addictions. Porn is like alcohol, gambling, or any vice, okay in moderation, but unhealthy if it fits a pattern of escalation. Unfortunately, today’s porn is very powerful and is more like meth than alcohol. Not only can it lead to wasting lots of time, it can shift sexual tastes. This is different than the imprinting I referenced earlier, this is conditioning. Conditioned responses will reverse if porn is stopped, but imprinted responses are permanent.

This is just an overview, and I will discuss more in future articles about methods for managing sexual imprinting.

RE: She comes alive-Gender Imprinting - The First Aria - 04-01-2016

The above, sort of follows with my thinking.... Or rather some that have strong positive thinking skills.

Just like paranoiacs think the world is against them. One day, they wake up and find that it is so.... Not because it's always have been, but they have jaded themselves into a different way of life and how they think.

Pretty soon, people do turn against them, and thus, it becomes.

We all know about sometimes a "sugar pill" can be a most potent medication. Not due to it's medicinal qualities, but rather to it's psychological capabilities..

There is the danger of the dreaded "Pink Fog".. Not because it should be, but we have trained our minds to believe in it.

RE: She comes alive-Gender Imprinting - julieTG - 04-01-2016





The power of the mind is well well above and beyond what many people concieve, believe in and even interpret,