Breast Growth For Genetic Males
Herbal Plan Advice - Printable Version

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Herbal Plan Advice - Fasttrack - 19-03-2015

So, I'd first like to start off by thanking those who posted in my other thread a couple months ago.

After thinking long and hard about it, and talking with my spouse, I've decided to go ahead and pursue a NBE plan. After said plan is decided on, I'll talk with a doctor to make sure it's safe (though I'm not sure if my primary care physician is the right person to go to, or if I need a specialist?)

There's so much information on this forum that it's hard to sort through it all, as some answers are embedded within seemingly random topics. It would be nice to have a 1 stop guide that has all this information though, as opposed to sorting through everything.

My Goals:
1. Cup size: B (for now...perhaps more later)
2. Increase in areola size to be more feminine (should be possible since I haven't hit 30 yet)
3. Significant increase in nipple and breast sensitivity
3. Minimize health risks
4. Keep male functionality, to include erections, libido, and if possible, fertility (though last we talked, we're not planning on having kids, so this may not be a big issue)

I want my plan to follow the following guidelines as much as possible:
a. Simple (as few herbs as possible)
b. Effective
c. Inexpensive (Less than $40 would be preferable)
d. Quality (I want my herbs to be from reliable brands AND websites)

1. Should I use strong herbs (PM) with Maca? Pros, cons?
2. What about weaker herbs (fenugeek, etc.)
3. What combinations do you use or recommend?
4. When using herbs, what type of application is it? Powder, cream, pill?
5. Do different forms of application have different side effects?
6. Ingest/apply only at night, or 2 times a day?
7. At what stage do the areola start growing noticeably? Is it prior to breast development, or after it's well into it? I've seen different things all over the forums, though Natureday seems to not produce any growth (with rare exceptions) for those on this forum, while PM pretty much guarantees growth. I'm not sure at all about Fenugeek though, since few people seem to use it from what I've come across on the forum.

Again, I like the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) method so that it's easier to follow, and not end up quitting because it's too much work initially.

I'd like for your answers to be brief initially and followed by your reasoning after, to keep it easier to read. When listing herbs, please include the brand name, website, and include the 'long' name in addition to the acronym, so I don't need to constantly go back and forth between the different threads. Of course, how thorough you go is up to you, I just really appreciate the extra effort!

My current plan thoughts:
Start 1 week on 500 mg of PM, then ramp up to 500 mg twice a day for a few weeks, followed by 2 x 500 mg at night, 1 x 500 mg in the morning of PM, and maca, though I have no clue how much. I also want to avoid serious weight gain, so if there's alternatives, it would be nice to know. I 'think' I recall hearing that maca causes weight gain, but I might be thinking of fenugeek instead?

I'm assuming I have a high level of testosterone considering I have a very high libido, and seem to find it easy to grow muscle. So I might need something to convert testosterone over...but 1 thing at a time Smile

Thank you everyone!

RE: Herbal Plan Advice - Fasttrack - 20-03-2015

Since I can't edit or delete the above post, I'll ask my current question since I've more or less decided upon the herbs (pm and maca).

Does the form of administration for PM (pill, cream, extract) affect whether or not there's nipple/areola development? Or will I need to stick to pills exclusively for that?

I assume that once the herbs are absorbed, they go throughout the entire body regardless of how it was initially administered, though I could be mistaken.