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Can I scream yet? - Printable Version

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RE: Can I scream yet? - ellacraig - 25-02-2015

(25-02-2015, 05:58 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(25-02-2015, 06:27 AM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(25-02-2015, 04:45 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  *Update 2 for the day*

I got my own place now! All the stress and worry about finding a place before my brother moves is gone! *dances happily*.


good shit! go you Smile

I am moving in this afternoon. I won't have Internet until sometime tomorrow. It's a huge place. 1 bedroom apartment, has dining room, living room, computer nook (really a large walk in storage area but perfect as my new computer room). MASSIVE amounts of storage space. Kinda a small narrow bathroom but has a tub so I get to do my lavender oil soaks *yippie*. Kitchen is also kinda small but it has a lot of cupboard space. I need curtains and it's going to be very empty looking for a while as the only furniture I have is my bed and my computer chair but even so... It's so much larger than I expected and I was really hoping to get it. My landlady is really sweet as well so I know we will get along great.

I am getting the electric turned on today. And my Internet will be turned on tomorrow. All my stress and worry is relieved. :-)


It sounds perfect really and having a great landlady is an added bonus. I think the worst part about moving is not having internet !!! Usually over here you have to wait a good few days before connections are made, lucky I can tether to my cellphone or id be LOST. Good luck with the move.

RE: Can I scream yet? - WantAPair - 26-02-2015

(25-02-2015, 04:45 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  *Update 2 for the day*

I got my own place now! All the stress and worry about finding a place before my brother moves is gone! *dances happily*.

WOW!! COOL!!!! FRAPCIOUS DAY!!!! CALLALOO, CALLALAY!!!! NICE to hear you found a place!!!!!! :-D
Now, you can finally be YOU!!!!

RE: Can I scream yet? - ElainMoria - 27-02-2015

(26-02-2015, 02:51 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  
(25-02-2015, 04:45 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  *Update 2 for the day*

I got my own place now! All the stress and worry about finding a place before my brother moves is gone! *dances happily*.

WOW!! COOL!!!! FRAPCIOUS DAY!!!! CALLALOO, CALLALAY!!!! NICE to hear you found a place!!!!!! :-D
Now, you can finally be YOU!!!!

Well.. somewhat me anyway. I need to buy a lot of stuff. I have no pots and pans and let me tell you, trying to boil water in a steel camp bowl is a pain in the tookus! I already spent $185 for towels and bath mats, plunger, shower curtain, dish soap, scrubby sponges, pillow and pillow case and another blanket. I have to buy pots and pans at the least, and I desperately need some spices to cook with. I figure I'll be spending at least another $200 just to get the bare minimum of stuff I need and that wipes me out for the month after rent, electric and internet is paid.

I'll start buying clothes and stuff in April. But for now I am just jazzed I am in my own place and don't have to worry about not having a place to stay. *lol* my brother was happy I found a place. Ironic part is, now they are saying they won't be moving until the end of April/first part of May. *shakes head* And then they wonder why I go years w/o seeing or contacting them.

I am going to blow their minds here soon though. Once I get some new cloths etc and I finish setting up a few things. I'm outing myself to my entire family. THAT is going to cause a S*** storm for sure. And in the long and short, I will know who in my family will be accepting of me, and who I write off. I am prepared to write them all off if I have to. But i'd prefer not to XD.


RE: Can I scream yet? - ElainMoria - 06-03-2015


I am def screaming right now. My Pulmonologist was supposed to have referred my to an infectious disease specialist in Portland Or. about 2 weeks ago or so. I even called the specialist myself and left a message for them. Well.. I never got a call back so a cpl days ago I called my doctor's office and told them the specialist hadn't called me to set an appointment... the nurse tells me "Oh you wanted a referral for him? We never sent one" and yet the doctor himself told me he was referring me to this specialist...

So they called me back a day later and told me they had faxed the specialist a referral to see me. I call the specialist today (three days after they supposedly sent the referral) "we have not received any referral for you".

I'm serious when I say the worst health care I have ever experienced is here in Klamath Falls, Oregon. SkyLakes medical center used to be called Merle West Medical Center (locals called it Murder West) Skylakes is not very fondly called DieLakes by the locals now. 60 minutes did an expose on Merle West after it was rated by the CDC as one of the most dangerous hospitals in the region, with your chances of catching and dieing from a staph or other medically caused infection being 17 times higher than the national average.

The general ineptitude of the doctors and support staff here continue to support this hospitals bad reputation.

I contacted my PCP in Ashland and asked her to refer me to her Pulmomologist and the infectious disease specialist she knows in Medford. Tired of the BS here.


RE: Can I scream yet? - ElainMoria - 31-03-2015

Well.. seeing as this post has turned into a basic frustrations of Elain post.. time to add another one lol...

As many of you know I intend to fully transition. At least that is my goal anyway. However I keep getting roadblocks thrown up in my path and guess what? Yup... another roadblock. This time it is my health insurance in relation to paying for Psychiatrists/Therapists... It seems that in my area nobody accepts it, or those who do are not taking new patients or simply don't understand GD and transgender issues at all and are unwilling to take the time to learn.

Having personally called every Psychiatrist and Therapist in the state for literally 200 miles around me... I am now stuck in a holding pattern in my journey because to progress further... I need a Therapist/Psych to sign off on taking HRT medications.... and can't find one who takes my insurance and is taking new patients. Catch .22 and causing me no small amount of frustration and aggravation right now.

The hard part is, my insurance coverage kinda falls between the cracks where this is concerned. It's not an HMO with set parameters etc. Because I am 100% disabled it is through the state and federal health care system and they have me planted right smack in the middle of.... nowhere. In an ambiguous grey area of coverage. What is so ironic about all of this is that one of the reasons for my disability (aside from the physical) is the severe social anxiety I suffer and the horrible panic attacks I get at random... and because of my coverage right now, I can't even get those issues treated either. Color me /facepalming.

I am trying to get things worked out but at this point I am literally just treading water and going nowhere slow. My PCP did auth me to start ramping up my Aldactone to 100mg a day (from 25mg a day) over the next two months so that is a start I can work on while I struggle to get my coverage figured out and rectified. I am def very aggravated by all of this. I have never ran into so many idiotic bureaucratic roadblocks to my healthcare as I have here in Oregon lol.


RE: Can I scream yet? - Lenneth - 02-04-2015

i hope things start working out for you, i've been having a similar (if it can go wrong it will) kind of year myself so I can sympathize.

RE: Can I scream yet? - WantAPair - 03-04-2015

(27-02-2015, 04:30 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(26-02-2015, 02:51 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  
(25-02-2015, 04:45 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  *Update 2 for the day*

I got my own place now! All the stress and worry about finding a place before my brother moves is gone! *dances happily*.

WOW!! COOL!!!! FRAPCIOUS DAY!!!! CALLALOO, CALLALAY!!!! NICE to hear you found a place!!!!!! :-D
Now, you can finally be YOU!!!!

Well.. somewhat me anyway. I need to buy a lot of stuff. I have no pots and pans and let me tell you, trying to boil water in a steel camp bowl is a pain in the tookus! I already spent $185 for towels and bath mats, plunger, shower curtain, dish soap, scrubby sponges, pillow and pillow case and another blanket. I have to buy pots and pans at the least, and I desperately need some spices to cook with. I figure I'll be spending at least another $200 just to get the bare minimum of stuff I need and that wipes me out for the month after rent, electric and internet is paid.

I'll start buying clothes and stuff in April. But for now I am just jazzed I am in my own place and don't have to worry about not having a place to stay. *lol* my brother was happy I found a place. Ironic part is, now they are saying they won't be moving until the end of April/first part of May. *shakes head* And then they wonder why I go years w/o seeing or contacting them.

I am going to blow their minds here soon though. Once I get some new cloths etc and I finish setting up a few things. I'm outing myself to my entire family. THAT is going to cause a S*** storm for sure. And in the long and short, I will know who in my family will be accepting of me, and who I write off. I am prepared to write them all off if I have to. But i'd prefer not to XD.

Welcome to the land of living on your own!!
Spices? We got lots spices!! My brother bought a bunch before he died 2 years ago and no one here uses them.

RE: Can I scream yet? - ElainMoria - 14-04-2015

I am continuing to have to fight to get a Therapist so I can start HRT. My insurance has me in a grey area where therapy is concerned and it's a real headache. I decided I wasn't going to wait for my insurance to resolve it's issues so I purchased Estrogen online and it's been shipped. Hopefully it will get here by the end of the month. I'm going to just go ahead and do this myself while I wait for my insurance to get off their collective butts and do what they are supposed to be doing.

Next month I am going to add to my purchases Finasteride and Progesterone. I'll only have to purchase the progesterone once every 3 months as I am going to cycle it by only taking it the first 10 days of each month. The Estrogen and Finasteride will be costing me a tad over $70.00 a month so it's affordable.. barely. Doesn't leave me much left over to purchase dresses etc so my acquisition of a new wardrobe is going to be insanely slow but it's worth it to me.
