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pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Printable Version

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pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Miranda-nata-est - 08-12-2013

Does anyone know of any likely effects that PM might have upon males who suffer an ongoing latent depressive tendency? - I am talking about directly pharmaceutical effects rather than any psychological effect that breast enhancement might generate.

Tell you for why - many years back, I cracked up fairly dramatically with depression and anxiety which sort of resolved itself/got resolved and for the last 10 or 15 years have been pretty much OK without any medical intervention at all.

Recently, like over the last week or so, have been noticing a considerable increase in the negative waves and an inability to cope with situations. I do not wish to drop into the same vicious cycle of depression again!!!!!!

Two things have changed - home life has become very stressful over the months for many reasons (none to do with NBE) but also I am now on 2000 PM daily so it is tricky to identify which is the cause.

I rather suspect the PM but would be grateful for input.



RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Pansy-Mae - 09-12-2013

All my life I've tended towards negative/black thoughts, at a fairly mild level that I just assumed was part of life.
When taking PM those thoughts don't seem to be with me, but return if I stop the PM.

On that basis I'd say it isn't your PM, causing your problem, but then again a sample of one is not exactly valid, statistically speaking!Big Grin

RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Pansy-Mae - 09-12-2013


RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Lotus - 09-12-2013

Hi davidb,

Do you take antidepressants?, just curious when you said without medical intervention did that mean meds too?

It's been mentioned many times about when your T levels gone way down your going to be effected by low energy and bouts of depression. As a matter of facts I had a depressive bout at thanksgiving eve when I spent it in the ER!, took almost 2 weeks to come out of the depression.

Why not fix the personnel stuff first, then when time is right start back on PM, you want to be as stress free as possible when doing NBE,it all has negative impact on growing!

L. Smile

RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - MonikaT - 09-12-2013

If GID is a source of a person's depression, then PM might help relieve the depression as the GID lessens.

Personally, I'm suffering from an especially bad case of seasonal affective disorder brought on partly by being on the graveyard shift for about six weeks now with another six weeks to go. You might also be having issues symptoms of SAD since it is that time of year in the northern hemisphere. I have been on PM since February, probably have dysthymia, and haven't noticed any increase in my usual level of depression other than my usual seasonal depression.

Then again, we are all different. Women seem to be more prone to depression, and they have more E and a lot less T. Lower T in males does contribute to depression. Stress can exhaust your dopamine stores forcing the body to overproduce cortisol until the adrenals become exhausted or fail, and depression sets in. It could be your stressful personal life or it could be the lowering of your T levels, depending on how much it may have fallen.

RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - JustEmily - 11-12-2013

PM really helped with my depression. Like night and day helped, but everybody has different body chemistry and it may react weird with other stuff you are taking.

Now, to be clear I also take 4000 vitamin D per day, COQ10, Fish Oil and 5htp for mental benefits, but the PM is really what helped me be me again. (the physical changes are pretty darn cool too)

RE: pm and males with a tendency to suffer depression - Miranda-nata-est - 11-12-2013

Thanks for the replies folks.

Digesting the information.

For the record, I am not on any meds for depression, haven’t done so for 15 years or more - it was longer ago than I originally thought when opening this post.- I do a few for blood pressure control though - the Doctor had to invest in an industrial gauge in order to get a readingSmileSmile I take 3 of the 5 prescribed - seems a fair compromise to me!!

Must dash a sec
