Breast Growth For Genetic Males
New to NBE - Printable Version

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New to NBE - jjennings1977 - 12-06-2013

I just wanted to tell everyone here how much I appreciate all the information I have found within these pages. I came to this site knowing very little about NBE and even though I have read most of the posts here I have to admit that I probally still know next to nothing compaired to some of you. I started my journey much of the same way most of you have that is FG/SP and since I could not find RC I had been using Black Cohosh but am happy that as of tomorrow I should be starting my path new on PM. I hope one day to have amazing results as I have seen many on this site have and hope to one day be able to not only be reading these messages but also be able to help other new members on their path to finding their new self. I have added my beginning pictures to the pictures section of this forum so we will see where this journey takes me.

RE: New to NBE - Marina Kits - 12-06-2013

Welcome aboard jjennings! Glad to have you join the conversation.

RE: New to NBE - flamesabers - 12-06-2013

Welcome to the board jjennings! Smile

RE: New to NBE - Karren - 12-06-2013

Yeah! I'm finding out the same thing.... lots of information and a nice forum! Welcome!

RE: New to NBE - jjennings1977 - 12-06-2013

Thank you for your welcomes and I just wanted to say I took my first PM today and started running again to stay in shape and after that and a 3 mile run I feel great.

RE: New to NBE - jjennings1977 - 13-06-2013

So I started taking my PM yesterday and after reading all the other posts I know everyone says start small but I have never been one to follow that moto so here is the plan I have started using. Yesterday and Today I took 1 PM at breakfast lunch and dinner and then I used the PM cream at lunch and at bedtime. So far I feel great on it and have not experienced any of the side effects. I think I will stay with this dose for a week or two and then either add 1 or 2 more doses to it spreading out when I take it to a possible 1 every 4 hours and that would be 5 PM a day. Does that sound like a reasonable plan to start with?

RE: New to NBE - Marina Kits - 13-06-2013

I hope it goes well for you... but some healthy fear might be in order. My "too fast" "too eager" symptoms didn't hit me until a couple days after starting. My suspicion is that there is a cumulative effect and that your body doesn't metabolize this stuff in a matter of hours. You MIGHT find that you hit a wall in a couple days and if you react the way I did, the symptoms will be quite painful. To each their own. ...Just some friendly, unsolicited advice.

RE: New to NBE - jjennings1977 - 13-06-2013

Thank you doodlebug your advice is not unsolicited that is the whole reason for posting my ideas here as I welcome the feedback. As I said in the beginning I am new to using PM so I take all comments into consideration so feel free to comment away because I look forward to learning from other peoples mistakes so I don't have to make them myself. I have thought about cutting back in the beginning but I also hope that I can tolerate it in the beginning that way I can see some of the mental results because I welcome any and all of the changes I have heard people discussing on this forum about PM. Thank you again for taking the time to comment on my post.

RE: New to NBE - flamesabers - 13-06-2013

I agree with what doodlebug has said. I think another reason to take it slow is to gauge how much pm you need to take to get the breast development and brain rewiring going. Taking more than necessary is a waste of money I think. Hypothetically speaking, you may only need between 1,500 to 2,000 mg of pm to get the changes you want, but you'll probably never realize this if you're racing to the maximum dose your body can tolerate. Also, unless you're buying pm frequently or in large quantities, there's the issue you may run out of pm sooner than you expect.

RE: New to NBE - jjennings1977 - 14-06-2013

I bought it from the Ainterol website and got 3 100 capsule bottles and the tube of PM cream so by taking 3 a day which is what my plan was to start I have a 100 day supply. I chose 3 because the bottle says take 2 and I didn't want to double it so I figured 3 would be a good start to show me how it would effect me. Everyone on here says 1 isn't enough to do anything and you also need a higher dose for the mental effects so that is why I went with 3. To me that seemed logical and that is how I chose the route to go. If you think I can get results with 1 cap I will drop down to that but also in my mind it seems like a waste of money to take only when capsule when the consensus on the forum seems to be you need at least 2500mg to see mental results.