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Samantha's Program - Printable Version

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RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 06-02-2014

Notes for today:
I ran out of my mysterious little Chinese herbal BB's a couple of days ago, so for the last two days my regime has consisted entirely of PM (3500 per day) and Fish Oil, supplemented by two cups daily of Spearmint tea, plus the application of PC once or twice daily, topically as a breast massage. I am awaiting arrival of a new supply of Peony in capsule form.
Listening to my creaky old body, I am noticing a few things.
I am somewhat crankier. The euphoric femininity previously in abundance is slipping away the last two days. Today I even reverted to old ways by losing my temper and yelling at an oblivious woman driver who cut me off in traffic (no turn signal, just pushed over in front where there was not room to do so as though my car was not already in that space and then continued in, despite my application of the horn forcing me to take evasive action to avoid a collision, and then had the temerity to yell through her window at me...people. Sheesh)
But my point is that in the recent past this kind of egregious action would not have produced an angry reaction from me. I find myself reacting irritably to minor provocations from my family as well.
I sense all this may signal a change in body chemistry. Perhaps I am discovering PMS? LOL
But I suspect it is due to the withdrawal of SP from my program. It has been a week now since I ceased ingesting SP. I wonder if indeed the Spearmint tea is sufficient to keep my T level in check.
But there are other factors at play. I noticed last night a second return of minor under arm oder. With the exception of the one occasion during my break from all supplements, when the same phenomenon occurred, my body has been virtually free of odor for the past three years (perhaps we need to start a new business marketing NBE supplements as. deodorants? LOL)
And one last observation, though I am guessing this to be unrelated. I had a touch of severe out of breath dizziness yesterday while clearing snow. I thought I might even pass out though, thankfully, I did not. But the extreme shortness of breath was troubling. Granted, I am 61, get precious little exercise and was engaged in some strenuous work in 20 degree temperatures. I suppose that alone could be the culprit. And combined with a rather extreme diet I have been following in preparation for something I am doing tomorrow (oh, vanity...hee hee) , it may well be that my blood sugar had fallen way too low. Yes, probably unrelated to NBE. And yet...we cannot help but wonder...
Today I resumed a more normal diet ...hee hee.
I shall be curious as to the effect of the fresh supply of Peony, once it arrives.

RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 07-02-2014

(06-02-2014, 11:58 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  But there are other factors at play. I noticed last night a second return of minor under arm oder. With the exception of the one occasion during my break from all supplements, when the same phenomenon occurred, my body has been virtually free of odor for the past three years (perhaps we need to start a new business marketing NBE supplements as. deodorants? LOL)

Sammie dear, you've been driving the E into overdrive lately, you could be depressive, hint!. Remember peony has the 5 ar, (overlapping). Too much E becomes a big hurdle for the golden ones! Wink

Have you ever thought about a 2-3 day routine followed By a light 1-2 day or break of the same, good balance would even out those highs and lows. Big Grin

Forgot to say, I've experienced the same under arm odor! Shit happens!

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 07-02-2014

No, I had not considered that, Lotus. Hmmm
I am leery though of too much fine tuning in too short a time period.
I expect I will follow the original plan at least for this month. I am scheduled to drop the PC starting Saturday. With luck the fresh supply of Peony will arrive soon.
I will then continue with SP, Spearmint, Fish Oil and Peony for three weeks. At that point, i will reassess, but the projected plan barring unforeseen events, wiil have me then reintroduce PC (for one week) plus a reintroduction of Maca, but this time in an all at once large morning dose. That is the plan for now at least. Mostly, these notes are so I have a record to refer back to to gauge results against action.
But your concern is ALWAYS appreciated and valued, dear, sweet friend!Tongue

RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 07-02-2014

(07-02-2014, 12:33 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  No, I had not considered that, Lotus. Hmmm
I am leery though of too much fine tuning in too short a time period.
I expect I will follow the original plan at least for this month. I am scheduled to drop the PC starting Saturday. With luck the fresh supply of Peony will arrive soon.
I will then continue with SP, Spearmint, Fish Oil and Peony for three weeks. At that point, i will reassess, but the projected plan barring unforeseen events, wiil have me then reintroduce PC (for one week) plus a reintroduction of Maca, but this time in an all at once large morning dose. That is the plan for now at least. Mostly, these notes are so I have a record to refer back to to gauge results against action.
But your concern is ALWAYS appreciated and valued, dear, sweet friend!Tongue

Ok, good luck Smile

RE: Samantha's Program - Lisa Lou - 08-02-2014

(06-02-2014, 11:58 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Notes for today:

And one last observation, though I am guessing this to be unrelated. I had a touch of severe out of breath dizziness yesterday while clearing snow. I thought I might even pass out though, thankfully, I did not. But the extreme shortness of breath was troubling. Granted, I am 61, get precious little exercise and was engaged in some strenuous work in 20 degree temperatures. I suppose that alone could be the culprit. And combined with a rather extreme diet I have been following in preparation for something I am doing tomorrow (oh, vanity...hee hee) , it may well be that my blood sugar had fallen way too low. Yes, probably unrelated to NBE. And yet...we cannot help but wonder...


Sammie, dear, this is not really related to your program, but overall health... One, The dizzy spell/shortness of breath should be taken seriously, Two, I hope it was a wake up call that you need to do some type of minimal exercise... I know I am beyond the pale, but just sustained, brisk walking 30 minutes a day is enough, Three, go to the doctor for a check up... do not pass GO, do not collect $200, do not go all macho on me and say, "I'm fine..." Tongue , just make the appointment!

We're at that point where those little signs need to be heeded and attended to... and have the intestinal fortitude to let your doctor know about the NBE and what you are taking! For chrissakes, he/she's your DOCTOR, they've seen your PARTS! Tongue This is not the time for secrets.

Okay, Lisa has stepped OFF of her soapbox and has resumed her place as the sultry, GBB! Cool


RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 08-02-2014

(08-02-2014, 01:03 PM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  
(06-02-2014, 11:58 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Notes for today:

And one last observation, though I am guessing this to be unrelated. I had a touch of severe out of breath dizziness yesterday while clearing snow. I thought I might even pass out though, thankfully, I did not. But the extreme shortness of breath was troubling. Granted, I am 61, get precious little exercise and was engaged in some strenuous work in 20 degree temperatures. I suppose that alone could be the culprit. And combined with a rather extreme diet I have been following in preparation for something I am doing tomorrow (oh, vanity...hee hee) , it may well be that my blood sugar had fallen way too low. Yes, probably unrelated to NBE. And yet...we cannot help but wonder...


Sammie, dear, this is not really related to your program, but overall health... One, The dizzy spell/shortness of breath should be taken seriously, Two, I hope it was a wake up call that you need to do some type of minimal exercise... I know I am beyond the pale, but just sustained, brisk walking 30 minutes a day is enough, Three, go to the doctor for a check up... do not pass GO, do not collect $200, do not go all macho on me and say, "I'm fine..." Tongue , just make the appointment!

We're at that point where those little signs need to be heeded and attended to... and have the intestinal fortitude to let your doctor know about the NBE and what you are taking! For chrissakes, he/she's your DOCTOR, they've seen your PARTS! Tongue This is not the time for secrets.

Okay, Lisa has stepped OFF of her soapbox and has resumed her place as the sultry, GBB! Cool


Aw, Lisa, sweetheart, your concern is so sweet. Blush Thanks for caring, Sis!
I know you are right, at least about upping the exercise. I get a lot more in the summer, but it is hard to contemplate taking a walk when it is 3 degrees above zero.
Ironically, I just had a complete annual physical about three weeks ago, and everything checked out fine and well above average (on the positive side) i kinda think that day was a result of ultra extreme low blood sugar. But, Lisa...thanks for caring about grandma, honey, really.

PS pics are up now honey...tag, you are it! Tee hee

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 10-02-2014

Well, it's Monday. Stupid, bloody Monday.
It was an eventful weekend, to say the least.
I have been off SP for more than a week, and without anything but PM and Fish Oil since last week. My Peony capsules arrived today (900 mg) and I have taken one as I expect to do daily. I will acquire more Spearmint probably today. In the meantime, I have observed a stirring in my "boy bits" for the first time in ages, most likely as a result of the lack of a strong anti androgen. But that currently occupies little of my attention.
The last four years have been a time of mounting pressure. While always telling myself that keeping "Samantha" hidden was the best course for me in terms of shielding my wife from unnecessary stress, I have found my own stress level becoming unmanageable. Duh.
I am not yet certain as to the wisdom of my actions, but for better or worse, yesterday my wife and I had "the talk".
It was a stressful day.
She took it well, and certainly as well or better than I had any right to expect.
To have this dropped in her lap after 20 plus years totally in the dark was a shock, and she is still dealing with this news. I have absolutely no way of knowing how she will react as she comes to terms with this over the coming days, weeks,or months. I hope for the best, but I am prepared, at least as well as I think I am able, for the worst. She is an extraordinary woman, and I have been blessed to know her as my wife and friend. I dearly hope I have made the right choice as it will be a terrible thing, a totally devastating thing if I have not, for it will practically kill me if I lose her. But, I believe, regardless of the outcome, that continuing to deceive someone I love so deeply, was simply wrong.
This is going to be "interesting"
Please wish me well. I have come to love so many of you as valued friends...I can use all the support I can get.

PS - Sorry to seem so darned serious, girls...this is not easy stuff...LOL...I will try to find a smile and some flip personality again as soon as I can...nobody loves a sick cat, as we all know.Rolleyes

RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 10-02-2014

If Lisa is the GBB, then you must be the SB=Sexy Bitch!! Big Grin

We're here for ya Sammie! Big Grin

RE: Samantha's Program - SarahSchilling - 10-02-2014

Um...shortness of breath is the reason I stopped taking PM, and continue to choose pharma hormones over it.

Everything was fine for about a year, but then the crazy dizzy shortness of breath episodes struck. I stopped everything and they stopped. I added back SP and had acid reflux but no shortness of breath. Added back PM and the shortness of breath came back.

Oh well, good luck with whatever you decide to do. Obviously, plenty of people use PM and are able to breathe. My body hates it now though lol.

And, went and told your wife, huh? Hope that works out. You must feel better about yourself either way, though!

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 10-02-2014

Hi Sis...yeah, I kinda chalked up that one solitary episode to low blood sugar coupled with the extreme cold weather. I had honestly forgotten about it.
But the other item is looming pretty large right now. Rolleyes
I will keep you posted.