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RE: My narcissistic thread - Marina Kits - 26-12-2014

I know of no such group in that area but you could start one. Check out our web site at:

If you think you'd like to start a group of your own, I'm certain you could add your location to our list of meetings and hopefully, another couple would find it and join you. There are resources available for you to borrow and I'm pretty sure anyone in our group would be willing to help.

RE: My narcissistic thread - Marina Kits - 01-01-2015


I had the most amazing experience yesterday. In the past couple weeks I have realized that I need to go all the way to full transition and as a result, I need to start telling people. With a LOT of second guessing, nervousness and literal fear, I told my first person (a female co-worker and best opposite sex friend) the whole story, yesterday afternoon. I was literally trembling and could barely speak the words but, I successfully dropped the "T-bomb". I called myself transgendered in the most vulnerable and unpredictable environment yet. ...And she was TOTALLY cool with it!!!!!!!! Her first words were, "this, in no way, changes anything about our friendship or how I feel about you". To which I replied, "...Well, I hope it changes ONE thing about it" Smile It couldn't have gone better.

The process started a couple days ago when she sensed there was something wrong. I always knew if there was anyone I'd tell at work, it'd be her and even THIS step was premeditated but I told her I'd like to tell her what's going on in my life and asked her if she'd be willing to listen AND keep it a secret. Of course she said yes but I was sure she didn't realize the gravity of the secret. I told her I'd tell her in a couple days but just before I spilled the beans yesterday, I reminded her it was really big and that if she wasn't willing to keep a big secret, she could still pass on her original offer. She was still willing to hear it so I started by saying what I was about to tell her was the REAL reason I was growing my hair out and the REAL reason I have lost 50 pounds and the real reason I was going to get earrings pretty soon etc and, while shaking and nearly crying I breathed out the words, "I'm transgender". ...And I didn't die! We then talked for the next couple hours about everything I have felt growing up, what brought me to the point of revealing my true identity and what lies ahead for me, my family and friends and the environment at work. Who I'll tell, when and how. And even a fair amount of time talking about clothes and makeup and fashion tips. It all ended in a big hug. It was such a relief to be accepted by someone for who I really am without reserve or hesitation. No questions and no judgement. I'm just basking in baffled amazement, happy to the core that another door to being my true self has opened gracefully just as I was about to smack into it, or so I thought.

RE: My narcissistic thread - Samantha Rogers - 02-01-2015

Kari...that is so awesome! It makes me so happy for you. It sounds so much like how it went when I came out to my best friend. Enjoy the moment! I keep reminding myself they wont all go so well.
But forget that for now. Your friend is obviously one of the ones that matter.
Hugs, gf!

RE: My narcissistic thread - wishinandhopin - 02-01-2015

You are so brave! I'm so glad to hear your getting acceptance and positive response.

RE: My narcissistic thread - Savannah Smiles - 02-01-2015


How wonderful it is to hear this news! You are truly blessed to have her friendship. I'll wager you were floating on air afterwards! (I know I would of been) Big HUGS my dear, I'm so happy for you!


RE: My narcissistic thread - GoneGirl - 02-01-2015

Good for you, Kari. There's a supposition that coming out transgender/transsexual is going to require tremendous sacrifice and loss. Of course, and unfortunately, it's all too often the case. I don't believe that is going to happen to you, Kari. I think you can assume that you will encounter understanding and acceptance from most, if not all, that love you.
Congratulations on yet another step toward authenticity.


Clara Smile

RE: My narcissistic thread - ❇ Abby ❇ - 02-01-2015


Wonderful news. I am so pleased and happy for you!

What a great way to start the new year!


RE: My narcissistic thread - Marina Kits - 15-01-2015

I've been busy! Since my last post, I have told my boss (a male evangelical) ...and the other 7 people I work closely with. It took until yesterday to work my way through all of them but, believe it or not, they are all OK with everything. My boss was empathetic and said he would do whatever he could to accommodate me including changing my job responsibilities. There were many I thought would be dead set against it who took it just fine and another who I thought would condemn me with scripture who simply said she doesn't really understand TG but because she loves and cares for me, she still, loves and cares for me. It was all very touching and ironically, they all blew MY mind when I thought I was going to blow theirs. I can hardly believe how it has gone.

On a slightly different note, I had blood tests and a consultation with an endocrinologist yesterday. I was surprised to learn that my estrogen is normal (for a male) and we are still waiting on the testosterone results. I explained to him and two of his colleagues on the transgender care team my plight and desire to transition. Long story made short, he prescribed what I was hoping for. For anyone who might be jealous, I had previously seen a psychiatrist on the same care team so it wasn't like I just walked in and asked for HRT.

So now I'm preparing to tell my kids and family.

Test results FYI...
Total T 379 ng/dl (typical male should be 240-950) Four years ago my total t was 600+ (before any herbs or prescriptions)
Estradiol Rapid S - 27,4 (typical male should be <40) - I did NOT take my 2mg E before bed the morning before my tests.
My program is updated in my user profile if you want to know what I'm taking.

RE: My narcissistic thread - GoneGirl - 15-01-2015

Congratulations, Kari. I'm very happy for you. Your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible. But, it is possible, and also very doable.
Love and hugs,

RE: My narcissistic thread - Sofia Bunny - 15-01-2015

That's fantastic Kari, I am glad that everything is going well for you so far. I wish you the bestest of luck with the kids and family. I hope it all goes well and you can finally have full peace of mind.