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point of no return - Printable Version

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RE: point of no return - going no where - 01-04-2016

This was the first time I've ever taken the test so just tried to be honest. But yeah I can see how if you took your time you can see which answers might be fem and the other male. And then use that knowledge to skew the results. Though some of them i'm not sure. I read somewhere here on this forum where someone said its not as simple as just male and female. We are all individuals and have some characteristics of both sexes, we all kinda fluctuate somewhere on that line. I think thats accurate.
Besides the answer didnt really surprise me now that I think about it. The more I look into this stuff the more I realize gender is kinda fluid.

RE: point of no return - Dianna1395 - 01-04-2016

I'm an IT guy.
I viewed the page source and decoded the answers. Big Grin

RE: point of no return - Dianna1395 - 01-04-2016

(01-04-2016, 03:08 PM)wmpwiwlw Wrote:  Dianna,
This was the first time I've ever taken the test so just tried to be honest. But yeah I can see how if you took your time you can see which answers might be fem and the other male. And then use that knowledge to skew the results. Though some of them i'm not sure. I read somewhere here on this forum where someone said its not as simple as just male and female. We are all individuals and have some characteristics of both sexes, we all kinda fluctuate somewhere on that line. I think thats accurate.
Besides the answer didnt really surprise me now that I think about it. The more I look into this stuff the more I realize gender is kinda fluid.

I'd argue that gender isn't, but how we express ourselves is.
Is a man nurturing acting feminine? Not sure. I don't think so. A Padre counseling his flock? A Father talking to his child? A coach assisting a hurt young athlete? (And then, is that athlete male or female...?)

In Vampire: The Masquerade, and the associated games, they had two defining personality types, a Nature and Demeanor. Nature was "who you are." Demeanor was "How you act."
Nature didn't change without trauma or intentional growth.
Demeanor could change for any or no reason, but sort of was a "default" setting of expression. Think of a sycophant, who is a tyrant to underlings. When the boss is there? Kind, sweet, sucking up. But the moment the boss is gone, the tyrant emerges. So, Tyrant is the demeanor, but they put on the affable, loving, suck-up mask when someone with power over them appears. :-)

Is a man acting tender being feminine? I think it's a question of HOW they nurture. Tending and nurturing have masculine and feminine directions. Man allows the kids to run loose, say, but they're not allowed in the kitchen, PERIOD. Mom will mother them all over the place, guide their every move, smother them to keep them safe. Both are nurturing, just in different ways.

What do you think?

RE: point of no return - going no where - 01-04-2016

i agree completely.

RE: point of no return - johnnyboy7585 - 02-04-2016

It also depends on how u feel. What herbs u take too. For me I stared off with bo. Took it for awhile and then stopped thinking this is not working. Then tryed pm, girls, and guys ill tell u it takes awhile to work but once your body changes its for good. Be very careful as many have said. I originally wanted just a little bit of a famine body. But when u mess around with mother nature u alter more then boobs. Ive stopped everything for now because the above happen to me. It was slow at first but then it creeps up real fast. I don't regret it, but b sure its what u want. Now i have an a cup bordering a b cup with a curvy waist. I lost my libido, very hard to well get hard lol, TMI. so its not bad but don't mess with this stuff if you are not ready. Honst I am still feminizing, crazy u may think but its real. Ive been traing hard lately at the gym, and the female traits are even more noticeable now. Simple things like changing in fort of someone as a guy has changed, with a famine body im very self consist now. On the flip side its exciting to feel what a real women feels for me. Just my two cents. Smile

RE: point of no return - going no where - 02-04-2016

yeah ive read the changes can keep happening even after you quit but from what ive read after a month it usually stops and things will mostly return to normal. Do you have plans to keep taking it or are you done for good?

RE: point of no return - johnnyboy7585 - 02-04-2016

I'd like to continue, hopfully soon. I like the results, but, life is in the way too, family friends.I would like to get srs if i do.

RE: point of no return - going no where - 04-04-2016

thanks for the reply. Im confused though, you said you started out just wanting a slight feminine body and now your talking bout srs. What changed? Or were the changes so desireable that you need to go forward?

RE: point of no return - Katie - 13-04-2016

Looking back now, and knowing what I know now (and didn`t back then), the only help I can give really is relate how I would have perhaps done things a little differently at one point in my journey.
It doesn`t matter at all now that I Didn`t do this, in fact I`m of the opinion of Why didn`t I do this sooner, you could say I`m happily past the point of no return now.

It`s at the point of taking PM or BO for the first time, look for signs of Elevated mood, smiling a lot for no real reason, feeling much more relaxed, possibly even euphoria, anxiety issues fading or absent.
these are just a few of the things to be alert to.
it`s at This point you`ll realise that as least Some part of your brain is wired female!

This is the Y split in the road if you like. you can Quit at this stage and never touch the stuff again (but you probably will if a good portion of your brain is Fem anyway, took me 30+ years!).
Or... you can carry on taking them (as I did) vowing to Never be off this stuff again Smile
For me the effects were far to great, it astonishes me now looking back at just how much mental Crap I blindly accepted as being "Normal", and now knowing it doesn`t have to be that way at all, I`d sooner die than be T driven again, needless to say 3 months after being on high doses of PM,BO,GTE,SP and others, that I went over to Pharma and loved it ever since.

but it is at That point of Starting to feel changes that you still have a choice, beyond that... who knows? I didn`t Smile

BTW, this doesn`t happen to everyone! I`m just amongst the "Worst" case scenarios (or best depending how you look at it), the problem is that you`ll simply not Know unless you peek.

RE: point of no return - julieTG - 13-04-2016


we peek and its aprox 50% gamble

pandora box and peace or just peace

very difficult
