Breast Growth For Genetic Males
Samantha's Program - Printable Version

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RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 26-01-2014

(26-01-2014, 12:24 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  We are not all blessed with physical appearance that can easily satisfy the woman within. But, hopefully, the beauty comes from within, right?

Absolutely right!, that was a bit insensitive on my part! My apologies big men! Blush

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 26-01-2014

Noticing a great deal of thirst today... drinking a lot of water (uncharacteristically just water, without any scotch...odd).
I know Sarah advised drinking a lot of water on my break, but was not expecting so much thirst after starting again. Any thoughts on the science here?

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 28-01-2014

Ok, so I got a little emotional last night...well, no, make that very emotional. Now I have been known to get a little misty at Hallmark commercials, let alone some really wrenching movies, but last night came out of nowhere and really surprised me. ( and thanks to everybody for the know who you meant more than I can say).
It got me thinking...there is a shock...LOL.Rolleyes
I read Abidrews thread recently, and she really tried hard to use herbs to mimic a true female cycle. At the time I was reading it I was thinking..."right, uh huh", (cynical wench that I can be sometimes) but now...maybe I'm not so sure...

RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 28-01-2014

Sweet Sammie,

You're always cool with me!! Wink

Abi is awesome, I bow down humbly to her knowledge!, the female cycle is truly amazing, ok girls Smile I don't want ass whooping (well maybe)Rolleyes, yes I know we don't have ovaries so we can't relate. It's been suggested that PM should only be taken for 15 days out of the month (for females). And out of that the rest of that cycle is to hold onto that growth. There's a difference of opinion, is it the luteal or follicular phase when growth occurs.

But to your point Sammie, it's an interesting debate for bio-males to have, imo cycling is important for breast growth, i.e. 3 days on 2 off?? That's what I'm currently trying, thoughts?

Abi actually posted her 28 day cycle, so if you would like to try it, let me know, I'd be curious of the results. Or just talk about is cool with me!Wink

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 28-01-2014

Alright...damn it...I took that silly break...still waiting for a bump, impatient tramp that I am (stamps her feet and makes a pouty face)
The heck with the slow ramp...time to kick it up a notch!

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 28-01-2014

On another note...(well enough about you, dear, lets talk about me...hee hee) and maybe this should go in the gender section, but I am here already so screw it... thinking about the effects of PM on my mind for a moment... it is no secret that "Sammie" is the femme side of me, and has, through this magical board, been given the liberty to step out of the darkness. I find it interesting, that she is a "nicer" person (at least, I hope so, and feel may think I'm a crazy bitch, of course...LOL) than my male side is most of the time. Now it may be that that is the case, because dear Sammie doesn't have too many responsibilities...LOL, or it may be the E, or it may be that that side of me is simply healthier, combining the best of whatever good points I might normally have with a lot of good stuff I am usually afraid to show...IDK. But, I know this...I like her better. And I am now more and more on the lookout for ways to bring more of her into the rest of me.
IDK if this is helpful to anyone else, but thanks for letting me spill a little.

RE: Samantha's Program - Lotus - 28-01-2014

(28-01-2014, 03:47 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  IDK if this is helpful to anyone else, but thanks for letting me spill a little.

Spill over Sammie, let us hear you roar!! Tongue

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 29-01-2014

Note to self...either stop getting so friggin emotional every time I get on this friggin board, or remember to buy more kleenex.

RE: Samantha's Program - Samantha Rogers - 29-01-2014

Ok, tired of waiting...coming to the end of week one back on the program. Weight seems steady in the 165 to 168 range so hopefully I have busted that 170 barrier (where I sat for a couple of years) wide open.
Breasts starting to feel more like before break, so a little fullness seems to be returning.
Reading more and more regarding Sp and Maca. Isabelle thread has been particularly interesting, though, being the ditzy thing that I am Rolleyes it is slow going trying to follow it all.
Some days I just want to chuck everything accept PM and see what happens. For a long time I went on and off SP, while always maintaining the PM. I don't really know if there was a difference. Still, based on what I am reading now, thinking to ease off the Maca temporarily, and then, after E has risen to where it ought to be, slamming back into the Maca at a much higher dosage, with all of it in the morning, per Isabelle (thanks!)
Meantime, getting back to SP...still unsure if good or bad. Clara, you may be right about trying alternatives. Thoughts?
I could up the spearmint tea intake dramatically and drop the SP as an experiment?
What I am sure about is the PM is going to go up now. This week has been 2000 mg per day in four doses. Starting tomorrow on 3000 again.
Too soon to tell if the Peony/licorice combo is helping...jury still out. No third tit growing out of forehead yet, though. LOL
So, settling into this thinking...I guess I am looking at a new program variation. Starting tomorrow, increase PM TO 3000, lower SP to a once a day 525, increase spearmint to 3 or 4 cups per day, and eliminate Maca entirely (temporarily). More PM, less SP, no maca and lots more spearmint tea. All else the same. Try that at those levels for two weeks,minimum while watching carefully for change. Thoughts?

RE: Samantha's Program - Lisa Lou - 30-01-2014

Sammie, I'll be waiting to find out how it goes with baited breath (what the hell does that mean anyway? Huh ), or is it baited breast??? Good luck on any account! My dear, I have heard from some of my peeps that rhino semen has certain estro enhancing properties... if your buddy is still around, you may want to, a-hem... milk him... Tongue I'm sure you'll have a "friend for life" if you do!

I have a bunch of stuff waiting for me at my PO Box (Herbs and Clothes! Cool ) so I will post my routine in the next few days. One thing I am doing is dropping the SP altogether to see if any boost effect.

Nothin' but love,