Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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March 9 2007 at 3:09 PM
Myjourney (Login Myjourney)


Well, I hope you don't go to far...I am interested in hearing the effects of the your posts make me laugh, and that is well needed in my life!

You wrote:
"Yes, Myjourney, It makes sense as I remember reading that fat can be moved manually like that. I remember there was a cellulite machine that used rollers and proved the concept. I am where I want to be now and am stopping everything. I am interested to see how much will go away (or shrink), I will give updates. I have ended up filling up a 40D bra and that is enough. I was more interested in not looking like one of those old dudes with the pancake , gross looking deflated balloons, I figure if I got them, they mine as well look good. I will be starting a new testosterone replacement program tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how everything ends up 6 months from now."

Author Reply
(no login) Cornfused!! March 10 2007, 4:48 AM

My results came back today and my Endocrinologist said that my testosterone is now at the level of a 20 year old (700 range), it was at 138 when I started 4 months ago. I am going to continue the Androgel treatments I am currently taking. Apparently none of the phyto-estrogens I have been taking has affected my testosterone level and my current regime is working. I still fill out the fruit of the loom 42D's bra and seem to be at a plateau of some sorts. So basically when I started I was a B-cup and went to almost a full D-cup. My boobs are kind of wide but do look like boobs I have seen on some women. No more tight T-shirts, unless I am alone in the house enjoying them (vain, I know). I am going to build an electrolysis machine and remove all the hair (I don't have much) but when I do pluck them they really look better. By the way Myjourney, I snuck a peak at your pictures and you look great, really, I don't know why you even think you need to do anything. Things are kind of weird now. I am a non-violent person but studied martial arts for 10 years. So I am not too concerned about any comments from anyone I know. I do not cross dress except for the bra which serves a function. I am straight (I experimented when I was younger, which I confessed to my wife, she didn't care, as long as I swore I would never leave her for a guy, to which I replied "ewww"), married, and now have a nice rack. My wife is completely ambivalent about what has happened recently and apparently, since her period just finished, I will be experiencing a couple of weeks of "nookie". So all in all I must say things are going quite well right now. Did you catch the thread in the "Natural Breast " section about "dowsing"? I posted a few replies there you may find entertaining. I'll be around for a while. I like this place.

(Login twinklepose)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: TB... March 10 2007, 8:13 PM

Hear hear! Don't be a stranger, TB! And let's see some pics of those D-cup beauties!

(Login Myjourney) Thanks, tb March 10 2007, 9:42 PM

Gosh, what you said really means a lot. Not sure how I feel about a married man lookin at my boobies... but I guess I posted them there!!! :-) LOL!
My husband tells me he really likes them...but he is more a butt & pussy man...sorry to be blunt....but it is true. It is me who has always thought my breasts were weird and bad looking. They honestly look way better after starting NBE...they were getting really deflated and saggy like those pictures of the men that are on the gynablablabla site...wish I had real "before" pics, but I started NBE before I found this forum.
I really do appreciate your comment, especially since it is a male opinion.
I am aiming for a D or DD size. As I mentioned I am 6'1 and really my breasts do not look that big compared to my frame. I have always liked larger fuller breasts and hips (of course I looked like twiggy until I had 5 kids...and I was a 34aa)
Even now I am only a size 12 jean (37 inch inseam)
So, I am like you, mainly want the breasts for myself, to feel more feminine. Although, when my breasts were a 40 D after my milk came in with my 3rd child, husband really did like I don't think he will mind if they are larger.
I will check out the dowsing thing...I have avoided that one because I was trying to keep my mouth shut about it.
please do stick around...

(no login) Ooops March 11 2007, 3:18 AM

Hope I didn't offend you. You husband and I have the same preferences apparently. Woof!!!

(Login Myjourney) Arf... March 13 2007, 8:43 PM

nope. not offended here! LOL.
My husband thinks boobs are over rated. He has known a couple of "boob guys" but he says he thinks most prefer...uh...other things...!!! LOL.

(Login Myjourney) dowsin March 13 2007, 8:46 PM

BTW I guffawed over your dowsing recommendations...I love a joke that takes a bit of intelligence to get. I am also a huge BBC fan. Love the humor!