Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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Happy to find this site - partial feminization
August 3 2007 at 4:19 PM Cecilia (Login Ceciliaptgirl)


Nice to meet you all. I just joined.

I have been reading the posts here for about three weeks now. I am so glad to have found you nice people. It seems there is no other place like it anywhere. Most forums are either extreme or too conservative. The going idea is "if you do not plan to transition completely, we cannot help you". Or " we will not support you if you are just playing games." It seems many of you here are fully transitioning or plan to but you are open minded about others.

Why does it OK to remain fully male or go fully female but it is not OK to seek breasts and remain a male? Why is it OK to go into expensive surgeries and undergo risky procedures, but it is not OK to be partially feminine? Let's face it: None of us will ever be complete women. We want others to be open minded about us and understand our gender-bending but we do not want to look at different possibilities within our own ranks. This results in some of us feeling lonely and without support. And I have had many questions that only this forum has answered.

I am 50 years old and always had a little man-boobs. I embraced them and never was embarrased by them. But I was pretty much a straight male all my life until the last couple of years. I have been crossdressing and have found my feminine side delightful. Recently I have been losing weight. I have also been losing my man-boobs at a time when I most want them. I have no plans to transition as I am happily married to a wonderful and fully supportive woman.

My goal is to fill my boobies without gaining weight and without losing my ability to get erections. Sperm count does not matter as I already have all the children I want. Most sites make this sound impossible, but if this possibility exists, that is what I want. I think I ought to be able to quit if the effects are not what I like. As a result of reading your many posts, I have basically started a flat-to fem formula with 1800 mg of fenugreek, 1200 mg of red clover, and 1800 mg of SP. I also take a generic women's supplement three times a day with vitamins, a little black cohosh, a little licorice, a little kudzu, a little wild yam. I figure it can't hurt. This is all on top of Propecia, which I have been on for about six months.

I can tell you that is one week, I have been feeling the effects. I have a little discomfort in my nipples and a little mass growing or tightening up underneath.

I will not quit unless I have some adverse effects, but I am nervous and have a few questions I have been afraid to ask elsewhere. So please kindly come to my rescue!

1) Does anyone think I am taking too much? From all I have read, it seems to be a minimum dosage. Yet the sudden and strong effects make me wonder. Maybe this is normal...

2) If I develop female-looking breasts, what is the best way to hide them without damaging their shape? I always wore shirts to the beach because I burn easily so I do not expect this to be a problem. But there are those occasions such as when I want to wear knit shirts or t-shirts or I am sweating when I work outside and the clothes stick to me that I could see it being a problem.

3)I am thinking about laser hair removal on my face but I am worried about what others will say or think. How have others dealt with this problem? Maybe I am unnecessarily paranoid here.

Any other comments would be highly appreciated. Thanks for being here and sharing all your great insights and experiences.

Sincerely - and with love,


Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) Hi Cecilia and welcome to us! August 3 2007, 5:58 PM

It's always great with new people joining! :-)

First of all - You are not alone in this situation. There are several happily married men who want to remain men and just grow breasts. I think we have two on this board: Titty Boy aka TB and Manyquestions.

To answer some of your questions:

1) No you are not taking too much.

2) A skin toned womens sports top might do the trick.

3)I don't think laser removal would be a problem if you feel that way. It's nobodys business what you do with your face. If you need a reason you can just say that shaving makes your skin really sore and irritable so you needed to find a way to be able to stop shaving.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 3 2007, 7:37 PM


Well, hiding titties isn't as big a deal as you might think.
When I initially started this I was all paranoid about hiding them.
And that was when they were really pretty small, not unusual for a male
of my age, easily dismissed as "moobs" from age/weight/medicines which is extremely common
for a mid/late 40's male.

But I was still paranoid and over-reacted to the situation. I bought several very tight
white undershirts for when I have to go out and work in "male mode".
In tshirts an exrta large fits me best but I bought the *small* tshirts. They are *tight*
Put one on and a regular shirt over it and no one is the wiser.

But in the past couple of months I've had a change of heart about a LOT of things.
Now, I don't obsess with trying to hide them. They are a good deal larger than when I started
and are very obviously female breasts and not "moobs".

While I don't go around wear a tshirt that says "LOOK AT MY TITS!" I just wear regular clothes
(gender neutral tshirt/jeans/tennis shoes). The tshirts I wear are thick cotten brown tshirts and
are large and loose fitting. IF someone bothers to check out my chest they will notice that I've got
tits. And each day it's a little more and a little more. Oh well.

Also, when is not having facial hair a crime? Over half the world's population doesn't have any. The better half..
Back in the early 90's I had a lot of mine zapped by electrolysis (they didn't have laser then) so there's not a lot left.
What is left, I use an epilator on my face to strip it totally clean now. I won't shave anymore.
I can't afford laser right now so this will hold me over until I can.
Thing is, the hair that's left (mostly my neck) is salt/pepper. Laser will work great on the dark hair but won't touch the whites. So I'll have to have the white hair removed with electrolysis. Ouch..

Over all, the general effect of me now having noticeable tits and a totally hairless face?
People have quit calling me "sir".. Smile
No one is calling me Ma'am yet. Yet......
Eventually they may, I hope they will, but I am working towards that goal.

Thing is, I'm going all the way and this is just one step of many along the way. This is what I want.
Anyone can take this to any level they want and stop. And as has been mentioned many times, there's
a definite point of no return. And you may find yourself caught in the whirlwind and swept up.
This is addictive. You get addicted to the emotional changes. Becoming feminine is a highly addictive process.

Bottom line, you get a little taste of what it's like to be female and the next thing you know you're off to Thailand for snip-snip! Big Grin

Good luck!

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(Login Blu-Jay) Welcome ! Cecillia August 3 2007, 8:22 PM

It's nice that you came to join us.
First of all, to answer one of your questions about not fully transitioning and remaining male.- There many transwomen that still keep their male parts,They feminize to the point of where the only thing left is SRS,but they choose not to have it done. They feel that they are quite content with what they've accomplished. A lot of people refer to them as shemales. I'd just like to mention that, The label "Shemale" is very offensive to many of them.
- you're a very lucky man to have a wonderful women that supports you on what you want to do.
Usually that can be a difficult problem to deal with, for both male and female.

- It's difficult for me to tell you, that you can do this without it effecting your sperm count or your ability to have erections.Erections might not completely disappear but eventually they might be more difficult to get. Now,this all depends on how long you'll be taking the hormones. A funny thing is,I've heard of some people that have been castrated that still get erections. Why this can still happen, I really don't know.

- Your program sounds pretty good but I think you could probably do without the black cohosh or the licorice and kudzu. Taking too much together can eventually cause you to stall and and not give you the results you want.

- The laser hair removal, Many men have laser hair removal done. The clinic where I had mine done have a few guys that come in to have it done, like hair on the back,hair on the chest and so on. There was even a cop that came and had his face done. So what! This day and age it's no big deal for a normal guy to have hair removal done.Nobody needs to know and it's really none of their business..
Besides that, they could always think that you get a really close shave.:-)
There many guys that naturally don't have much facial hair growth. So that is an issue I wouldn't worry about. If you really want to have it done, Go for it.
Hope I was able to help.


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(no login) Welcome! August 4 2007, 4:46 AM

I too welcome you. I have reading posts on this board for many months, yet don't post that often. I found this to be the best site too. Morticia is a riot, Fennel is so sweet, and Blue Jay and everyone else are fantastic. It really is a good group even if you just lurk around and reads the daily reports from everyone.

Personally, I don't mind if my breasts grow. I am totally content with that. My only concern that has stopped me is the health risks. Avoiding cancer is a "good thing". But I think the herbs you are going to take is what I am thinking about too. They seem safe. And when we want to stop, we retain our male qualities.

My only other concern is that fat receptors may migrate down to my bottom. While I love the look of a nice round bottom on a woman, and while it may make my panties fit better, ... I wonder how it will look on me?

But if SP, Fennnugreek and another herb Fennel mentioned can be done safely, then I guess I can live with a little rounder bottom.

But one thing to remember... there may be a lot of lurkers around that are slowly gaining confidence by people on this board who are breaking new ground. It is very good to read, and I check this site out daily.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 4 2007, 4:52 AM

"My only other concern is that fat receptors may migrate down to my bottom. While I love the look of a nice round bottom on a woman, and while it may make my panties fit better, ... I wonder how it will look on me?"

Probably damn good.

A female ass looks a million times better than a male ass any day.

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Definitely! August 4 2007, 8:12 AM

I nearly posted a pic of my ass there to confirm it,
but decided against it.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 4 2007, 8:18 AM

Mmmmmmmmmmm........ Don't get me all excited now! ;-p

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(Login braslip) Leaving the lurking phase August 4 2007, 4:01 PM

Hi guys, like many of you I have been watching this form from the side lines.
But now the time has come to join in and respond to this thread. You guys are a great support group.
I am 52 and have been trying o grow breasts for several years off and on.
I tried natures day liquid and cream and pills and did not have much luck in acheaving any growth.
I never got that something is happening in my chest feeling if you know what I mean.
So I think I will try the red clover, fungeek and sp route with 1 pill each 3 times a day. Will let you know my progress as you folks are great.
Oh just some starting stats.
ht 5'11
wt 168
under bust 36"
accross 39
above 36.
So again thanks for being a great support group.

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(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Al! August 4 2007, 5:10 PM

You too are welcome to our little forum corner. I wish you good luck with the herbs and please let us know how things are going for you.

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(Login Ceciliaptgirl) Thanks to all August 4 2007, 7:35 PM

For making me feel welcome.

I think after reading your comments I will not worry so much about my facial hair. And I will not let the boobies scare me. I will wait to see if I really start getting some. And I will continue on my regimen as something seems to be happening and I would hate to make changes and mess with a good thing.

As long as the amount of herbs I am taking is safe and have no adverse effects, I will continue. If I run into trouble I know where to run for help! I will monitor my erections closely (although I think my wife will do that very well, as this the only part she is nervous about - she is actually looking forward to my boobs!)

It is funny that I almost feel I know everyone of you. I have read so many of your posts and even seen some of your pictures!

It is kind of neat to know you in such intimate detail (as in the way you come or such similar things) and still be able to have a certain wholesome attitude about it all.

Bye for now my friends,

Sincerely - and with love,


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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 4 2007, 9:46 PM

Speaking of female ass..

I've made it a habit to avoid looking in the mirror. The face I see there is not mine. It makes me ill to see that person looking back at me.

But as to my body... Well... That's quite a different story.
I got out of the shower a while ago and I decided to take a peek at my backside in the full length mirror.
Wow! I do indeed have a female looking ass. There's no way you could look at my ass and confuse it with a male ass.
Now if I were to lose say about 60lbs I could have a pretty impressive figure, of that I'm certain.
I'm going to really work on losing the weight. (I am in constant and extreme pain 3 years after major back surgery and it severely hampers my ability to be active..)

I'm amazed and deeply satisfied with the changes just 8 months of hormones have brought me..
I can't wait to see what I look like a year from now and then another year from that.

Be careful all! This stuff WILL feminize you! So if you don't want titties and a female body, don't take this stuff!
But if you do, go for it! Too bad that hormones can't do anything for the face, voice and plumbing.
I'm still waiting for the tw*t fairy to pay me a visit.. Smile

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(no login) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 5 2007, 5:29 AM

<< Be careful all! This stuff WILL feminize you! So if you don't want titties and a female body, don't take this stuff! >>

Well, I am hoping that will be my 'worst case' scenario. And the female bottom is truly a wonderful thing; it's firm. I just hope the nipples and areaola get larger too.

On a side note, on a really bumpy road I can feel my chest bounce. It doesn't hurt, but is a little uncomfortable. If I had a sports bra on then it wouldn't be felt.

PS - Morticia, in one of the videos you link to on your sight is a Discover piece about "Michelle" He has a small son and wife. He went through feminizing but had a side effect in his lung that landed him in the hospital. I knew after he recovered, he used two patches to bypass the liver. But is this because he was using 'hard core' stuff? Yet the herb route won't cause what he had?? Just curious.. it was an interesting video. Especially when we found out that the female doctor doing SRS was formerly male. Damn! She looked like a nice, professional women. Who would have known!

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 5 2007, 6:17 AM

Ah, yes.. Synthetic man mad hormones are CHEMICALS made in a factory.
Who knows what they are composed of. Most likely petrochemicals.

Prescription hormones can be dangerous and if you take them you run the risk of problems.
You need to have a doctor watch you very closely. Bad things can happen.

Taking the natural hormones, be it PE's or BO, are generally thought to be safer.

I'm not an expert on the matter other than I can tell you what I am doing and what it's doing for me.
That's the extent of my expertise. Our dear friend Fennel Fairy can tell you much better than I can.

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(no login) Morticia is right August 5 2007, 8:07 AM

That's true about the presc. hormones.
I Just would like to remind everyone that the Phyto's taken in large doses can be very dangerous too. Just to mention a couple: Licorice root, Taken in large doses for a period of two weeks or more,has been proven to cause high blood pressure.There have been reports that Black cohosh has been associated with liver problems in certain individuals.
So everyone do your research about what you are taking and the possible side effects.
Safety First!and enjoy your quest for growing breasts safely.

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Lost Sheep
(Login ManyQuestions) Cecilia August 6 2007, 6:33 PM

Dear Cecilia - welcome. As you know you are not alone. I too am happily married to a wonderful woman and also am straight. And, I assure you that you and I are not the only straight married men with breast envy. Here, FYI, are the results of some questions I posted on the website. Anyone can answer, so these replies are not random samples of respondents. Still, the results are interesting.

Do Guys Ever Have Breast Envy


Guys only - Do you ever wish that you had girl breasts instead of guy breasts?

Yes, all the time (51%)

Yes, sometimes (34%)

No (13%)
343 total votes

Girls/Women - do you think that guys have breast envy - that they sometimes wish they had girl breasts instead of guy breasts?

Yes, almost all guys have breast envy, always (26%)

Yes, many guys have breast envy much of the time (22%)

No, breast envy is rare (19%)

Yes, some guys have breast envy some of the time (18%)

Yes, most guys have breast envy most of the time (15%)
150 total votes

Guys - if you would rather have girl breasts, which size would you like?

Medium girl breasts (50%)

Large girl breasts. (29%)

Small girl breasts (14%)

Completely flat chested so no one would know (4%)
310 total votes

Girls/Women only - How common is male breast envy? If guys could have girl breasts, what percentage would?

75% (32%)

50% (25%)

25% (21%)

100% (13%)

0% (7%)
140 total votes

Guys - if you have breast envy, why do you think you have it?

Girl breasts are sexy. (42%)

I would rather be a woman. (26%)

Want to play with them. (22%)

Two more eronenous zones. (7%)
309 total votes

Girls/women only - why do many guys have breast envy?

Breasts are sexy. (38%)

So they can play with them. (32%)

Guys are jealous of our sexy bodies. (16%)

They really wish they were women. (12%)
131 total votes

Girls/women only - how would you feel if your boyfriend/ husband had girl's breasts?

That would be a turn on for me. (52%)

A turn off for me. (23%)

Fine, so long as mine were larger than his. (14%)

I would feel neutrally about it. (9%)
126 total votes

Guys only - how common among guys is breast envy?

25% of guys wish they had girl breasts. (39%)

Almost no guy wants to have girl breasts. (26%)

Half of all guys wish they had girl breasts. (18%)

Most guys wish they had girl breasts. (14%)
305 total votes

Guys only - if you could make your nipples as sensitive as a girl's nipples but not change the appearence of your chest - your nipples and breasts would look the same - would you do it?

Yes (70%)

Maybe (15%)

No (13%)
318 total votes

Girls/women only - if you could make your guy's nipples as sensitive as a girl's nipples but not change the appearence of his chest - his nipples and breasts would look the same - would you do it?

Yes (78%)

Maybe (14%)

No (8%)
124 total votes

Guys only - if you could take a pill that would give you a girl's large breasts for only a couple of hours while you make love, would you do it?

Always (57%)

Sometimes (19%)

I might try it once (9%)

Once in a while (6%)

Never (6%)
318 total votes

Girls/women - if your guy could take a pill that would give him a girl's large breasts for only a couple of hours while you make love, would you ask him to do it?

Always (49%)

Sometimes (15%)

Maybe once (14%)

Often (11%)

Never (8%)
123 total votes

This poll was created on 2006-08-10 11:29:28 by many questions. Please post any comments in the message area. .

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Wow! August 6 2007, 8:54 PM

Quite an interesting insight in the way guys think of breasts there. Thanks for posting the poll results Many Q!

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 6 2007, 10:03 PM

Check this poll out from the same place as above.


For Guys and Girls/ Gynecomastia
This poll is for guys and girls. Guys I would like to know if you have gynecomastia (males with breasts.) Girls I would like to know from you if you know anyone with this condition and what you think about it.


Guys do you have gynecomastia.

yes (84%)

no (16%)
844 total votes

Girls do you know anyone with gynecomastia

yes (63%)

no (22%)

not sure (15%)
264 total votes

Girls if you know someone with gynecomastia, what do you think about it.

sexy (33%)

doesn't bother me (23%)

kind of like it (15%)

don't like it at all (11%)

not sure (9%)

don't think about it (6%)
239 total votes

Guys how large are you. what cup size are you

B cup (35%)

A cup (32%)

C cup (20%)

larger (11%)
756 total votes

Guys as a result of having breast have you ever worn any kind of support

bra (35%)

yes (21%)

no (19%)

sports bra (19%)

other (4%)
1177 total votes

Girls if you dated a guy with gynecomastia. Would you loan him your bra

yes (37%)

why not, I find it sexy (28%)

no way (23%)

only if he did not look better than me in it. (12%)
246 total votes

Guys with gynecomastia. If your girlfriend asked you to wear her bra or a bra would you.

yes (60%)

why not it might be fun (13%)

no (9%)

maybe (7%)

no way (4%)

only if it is not all fluffy and frilly (4%)
747 total votes

For guys who do not have gynecomastia. What do you think when you see a guy with gynecomastia

nothing at all (27%)

I bet thats rough on him (23%)

I am glad I am not him (16%)

sexy (13%)

ha ha he has boy boobs (13%)

he is probably gay (6%)
414 total votes

Guys with gynecomastia what are you feelings

I love them (38%)

They can be fun foreplay (23%)

I don't realy care (13%)

I hate them (13%)

Want them removed (11%)
924 total votes

Girls would you date a guy with gyencomastia.

yes (54%)

no way (16%)

it might be fun (12%)

it would not bother me (9%)

I have (6%)
231 total votes

Girls if you have dated a guy with gynecomastia how big was he. Did it cause problems with the relationship.

no (19%)

C cup (18%)

B cup (18%)

i liked it (18%)

gigantic (9%)

A cup (9%)

yes (3%)

we broke up because of it (2%)
359 total votes


And check out the comments left to this poll.

Message Area
For Guys and Girls/ Gynecomastia

I grew mine
Posted by nancy jean on 2004-05-26 13:29:01
I am a man who has dressed as a woman most of my life, I have grown my own breasts to a 38C, but it took a lot of time and effort. Love to look like a women and they are plently of men out there who have taken supplements or hormones to grow breasts. Some jut say they are man breasts but they worked to get them, for those who don't want them fine theyhould see a doctor and have removed. Others out there like them and want them.

Posted by girlyman on 2004-08-08 18:43:29
I have had breasts since I was 13. I use to wear my sisters bras all the time, I needed the support. I enjoyed having breasts and felt more like a girl anyway. The doctor said that my body did not produce enough male hormones, but I did not want to receive injections. i enjoyed being a girl. By the time I was 15 I had a 36B bust and asked my mom if I could just live as a girl. I was very lucky that she allowed me to.

guys with breasts are sexy
Posted by Robotgurl2k3 on 2004-09-01 04:39:05
I'm bisexual and find myself more attracted to guys with femme bodies. If they have breasts its even more erotic and sensual. They seem to be able to communicate better too and don't get angry so much as with guys who don't have breasts. They are more in touch with my feelings and me theirs. I think if a guy has or wants them they should not hold back anything and let them become who they want to be. Taking injectable hormones being the safest way, with a doctors guidance.

Re: guys with breasts are sexy
Posted by pennysue on 2005-01-06 13:24:30
My husband has had surgery with implants and today completly looks like a women, hormones did not give him breasts as he hoped but did give him other female caracteristics, so we went with surgery. I wanted him feminized so he did this for me. We are also raising our 3 sons as girls and all love it.

One girl's point of view
Posted by Veronica the Mighty on 2005-08-23 02:00:08
Boobs on a guy have nothing at all with his masculinity, his ability to satisfy a woman sexually, or his physical attractiveness ( unless the women who see him are mindless, substanceless fluff!). The best love affair I even had was with a guy who had very prominant boobs. He didn't care about it and didn't take it seriously, in fact, he didn't take himself seriously and that was the really wonderful and most attractive thing about him. I didn't care if he jiggled when he walked or ran, and I didn't care that he had a "softie" body type rather than the overly muscular variety so sought after and promoted in the media today. We were genuinely happy and really turned on by each other and the best sex I ever experienced was with him.
So guys, if you've got a pair, don't give it a second thought. Any woman worth knowing is going to be attracted to you for your personality, your grooming habits, your disposition ( if its pleasant), and your happiness ( if you let it shine through by not taking yourself or anyone else too seriously).
There's a lot of us girls out there who are desperate for contact with a quality, multi-dimensional male and we're REALLY tired of the cartoon-like buffoons with their over inflated egos and their media induced ways of approaching life. For my part, those $%!@ can be left to the female bar flies. Hey, all flies love a pile of $%!@, right?

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 6 2007, 10:08 PM

And more fun....


Gender roles and the future.
I'm not sure how successful this pole will become or whether or not I will get my point across throughouly but I will try. Recently I read an article about gender roles and it got me thinking. According to the article, when asking someone what their gender is, you are really asking them what reproductive organs they have. Using the term sex is asking someone whether or not they are male or female. So basically for a stupid example, someone who has a sex change is actually having a gender change since at this point in technology it isn't possible to turn a male into a 100% female. That's obvious and now for the point of my poll. After reading the article I came to think up an idea which could possible change the way society views males and females. I believe eventually at some point in the future both males and females will equally have the opportunity to do, wear, and practice whatever they want. If a guy wants to wear a skirt (Like me) then they can without society chastising them for it. What if somewhere down the road society matures to the point where any human male or female can legally choose their own sex at any given time in their life. Want to be female? Then go to the courts and officially be recognized as female. You of course having the gender male would still be male gender wise but in societies eyes you would now be female. Have a kid with a male gender and you wanted a female? Officially have the childs sex marked as female on their birth certificate and raise the child as female. Now if you managed to read this, please take some time to answer some of my questions.


Do you like my idea?

Yes (71%)

No (29%)
332 total votes

If you lived in a world with this society at this kind of level would you ever consider living as your opposite sex?

Yes (72%)

No (28%)
334 total votes

What is your sex?

Male (84%)

Female (16%)
334 total votes

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(Login moonstruck61) Wow, it seems that men in general want to be female. August 6 2007, 10:35 PM

Would you change your sex for a while?
The purpose of this poll is to see whether people are interested in experiencing what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a while.


For men only - If there was a way to instantly change yourself into a normal woman for a while, would you do it?

I would change to a woman forever. (34%)

I would change to a woman for a year. (23%)

I would change to a woman for a month. (22%)

I would change to a woman for a day. (18%)

I would not do it. (1%)
451 total votes

For women only - If there was a way to instantly change yourself into a normal man for a while, would you do it?

I would change to a man for a day. (38%)

I would not do it. (20%)

I would change to a man for a month. (18%)

I would change to a man forever. (12%)

I would change to a man for a year. (9%)
77 total votes

For men only - why would you change into a woman for a while?

2. To experience a woman's perspective on life. (30%)

3. To see what sex as a woman would be like. (29%)

5. To become my true self. (23%)

4. To get in touch with my feminine side. (9%)

6. Other (5%)

1. Not applicable because I would not do it. (1%)
451 total votes

For women only- why would you change into a man for a while?

3. To see what sex as a man would be like. (36%)

2. To experience a man's perspective on life. (31%)

1. Not applicable because I would not do it. (11%)

5. To become my true self. (9%)

4. To get in touch with my masculine side. (6%)

6. Other (4%)
72 total votes


would you change your sex?
if given the oportunity would you...?


men: if given the chance to be a woman for a month would you take it?

yes (96%)

no (4%)
1015 total votes

women: would you be a man for a month?

yes (53%)

no (47%)
177 total votes

men: if you were a woman for a month would you have sex with a man?

yes (74%)

no (26%)
1007 total votes

women: if you were changed into men for a month would you have sex with a woman?

yes (67%)

no (33%)
170 total votes

men: would you be a girly girl or a tomboy

girly girl(like frilly pink things) (84%)

tomboy (like sports and playing in the mud) (16%)
1006 total votes

women, would you be a mans man or a pretty boy?

pretty boy (abercrombie model) (50%)

mans man(cars and dirt) (50%)
163 total votes

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(no login) Great Stuff! August 7 2007, 7:07 AM

That's interesting stuff. I really like the poll about breasts. Just goes to show that large or huge breasts might be fun to look at but aren't necessarily a mans preference. I firmly believe that to be true.

Changing sexes:
Wouldn't it be great to be Clark Kent and be able to jump into the closest phone booth and come out as Wonder Woman? :-)

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Happy to find this site - partial feminization August 7 2007, 8:05 AM

Eh... I would rather skip Clark Kent and just be Wonder Woman from the get-go.

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(no login) Im sorry I missed out on being here as this topic was going August 7 2007, 12:21 PM

Yes...welcome to all of you that have just spoken up recently.
Im very new here also.
Theres a lot to learn.
As to synthetic hormones...they arent made out of petrochemicals....they are synthesized from mares urine or diosgenin from wild yam or fenugreek or even kudzu now.
When contemplating which supplements you have to consider each of the three estrogens and progesterone and prolactin.
They all have their role to play at their proper times.
Normal levels of EST in women are 100-300micrograms,thats not very much,so it should be easy for males to get enough of the proper levels for body modification.Males usually produce half the levels that women do,and even less as ages get into 30's-and up.
>>Estrone is the most potent i believe from what ive has more import for females and their particular organs.
>>Estradiol is the very important one for breast building for everyone.
It is typically 10% of the total estrogen amount in females.
It is the initializer for breast development it also is the main EST responsible for body shape and effects on bones,joints,fat accumulation spots,fat structure,and skin composition.
>>Estriol is also important for both sexes.It is typically 80% of total estrogen amounts in females.
Estriol levels are highest in women during pregnancy.
Estriol is the one EST that prevents cancers that can be caused by the other two estrogens.So,it is important to get plenty of estriol when taking other estrogens.
**I havent exactly found which EST is responsible for development of nipples and areolas,either estradiol or estriol.
**Another good thing to know is,EST's enhance growth of Prolactin producing gland cells and stimulates Prolactin production.
>>Progesterone is produced in the Adrenal glands and in Adipose(fat)tissues.
Men typically make 6-10mg daily//Women during menses make 20-30mg daily//Women during pregnancy make 300-500mg daily.
Progesterone is responsible for cell mitosis and differentiation in the breasts,Mainly development of the lobules and alveoli.So,this is important to get enough of this and strong enough levels for at least 10-14 days every month.
**It is also responsible for some fat accretions in different areas,the breasts being one spot.
**Also,progesterone is responsible for development of the fibrous tissues in the breast structure as they grow.Prog. keeps the fibrous tissues growing properly and prevents tough, conical growth of breasts.Allows the breasts to develop more rounder form.
**Progesterone is counter to estrogen in that it inhibits the milk production capability.
>>Prolactin is interesting as it does quite a few good things.
It is produced in the Lactoscope cells in the anterior of the pituitary gland.
Of course,it stimulates mammary glands to produce milk AND increasing amounts cause enlargement of the mammary glands.
**It also increases the numbers of estrogen receptors in the breasts tissues.
**It also increases the production of LPL lipoprotein lipase,a fat storage enzyme,which causes the breasts to store more fats.
So,its good to get this going in your system.The best natural way ive read is to pull and tug on the nipples and areolas for 20 min or more to simulate nursing.
Of course,there are many herbs that help the development of that production also.
**Prolactin also is responsible for for stimulating the precursor cells that differentiate into the cells that form the Myelin sheaths on axons in the central nervous system.

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(Login Davi-lee) I just read through these polls.... August 9 2007, 7:03 PM

Those polls were really cool....WOW I had no idea that men and women felt that way about these issues.
I'd like to find a great girl who'd love to have my type for a mate.
I would be tempted to go that way.
But what are the chances that I'll find her....not very good.

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(Login Ceciliaptgirl) Thanks again - and... August 10 2007, 1:55 AM

To all who have welcomed me. Thanks for all those great polls.


Some times we have to be willing to look under rocks and in other places we normally would not. We expect others to have an open mind, but we always do not have it ourselves. Your mate is out there. Trust me.

When I met my special lady, I was not even crossdressing at the time. I was a real macho dude. But I had this very feminine side. The way I expressed my feelings. The way I orgasmed. The way I touched and wanted to caress and be sensuous. She liked that.

Later, when I started CDing, and I would have been the last to expect it, she was not surprised. I always thought as a matter of philosophy that women had it so much better. The choice of clothes. Their true friendships. Etc. But I never considered putting it to practice. She has now fully embraced the feminine side of me and it totally turns her on. She loves my quest for bigger boobies. She loves to have her way with me and turn the tables on me in the bedroom.

But guess what, I must have gone through twenty online relationships before meeting her. I would have never contacted her because she was fat. Something in an ad she placed grabbed my attention but I was so arrogant that at first I told her it was friends only. And I meant it. Boy was I wrong. She has turned out to be the best thing in the world.

Just like in one of these polls above mentioned when a lady describes the mindless musclebound guys vs. the softer ones, we sometimes have to look past the perfect bodies too. You just never know what you can find.


Sincerely - and with love,


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(Login Davi-lee) OOOH thats a sweet story... August 11 2007, 10:41 AM

I was getting all weepy eyed....thanks for the encouragement....
Thats so excellent that you found the right person.
Gee,Ive started a few times with the online dating thingys....I just couldnt even get started...I dont know ..I guess because i thought Id be looked at as a freak and have to suffer through insincere people acting friendly just so they could end up ridiculing me...I dont need to deal with that right now.
Ive been trying to find some online service that caters to folk like TG/TS,androgynes,and including others who are attracted to those orientations.
I know from talking to other androgynous folk,that they have problems finding people to date also.Many of them just dont date,because they'd rather be alone or they just feel nonsexual.
My hormone adjustment has really affected my already diverse orientation.
Now I keep being attracted to men mostly.I keep getting flirted with on Tribes by guys.I flirt too,when I see a really great TSm2f or a really sexy guy.
One friend was a gay guy/CD and it turns out after talking with him for a bit,explaining myself some,he tells me he wants to be more feminine,vauguely considering hormones,he said he had never told anyone that because he didnt think his other friends would understand....I always find 'em.....hahaha
We'll see each others pics and thats what has brought some of us together.
But,Im still open to women too...its just getting more difficult as what attracts me, seems to be changing as i go along now.
It would have to be a rare gal to mesh with my weirdness.....thats why I just dont think that Im going to find her...definitely not where I live now.
Thats why I thought a dating forum would be good to look at,because I was hoping that people would state what they are really looking for.