Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: Be patient with PM it DOES work!
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Hi All,
Just a quick one to say be patient with PM. It does work but you have to be patient. I have looked around the site a bit more now after joining and i have seen some incredible results!
I took PM a while ago and i have seen the difference, especially with using the spray as well. My nipples are more sensitive and i can see the difference in size. I wanted to look at other herbs to gain maximum results, but a change in diet will do the trick. I am taking an anti androgen again to get the results quicker. PM is the most potent i have come across. It has made my moods up and down' but i can really tell that my breasts have increased in size. They recommend 1000mg per day, but the person who sold them to me online said to double that if you are male to 2000mg. I will do this for 3 months then reduce it to 1000mg again. Be serious if you want boobs as they wont go after stopping the PM so i was told? Is this true? please tell me someone. Since starting my anti androgen's again i can feel the swelling and it feels great! All the best to those on PM. Be Patient !!!
Love and Care
Hey DeeDee.

Yes, The actual growth that you get in the tissues will be permanent. As with any breast. Male or female. Weight loss can effect the fat cells in the breast and cause some shrinkage. But deevelopment of the underlying lobules and ducts would stay.

What Anti-androgen are you taking please?

As an anti-androgen i have been using a synthetic medicine called finasteride. It is quite weak and i really wouldn't recommend it. Try saw palmetto instead as a natural anti androgen as both are the same really. Saw palmetto is a lot safer as well. I have used this for hair regrowth for a long time and it kills everything. It has caused me probably irreversible damage down there, as nothing works anymore. I strongly do NOT recommend it when you could take the natural saw palmetto. Even though i take finasteride i wouldn't say its a good anti androgen. If you still want a sex life leave it alone and go with saw palmetto.