Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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This is a follow up to my "introduction" post.

I have started what I will describe as a conservative regimen with Pueraria Mirifica. I'm not looking for any major growth, preferring at most an A or B cup. Initially, I wanted to start with a low dose (100mg) to test things out, to get acclimated and see if any side effects would occur. From what I had been reading, 25 to 100mg was considered "safe" and with no side effects, when using PM for the claimed "health" benefits of the herb. Obviously, they were not referring to the possibilities of breast growth with this herb.

The only low dose options seemed to be sold under "menopause support" for women, so I found, Natures Answer Peuraria Mirifica. Each tablet had 100mg of PM with 50mg of DIM, in addition to some vitamins for "support and energy." It had great reviews for the "intended" use, but also from folks using it for breast growth. Albeit, with the acknowledgement that it would take a looong time at such a low dose of PM. I did not like the mega doses of B vitamins they used and actually stopped taking it before i used up the bottle since I started to have side effects from so much B12. So, it goes to show you anything in excess can be very bad for you.

Bumping it up, the new dose I began with is PM at 550 mg once a day. Again to see how everything goes and get acclimated to the higher dose.After the first week and no issues I bumped up to 550mg twice a day for a 1100mg total. The second week and already I noticed a difference. I am now starting to feel something going on. It isn't what many describe as the "itching" or "pain" but more of a "stimulated" feeling. Kind of like when you play with your nipples, but I'm having to play with them. Hard to describe what one feels...LOL I have always thought I had sensitive nipples before and loved to play with them, but right now they are so much more sensitive. This is somethjhing different.

Also, I noticed when laying in bed and rolling over on my side or stomach, as your arm pushes against your breast more, a very slight "pinch" kind of feeling behind my nipples or the surrounding area. Maybe, that is the pain sensation many describe, I don't know. I am surprised at how quickly I am feeling anything though. Maybe the low dose of PM I had been taking for two months helped get things started for me and the new higher dose is making  the differnce. I know it can take months and years, so I don't expect any growth to happen for a while, if at all, but to feel these sensations I can only assume the PM is doing something.

Moving forward, the plan is to add Red Reishi, I have it ordered but don't have it yet. I already take Vitamin D3 on a doctors recommendation due to being a shift worker. We notoriously have low D3 levels since we sleep during the day and can get so little sunshine. I also have recently been drinking 2 or 3 cups of Green tea a day in my efforts to have a healthier diet. It was really cool to hear that Green tea can help in this breast growth process....a happy coincidence.

So, to summarize...
PM 1100mg a day
Red Reshi...when I get it at maybe just 500mg a day to start
Vitamin D3
Green tea

I may add MSN or DIM later, but I want to let this go for a while and see what the results will be. Again this a conservative approach (hoping for A/B cup) and I know it might be a long time before seeing any benefits.

Any thoughts, comments or advice would be appreciated. There is so much I have to still read and learn about all this.
(01-03-2023, 05:53 PM)BuddingB Wrote: [ -> ]... I have started what I will describe as a conservative regimen with Pueraria Mirifica. I'm not looking for any major growth, preferring at most an A or B cup. .....  I bumped up to 550mg twice a day for a 1100mg total. The second week and already I noticed a difference. .......

I know it can take months and years, so I don't expect any growth to happen for a while, if at all, but to feel these sensations I can only assume the PM is doing something.

Moving forward, the plan is to add Red Reishi,

So, to summarize...
PM 110mg a day
Red Reshi...when I get it at maybe just 500mg a day to start
Vitamin D3
Green tea

I may add MSN or DIM later, but I want to let this go for a while and see what the results will be. Again this a conservative approach (hoping for A/B cup) and I know it might be a long time before seeing any benefits.

Any thoughts, comments or advice would be appreciated. There is so much I have to still read and learn about all this.

Hi, I have shortened your text in my quotation - just to show what I considered important.

I think your approach makes sense. Around 1000mg PM I have seen that many people, including me, notice "something happening". In other words, like a girl entering to puberty, I guess. You might get quite nice progress if you go on that dosage or slightly more. The feelings and some swelling in nipples means that there are biological changes on their way! (I also think your list has a typo, and you meant 1100mg PM a day)

I consider conservative being less than 2000 mg/day. Because it is giving your liver extra work it is good to not over-do it. Some say that Milk Thistle helps to protect liver, and there's some science supporting it.

Red Reishi should be very safe for most (if not having allergy or similar unusual reaction) and you can consider pump it up to 1000-2000 mg a day. I haven't seen mentioned any side effects even on 4000 mg. It is scientifically proven to pretty efficient androgen blocker, and therefore helps in changing your body's hormone balance towards feminine.

You might take Green Tea Extract as well. It is helping to convert your testosterone to estrogens. However, you shouldn't take so much that you get over 800 mg (-)- epigallocatechin-3-gallate / day, to be on safe side.

All in all, growing breasts is a time consuming process. You might get with your quite conservative program to A-cup in a year +/- some months, but everybody is different. And also note, that the text I wrote is my personal opinion which is based to what I have been reading and found having also some research result behind it. I have myself somewhat comparable, bit conservative, program, and I notice slow but steady growth.

Take care!
- Teddy
(01-03-2023, 05:53 PM)BuddingB Wrote: [ -> ]This is a follow up to my "introduction" post.

I have started.... (Big snip)

I agree with Teddy above. I started at 250mg/day the first week with PM to see if I had any adverse reactions.2nd week I went up to 500mg/day then 1000mg/day on my 3rd week. I have continued with 1000-1500mg/day PM for 1½ years now and am doing fine. A few months after I started with PM I added 1000mg/day Red Reishi.
This is my current routine, 1000mg PM/day, 1000mg Red Reishi/day. These are each split to 500mg morning and evening.
As I know from my own experience I almost gave up when there were no results after two months. I continued though and at the four month
mark I had my first noticeable effect, aching under my nipples. So take your time. =)
Thanks for the replies and information so far! As I mentioned, I know it will take some time for results to come, so I will be patient for sure. I did have a question though...I mentioned the sensations I was feeling in my nipple area, how long do the sensations or feelings normally last? It was really only a couple days for me, so I'm not sure if that is the "normal" pre-growth characteristics or was something else.

Either way, it's exciting and I look forward to whatever results I can achieve!
The nipple sensitivity is back. I had reduced the PM to once a day for a day or two and that's when I noticed the reduction. When Ii went back to twice a day they came back right away. It's encouraging that they are still sensitive, PM seems to be is something.
I just wanted to update this thread...

I paused my routine a while back. I was getting some results fairly quickly, gained about an inch in my bust and a little bit of an increase in my areolas' diameter. So while I was happy that PM was working for me, I also got a little nervous about it. I would say, still a manboob look overall, except maybe more conical or pointy. 

I had a work event to attend and the dresscode was business casual, so when I put on the polo style shirts I was bringing with me, it seemed to me that my recent "growth" was very noticeable. While maybe not so much the projection, although it sure seemed like it was a lot, it was also the nipples being quite visible. It wasn't that they were erect, but more like you see with women, where they are just kind of poking out and really visible under whatever shirt they have on.

I would say the boobs could still be considered "manboobs" to most...I never even had that though, so any protrusion got me nervous. Then with my nipples seeming so visible under the thinner style Polo shirt...I get really subconscious and nervous. Luckily the event rooms were pretty cold, so everyone and myself had on a fleece or something all week. But that got me thinking...what did I do? Am I really growing tits? Will friend's or family ask questions when they see me? When I go for my annual physical, my doctor will surely notice the growth, right? Just the usually freak out...LOL

As I said, I decided to pause and reevaluate what it was I was doing and did I really want to continue with this. After a couple of weeks, the soreness or pain in my breast area slowly went away. It looks like the protrusion has "deflated" a bit as well, about a half inch less in my bust size when I measure it. I may have over thought and overreacted to my situation, but as others have wisely sure it's what you want. If it works for you, they are there to will have boobs. They might shrink a tad, but they will be there. It was still in the early stages for me, so if I think it's nothing to much out of the ordinary for an older

So where am I at? I still desire to have boobs, very much so! I think or we think, it won't really happen and it seems that for many men, it doesn't. I think it was good for me to take a break to really think about this. To be sure it's a path I want to be on and that the results, whatever they may be, or going to make me happy, instead of embarrassed or self conscious. Oddly enough, I'm kind of proud of what little growth I have had. Secretly, I kind of want to show them strange that is from being horrified, when they actually started to grow...LOL

Now that I know PM will work for me, to some degree anyway, and have taken some time to let it all sink in and what might be possible. More than likely, I will continue with this and start back on PM. I will update this again, if I do continue and if/when I see I results.

Again, be sure it's what you want...they are there to stay, if it works for you!
[unnecessary quoting removed]

I can relate to you.  I did the PM and a few other things for 2 weeks.  My left breat took off quickly and it scared me a bit.  I've been off it for 2 weeks now and the breast tissue is still forming a bit.  I coach soccer and had to wear a compression shirt underneath at practice because my nipples were too noticable.
I am right at the same point. Tested quite a few different things over the last four years. Red Clover, Hops, Mother's Milk Tea, spearmint tea, dandelion tea, licorice tea, WP, RR. and recently PM and PC. Also bought Goat's Rue and More Milk Plus a couple of times. Used traditional breastfeeding pumps. But I never stuck with anything long enough to trigger more than tingling and slight aching.

Recently though I started 500MG of PM + cream. PC twice a week and 1000MG of RR. And now there are changes. I look like I've been working out and nipples are usually pointing though my clothes. No substantial nipple change other than that, but there is clear growth and fat deposits. 

I've noticed a couple sideways looks at what are now AA's or close to it. At most I got to halfway between AAA and AA before. The RR, PC, PM combo clearly works even at a modest dose. 

I can't imagine being able to pull off more than an A for sure without it being obvious. So where to stop? Is it permanent? I don't have the body size to hide moobs. Genetics portend a lot of potential growth. 

Not sure how much further I want to go. But it works. And it feels great. And scary AF. 

Program that would clearly result in steady growth:

1000MG PM + daily cream
1000MG RR
PC twice a week
WP once or twice a week.
DHEA cream twice a week
D3 and calcium
Dandelion, spreamint and green tea
Daily pumping with Medela x2
For three weeks

Cycle off with
More Milk Plus caps x2, 
Dandelion Tea 
Goat's Rue caps x2
Daily pumping x2
For one week

Pretty confident that would result in significant and steady growth.

P.S. Daily WP cap and spearmint tea is a stronger AA for me than RR alone. But daily WP caused some loss of function and an upset stomach. But it works for sure. RR is causing some minor shrinkage at this level. More PM + WP would be....a choice of sorts....for less libido.
(27-09-2023, 07:24 AM)RJM Wrote: [ -> ]Recently though, I started 500MG of PM + cream. PC twice a week and 1000MG of RR. And now there are changes. I look like I've been working out and nipples are usually pointing though my clothes. No substantial nipple change other than that, but there is clear growth and fat deposits. 

I've noticed a couple sideways looks at what are now AA's or close to it. At most I got to halfway between AAA and AA before. The RR, PC, PM combo clearly works even at a modest dose. 

I can't imagine being able to pull off more than an A for sure without it being obvious. So where to stop? Is it permanent? I don't have the body size to hide moobs. Genetics portend a lot of potential growth. 

Not sure how much further I want to go. But it works. And it feels great. And scary AF. 

P.S. Daily WP cap and spearmint tea is a stronger AA for me than RR alone. But daily WP caused some loss of function and an upset stomach. But it works for sure. RR is causing some minor shrinkage at this level. More PM + WP would be....a choice of sorts....for less libido.

My understanding, yes, once you have actual growth, as in, budding will be permanent. So you have to decide what you really want. I have read, that for some even after stopping, you might experience a little more growth. I guess we are all different, so that will just depend. For me, it was early enough, and just PM, so no further growth.

The more you add to improve or enhance the performance or effects of PM, and the likelihood of success...the more chance you will experience, as you have, some shrinkage or loss of ability and libido. Another thing to consider I guess, the trade offs. I purposely went with just PM, for that reason. Hoping to get some growth but maintain libido and function...which worked for me. The only loss was some morning wood, which I was fine with. At my age, waking up with a hardon all the time was getting "old"

I think what you listed above as your regimen now, will get you good results... and actually, as you say, it has started to. I don't think you need to go over 500mg of PM a day to get results, especially with your adding in the support or enhancing herbs. Some will say you need higher doses, but I think it's always best to go with the minimum you actually need to get the results you are after. Be kind to your only have one.