Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: Adams apple
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This may sound weird but after all these years on this earth I only just realised today that I don't have an Adams apple.

Just spent ages in front of the mirror swallowing hard, yawning, making funny ahhhh noises searching for any sign of a lump.......nothing! Not a sign, don't know why I never noticed this before, just not something that occurred to me to go looking for. Why don't I have one?

I googled it.

Apparently we all have one, males and females just on males it's more pronounced and angular so noticeable.

Still, that doesn't explain why I don't have one. A bit weird, probably going to be staring at peoples throats the next few days to see if I'm a freak.

I may be close. Mine is just a tiny nub, not noticeable at all. Can barely feel it.

L'apparence va ĂȘtre importante dans un futur proche et mes questions portent sur les cheveux et la pomme d'Adan voici une photo de ma pomme d'Adams si je peux me permettre.

Same... I don't have one too.. wierd that isn't it? I've always wondered why... does anyone know?
Same here Smile

I can feel it if I run my fingers down, but can't really see it, I'm not unhappy about that Smile
Funny how that happens isn't it?