Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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Hello all!

First time making a thread in the transgender section and I'd like to broach the subject of voice training and vocal feminization. I will not say a name in case they don't wish to be brought up just yet, but I and another member here have begun speaking in voice, and one of the major topics was finding female resonance. Perhaps even about bringing the topic up here (it has been brought up before but mostly in very old threads) and seeing if others are also interested in attempting to 'find their voice' as it were.

I've been working on my voice for a year or so now--in the small windows that I may--and I think I've reached a decent point to where I feel confident in speaking in my girl voice with others. After testing and solely speaking with this other member in my girl voice it does seem to be the case. I didn't stiffen up or panic like the first time I tried with a close friend a year ago, and that's relatively comforting to me. It gives me hope for the future for such a time that I may finally start presenting female in real life.

However, after all this time of practice I still seem to be at a wall that I hit several months ago. From what others tell me (the 4 people that have heard me), I sound female, and that's great. But I still can't seem to stay in that range when laughing or making common sounds. I also think I'm still on the lower range of resonance, but I think that should hopefully be fixed by naturally expanding my range.

Anyway, for those who have worked on this skill as well, do you have any advice or know of any good sources in case I may have missed them in my google searches? Perhaps any personal tricks you've picked up or how things clicked for you? I've seen tons of videos and guides out there, but it really seems like something that has a broad many ways and explanations of getting to your goal point.

For me, being unable to emote well has been a major roadblock holding me back that I just can't seem to overcome. I feel self-conscious of it when I make a sound or laugh as I believe it sounds manly or strained, and as such it limits my personality. It makes me sound monotonous since I just avoid expressing some emotions and hide those ugly sounds behind a push-to-talk button. I'm pretty sure there is just some sounds that I won't be able to fully avoid slipping into male voice, but if I could manage to shift most sounds into the female zone that'd be super great and make me feel miles better about myself.

If anyone else here however has there own questions about this topic I can also link materials to get people started. The things I used to start are a few years old at this point but I'm sure they still hold up well. I also wonder if people may even be interested in a sort of Discord vocal group meant to help each other with their voice training. A place where similar people can train in a relatively kind and safe environment. Does this forum's Discord have such a group already? I've never took a peek at it so I'm in the dark on what all is discussed and happens there.
I for one would love to join such a group, and would love to see materials. We don't really have such a thing in the current discord server, though thats not a statement against ever forming such a group there. I don't think the people would mind. But if you make a discord server for that, I'd love to join.

Hi Aria! I'll go and look into setting up a Discord for us then if I can at least get a few more people interested. I'll post links to what I've used there when I do. One thing I'd like to avoid however is being flooded with trolls/bullies/creeps as I heard that happened to the forum Discord and because I know how awful some people can be. I'm sure it will attract less since this would be focused on vocal work and practice but if there is any ideas on how to go about keeping those sort out I'd like to hear them.

From my experience, voice work is indeed scary when you start. It took me so long before I had the courage to try to speak with my closest online friend (someone not part of this forum). She was a big motivator for me, and as she is transfem too, her voice was an amazing inspiration for me to continue forward. I hope that maybe my voice and others that join can be that inspiration for people who have yet to find their own girl voice.

In short there is certainly a lot to be worried about with voice work. You're being judged if you like it or not in most situations. Especially in real life scenarios. The voice can make or break your presentation in the eyes and ears of others more than probably anything else. I'd say it's likely the most important aspect of transitioning for male to female. But--we all need to start somewhere. I'd like that to be with other like minded people willing to help each other out. A place where people can feel comfortable sharing their audio clips, or, if they work up to it, live chatting with others, and not feel like it's the end of the world if they make a male slip or if their voice isn't quite on the level yet.

Of course if anyone else feels more qualified to start a Discord group feel free to. I've never made my own but I am fairly tech savvy and it doesn't seem too hard. I use to record audio years back too so I have a some experience with recording programs if that is ever needed. I don't know if I'd be the most reliable in setting up consistent times for live practice sessions or anything however. At the start I assume we'd sort of do that organically and just get to speaking with each other enough to feel comfy.
There is a Discord called "Scientifically Augmented Voice" which might be of help for vocal feminization.

I have not had time to work on vocal feminization, I cannot confirm the effectiveness of her methods.

(18-03-2022, 03:56 PM)Dianna1395 Wrote: [ -> ]There is a Discord called "Scientifically Augmented Voice" which might be of help for vocal feminization.

I have not had time to work on vocal feminization, I cannot confirm the effectiveness of her methods.


This server seems to be interesting!

I had a talk with Jamie recently and she sent what I believe are good resources to me about voice feminization. I wasn't aware of this potential we have to practically reverse the effect of testosterone on our voice and it's thrilling to simply entertain the idea. So, I'm already working on it myself haha.

Let's see how far I can go. Rolleyes
I'll look into that Discord, but for now yeah I think I'll start one for our BreastNexum group unless Aria would rather add it to the main Discord. So feel free to let me know what you prefer Aria and I'll get it done!

And yeah! Manue and I have voiced already. She keeps telling me I have a pretty voice but I don't believe her~ I can't wait to see what everyone's potential is and I'd love if I could be a part of helping and growing alongside everyone!
(19-03-2022, 06:54 AM)Jamie-May Wrote: [ -> ]I'll look into that Discord, but for now yeah I think I'll start one for our BreastNexum group unless Aria would rather add it to the main Discord. So feel free to let me know what you prefer Aria and I'll get it done!

And yeah! Manue and I have voiced already. She keeps telling me I have a pretty voice but I don't believe her~ I can't wait to see what everyone's potential is and I'd love if I could be a part of helping and growing alongside everyone!
perhaps you'd like to join the main discord and see if the atmosphere fits that of a personal server like one for Vocal Feminization? I defer to your decision though, and fully support you in making a new server. I'll even link to your server in the main discord, if or when you want me to.

(19-03-2022, 07:01 PM)DruLactin Wrote: [ -> ]perhaps you'd like to join the main discord and see if the atmosphere fits that of a personal server like one for Vocal Feminization? I defer to your decision though, and fully support you in making a new server. I'll even link to your server in the main discord, if or when you want me to.

You may be right. Thinking on it, it may be better to have a quieter, more relaxed separate Discord to make people feel more at ease. That way it also wouldn't need to worry about sharing space for information to clash against the breast growth related topics.

I'd still like it to be linked to the main one however as you suggested. Was thinking about maybe going with something simple like Voice Nexum for the server. That way it still shares its roots with this forum. I'll post more when I get things sorted out~
I would like to share my experience. Smile

Back in February when I made my coming out as trans, I was totally clueless about voice feminization. I thought it was falsetto and it ended there. I was willing to face that reality.

Subsequently, I began exchanging with Jamie-May and she provided me with some resources for voice feminization. I was stunned to discover what could be achieved. Anything was now possible. Starting on this journey, I began to see a big mountain with this challenge but I believe I did eventually make it to the top.

Even though, it's not perfect yet, I have achieved within 3 months the ability to speak from a variety a female voices.

Here are preview clips for people curious to listen to my voice.



The server created and maintained by Jamie allowed me to receive diffrent feedbacks overtime. It's a beautiful project to help people who want to make the most of their transition naturally. Jamie is also an amazing teacher providing insightful critics. I recommend those seeking a feminine voice to join and have a chat with lovely people.

Right now, I'm really struggling to put it out there but I'm confident it's going to pass eventually. It's probably going to be best when I find myself going full time and having to speak with strangers. And at the rate changes are coming, I believe I'm not so far from that moment.

I'm very shy haha. Blush