Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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Hi everybody,  I have been taking, reishi and some vials of red clover with soy and various herbs to treat menopause, but i used for growing breast. I imagine it has helped a bit. Now I have received PM and am going to start taking it.
I want to know if someone has taken this brand and if it is good.
The brand is from Ancient Purity. The pills are of 250 mg and i´ll take 2 a day. But in the bottle say that is a cycle of 60 days and then take a break of 2 weeks.
Well, thats all i want to ask or get and advice. Next days i´ll post if i can my progress.  Blush Thanks. Smile

while taking these capsules check out body weight and breast measurements. So you can notice the changes if any. Starting with little dose is very good choice. After 1 month use of capsule you can increase your dose. Remember never go beyond 2000mg dose of pm. Its good to be in 100mg to 2000mg dose. Higher doses may cause harm to your body. After using PM you will see start of budding after 14 day use. Sometimes it may take little longer time. Have patience be happy. I you have fenugreek, fennel or lavender any one oil then you can do massage everyday for atleast 15 min. It will be good. Thank you. Stay safe stay at home during covid19.

Hi all, i have some questions. What is the best product PM of ainterol ? The product of 500 and annis is better that the other product wich have 750 and co2 pueraria mirifica ?
Im thinking of buy this product to try it, because i finished  other product