Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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So yesterday I finally went in and got my legs waxed. I thought it was going to be a bit awkward and was contemplating an excuse why I was doing it, but in the end I decided if I was asked, I would said because I felt like it.

Much to my surprise they didn't ask me anything, look at me funny or anything weird. The lady that did my legs was telling me that I was going to love it! Of course warned me that it might hurt a little. I told her that I have used an epilator before and she told then I should be used to it.

So she applied the warm wax on my shins, and rrrrrrrrrrrrip! Not bad, and this continued on my lower legs. Overall wasn't too bad. Then she started on the upper part of my legs. Front wasn't too bad, but the back of the legs, that made me finch a bit, but I got used to it pretty quickly. Then she got to my inner thighs, again, made me flinch, but I got used to it.

Overall it wasn't too bad of an experience. The staff was extremely pleasant and accommodating. I didn't find it to be even slightly embarrassing nor did I feel out of place. The actual session was slightly painful a few times, but nothing that would prevent me from doing it again in the future. I did notice that my knees were a bit irritated afterwards, but nothing too terrible. My legs do feel quite lovely! I think I will possibly try it again in the future, or perhaps not be so lazy with using the epilator on my legs. Or maybe now that I am home more often I should give the Silk Flash & Go a whirl again!

So any who, that was my experience! Cool
Just wait until you get the bits at the top of your legs done that really hurts!

The worst bit for me is having the top of my chest done - and trying not to get aroused when they do around the nipple!

It is only a fleeting pain though and definately worth it!

Not sure I need my legs doing any more as through using a epilator I think I have killed off a lot of the hair on my legs as there was barely anything there to be waxed!

(19-08-2016, 09:38 PM)MeganJ Wrote: [ -> ]Just wait until you get the bits at the top of your legs done that really hurts!

The worst bit for me is having the top of my chest done - and trying not to get aroused when they do around the nipple!

It is only a fleeting pain though and definately worth it!

Not sure I need my legs doing any more as through using a epilator I think I have killed off a lot of the hair on my legs as there was barely anything there to be waxed!


My epilator has done wonders. I once had a moderately hairy chest and my breasts are now as smooth as my wife's (and about as large!).
(19-08-2016, 09:38 PM)MeganJ Wrote: [ -> ]Just wait until you get the bits at the top of your legs done that really hurts!

The worst bit for me is having the top of my chest done - and trying not to get aroused when they do around the nipple!

It is only a fleeting pain though and definately worth it!

Not sure I need my legs doing any more as through using a epilator I think I have killed off a lot of the hair on my legs as there was barely anything there to be waxed!


I've epilated the upper bits of my legs and yes, it does bring a tear or two to my eyes. :p

I'm not sure about getting my chest waxed. I'm not sure I am that comfortable exposing my chest and my very very obvious nipples. Hmm not sure how I would handle that. Well I have done so much and I do keep pushing and testing things further, I suppose it is but a matter of time before I give that a try too. Big Grin
(20-08-2016, 07:50 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote: [ -> ]My epilator has done wonders. I once had a moderately hairy chest and my breasts are now as smooth as my wife's (and about as large!).

That's awesome! I've noticed my chest is no longer as bad. Still needs work, but it is getting there!!
(22-08-2016, 05:04 AM)Sofia Lauren Bunny Wrote: [ -> ]
(20-08-2016, 07:50 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote: [ -> ]My epilator has done wonders. I once had a moderately hairy chest and my breasts are now as smooth as my wife's (and about as large!).

That's awesome! I've noticed my chest is no longer as bad. Still needs work, but it is getting there!!

Through regular use over a couple of years it gradually pulled out most of the roots. I hardly need to use it any more. The same is true of my pubic area.
Wow, good for you. I have not done that yet, although I have talked to my lady that does my feet about getting it done. She will do everywhere except the groin area. Although, I feel the same as you, I am not sure I want to expose my chest to her. You say you normally epulate, did you find the waxing held off the regrowth longer ?
(22-08-2016, 12:23 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote: [ -> ]Through regular use over a couple of years it gradually pulled out most of the roots. I hardly need to use it any more. The same is true of my pubic area.

I guess the key word here is regular use. :p I need to work on my consistency. Also, ouch! Not sure I'll be attempting the pubes anytime soon. That just sounds too painful.
(22-08-2016, 02:35 PM)jannet.duff Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, good for you. I have not done that yet, although I have talked to my lady that does my feet about getting it done. She will do everywhere except the groin area. Although, I feel the same as you, I am not sure I want to expose my chest to her. You say you normally epulate, did you find the waxing held off the regrowth longer ?

I am amazed at the results. My legs are still pretty smooth vs. when I epilate. I'm not really sure why that could be. Should be somewhat similar?
(23-08-2016, 02:54 AM)Sofia Lauren Bunny Wrote: [ -> ]
(22-08-2016, 12:23 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote: [ -> ]Through regular use over a couple of years it gradually pulled out most of the roots. I hardly need to use it any more. The same is true of my pubic area.

I guess the key word here is regular use. :p I need to work on my consistency. Also, ouch! Not sure I'll be attempting the pubes anytime soon. That just sounds too painful.

Well, one does have to be careful with the pubes. The first time I did it it was torture. I thought I had wasted my money on the epilator. But I learned how to do it with minimal pain. The results are amazing.
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