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ever have one of those days, you just feel "bland" , aimless and restless, lethargic?

its one of those days for me.
Of course, the hot weather, which does not agree with me, makes me cranky and irritable. I lack the drive and ambition to do whatever I think needs to be done.

often on days like this.. a nice cool shower does the trick. at least it cools me off for a little while.

I yearn for the Spring and Fall weather, where its moderate and not too hot, not too cold.

off to shower, I think, for temporary relief from this sticky weather.
(30-06-2016, 10:31 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote: [ -> ]ever have one of those days, you just feel "bland" , aimless and restless, lethargic?

its one of those days for me.
Of course, the hot weather, which does not agree with me, makes me cranky and irritable. I lack the drive and ambition to do whatever I think needs to be done.

often on days like this.. a nice cool shower does the trick. at least it cools me off for a little while.

I yearn for the Spring and Fall weather, where its moderate and not too hot, not too cold.

off to shower, I think, for temporary relief from this sticky weather.

Gosh I have one of those weeks feeling like that forever lately...dontknow whats up with me besides the weather here is (high humidity) and from hot too cold and when its cold the sky is white and all there is is rainy days where you cant go out..Sad

The shower trick is always the first thing I do too lol...but sometimes i wish i could stay in it longer.....a pool would be awesome for these days....nice weightless dabbering around in the water....hmm im dreaming away...wish we had good enough weather here too own a pool...Dodgy
(01-07-2016, 11:47 PM)hannah Wrote: [ -> ]
(30-06-2016, 10:31 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote: [ -> ]ever have one of those days, you just feel "bland" , aimless and restless, lethargic?

its one of those days for me.
Of course, the hot weather, which does not agree with me, makes me cranky and irritable. I lack the drive and ambition to do whatever I think needs to be done.

often on days like this.. a nice cool shower does the trick. at least it cools me off for a little while.

I yearn for the Spring and Fall weather, where its moderate and not too hot, not too cold.

off to shower, I think, for temporary relief from this sticky weather.

Gosh I have one of those weeks feeling like that forever lately...dontknow whats up with me besides the weather here is (high humidity) and from hot too cold and when its cold the sky is white and all there is is rainy days where you cant go out..Sad

The shower trick is always the first thing I do too lol...but sometimes i wish i could stay in it longer.....a pool would be awesome for these days....nice weightless dabbering around in the water....hmm im dreaming away...wish we had good enough weather here too own a pool...Dodgy

now your talking!
I was on vacation this week and was determined to walk in the water at the beach, knowing it was cold. Got used to it quick and I was surprised to see that it was 50*f! Smile
(02-07-2016, 01:14 AM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote: [ -> ]I was on vacation this week and was determined to walk in the water at the beach, knowing it was cold. Got used to it quick and I was surprised to see that it was 50*f! Smile

Ahh you must be good at hot and cold about take a hot n shower...though i feel chicken....i know its worht it in the end...i am gathering my courage...:p