Breast Growth For Genetic Males

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Seems like I read somewhere not to drink alcohol when using PM. Just wondering what the reasoning is behind this as the 4th of July comes up Tongue. Will it just not make the PM as effective or will it make you sick? I've also seen where its recommended to just skip your PM if your planning on drinking. Anyone have any insight into this? And FYI, yeah I'm probably gonna get pretty drunk lol. No kids and we will be camping with good friends Big Grin
(27-06-2016, 11:47 PM)wmpwiwlw Wrote: [ -> ]Seems like I read somewhere not to drink alcohol when using PM. Just wondering what the reasoning is behind this as the 4th of July comes up Tongue. Will it just not make the PM as effective or will it make you sick? I've also seen where its recommended to just skip your PM if your planning on drinking. Anyone have any insight into this? And FYI, yeah I'm probably gonna get pretty drunk lol. No kids and we will be camping with good friends Big Grin

I wouldn't change your NBE routine... just avoid taking it WITH alcohol if you plan on a lot of drinking (like starting @ 6 am with bloody mary's). Give it an hour or two before drinking, if you can swing it.

Your mileage may vary, but worst case is nausea; I've never had any issues with alcohol...

Have fun!

6am bloody mary's?!?! Im not that kind of drinker lol, but I do enjoy a bloody mary once in a while. I was talking about a few beers in the evening Smile