I went ahead and ordered 2 bottles of PM capsules and the atomizer ultimate. Now I have 1 bottle (60) of BO, My question is should I use the BO and then start PM or should I alternate BO one week and PM the next?? And what else should I be tking with the PM and the or the BO??
Great question. I just received my first two bottles of PM and started taking the PM this week (Tues.!!) and would be very interested in this answer as well.
I'm guessing the general collected wisdom would be to try the PM first by itself.
I tried all the above options, and some others. I just take PM now. The combination of PM and BO did bad things to my body. FWIW, the BO was not a good experience.
Good luck with i would recommend what the others have said just stick with pm for the moment.
Thanks for the info. What kind of bad things Marcyano??
(11-06-2016, 05:53 PM)CindiSmith Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the info. What kind of bad things Marcyano??
i was doing the "not too bright" plan of alternating the PM and BO on a daily basis and it seemed like it was just causing havoc on my endocrine system. I was getting headaches, pain deep in my neck... scary stuff. I know there are lots of folks who have had success with BO but the way I was using it really didn't work for me. I never really saw any positives and had the negatives. In the end, I determined it wasn't for me and flushed the three and bottles I had left. Perhaps, if I had stayed on just BO I could have seen some results.
I really think it's about finding out what works for YOU through trial and error and using the combined wisdom of all who've shared their stories here at BN. It's an invaluable resource and will bear fruit if you invest the time to study and take advantage of the resource. Best of luck to you on your journey. Asking questions is a great start