Breast Growth For Genetic Males

Full Version: Sparkle 2016 (Manchester UK) & random other stuff!
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Hi all,

Dont know if anyone is going to the above, but am hoping to be able to volunteer on the Saturday at the above event but I will be going anyway even if not - its completely free admission to those who are local enough to be able to attend. Although you can go in male mode or anything in between, I have decided that it will be my first time fully dressed and out in public so really nervous but really looking forward to it. If you are going hope you have an enjoyable time, and I might see you about!

I might yet be going in a literal catsuit, although part of me thinks something a little more practical might be more comfortable! As I will be de-fuzzed for the first time in over 2 years I will also post up some more progress pics of my progress - which will be at the around 5 month mark!

Went out for a walk today in the countryside for a nice long walk and despite having a few days stubble at least two people did a double take, as despite wearing a sports bra my nipples were poking through, and my breasts definately were being projected forward! I found however I really didnt mind at all, and any women I spoke to whilst walking seemed really friendly even though I had never met them before!

Anyway am off to rest my weary head as have been up since 4am, but have lunch at parents tomorrow so will be having a talk with parents about things following my coming out email to my mom.

Everything seems more real suddenly although my brain is just telling me this is what I have wanted for so long that I should embrace the changes. I dont know if its just acceptance on my part or the effects of the BO and everything else but part of me thinks I might be purchasing a ticket to the final stop on the journey or at least close enough at some point. I finally feel like this is who I was meant to be all along.

Sorry again for all the rambling - I did promise people I would spare them all this stuff (so apologies you get it on here instead) whilst they are being supportive I am not sure they fully understand the reasons behind it. Which I am fine with as I dont think I would understand if the high heel was on the other foot so to speak!

Oh forgot the link:

(Apologies Mods if its not okay to post - you can come run me down in your scooters!)
Thanks for the heads up. Smile
Wow Megan, seems like things are really picking up pace for you in a positive direction! I must I am a bit jealous as I don't have the courage to push myself forward. Too much fear and uncertainty. Guess I am on the path to the dark side. Wink

Well again congrats and good luck! I hope it is everything you ever hoped it would be and more!!
Thanks Sofia,

Its really wierd but when I started this I used to get a thrill out of dressing up, now I just seem to do it because it feels like a natural thing to do. I think my mind might be running ahead of my body a little but then the mental side of the transition is I think harder, as is dealing with other people and their reactions.

As for attending this, I thought as I wont be on my own all prettied up, I thought why not let Megan out for the day in public! I wont get many chances so might as well make the most of this one!

I think I might suffer from envy a little at those who look a lot more female, but am sure I wont be the only one with that!

Hope all goes well for you, I think taking this at your own pace is the best way, when you are ready if like me youll just know. I think this is the start of something but where its going to end up I dont know! The door to the path to the 'dark side' (although it feels more like the light side) is open and I just need to take the first steps.
