I have been using Ainterol PM for a few years with good results. However, the price has tripled and I can't afford it now. Are there any good replacements for this product that is affordable. Please help me if you can. I want to continue my progress.
Try Barlowes at Amazon.
Lots of good reviews and I'm using it right now.
I noticed this weekend Amazon price tripled....Anterol site is still reasonable...
Thank you for the reply about trying Barlowes, I will order some today.
(24-05-2016, 11:30 AM)Boris Wrote: [ -> ]I was going to get the WHITE KWAO KRUA TABLETS (Same as PM) from here look superb value:
But just started on hormones now.
Yeah, hormones work out cheaper. Even better if you can get them covered by your health insurance, and they are free.
I use Barlowes too, have since I started. Great results

Wish that we could get Barlowes in Canada