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In reading various sites about PM lately, I see things from time to time that mention Kudzu, but I've never been able to connect the dots about what is Kudzu's relation to PM is.

Today I was out doing some yard work & I walked over to one edge of the property that I've been battling Kudzu for over a year, and plotting my next move in the eradication process & I thought hell, I'll just eat it to clear it out & get boobs in the process. LoL.

But seriously wondering what the connection to the two are, and if Kudzu home grown is any kind of option. Not that I'd be that desperate, but just curious because I've got it on my land.

Kudzu does not work, think of it as fake PM.
Ok. So no dot to connect. Thanks.

Made me chuckle, though. LoL
Quells the desire to drink alcohol and the Chinese version of pm I'd read.
Used in alcoholic remedies. I could do with some of that...
Technically speaking, PM is kudzu. But not all kudzu is PM. Kudzu are a family or somesuch of similar plants, but there are many species that make up the kudzu, only PM has the remarkable properties of PM.
Thanks for the replies.

I didn't seriously think it was a viable option, but it did give me a laugh.